Ordinary Chinese Happy With Benefits of Socialist Material Re-Distribution!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone might wonder if 2.0 bil. people are easily described, "inscrutible:" But diverse they are not--except by region, religion(?), dialect, state, city, local tribes, ethnicities, and off-shoots: And even local state-run employment patterns(?). These people actually do know how to riot, and then get along.

Mostly, "Slow-Down, (something unintelligible)," more accurately describes the plight of the starving Chinese(?). When I was little, everyone knew that the Chinese were in dire straits. After the one link, an actual European Communist notes that the Chinese impoverishment decline has been fast and dramatic.

Popular Sentiment Buoys China as Growth Slows - Business News - CNBC

The Socialist Victories of China have further been noted in Russia, via their Communist Party.

Communism China Style, The Last Bastion of Capitalism | Live Trading News

What does the Russian Communist corroborate about CNBC's link? (1) The place is a veritable hotbed of victims on social assurance assistance! (2) Mostly, Nearly half a billion victims are even enrolled in a National Health Insurance plan. (3) As opposed to the Market Unfriendly, Romney-Ryan Brand: The Decrease of Impoverishment among the Chinese victims has been fast and dramatic. Their markets are viable with spending allowed. Romney-Ryan want to take all the state spending away--except at the Pentagon where it will accelerate, virtually uncontrolled. A certain price-inflation, created for some of the rich, will be allowed.

So now what does a Russian Communist want the world to know? The U. S. Economic Liberal model is no longer viable worldwide! Instead, the Chinese so far seem to be on the right track. Their GDP growth is moderating to a 7% rate, helping to curb excesses of the rich, and the inflation that the rich invariably cause.

Clearly, in Western Civilization, the rich take too much of the bogus credit money, to hoard amongst themselves. In Contradiction, The Bogus Credit money is not meant to be hoarded, in some "fabrication" of a wealth effect among the few. The Bogus Credit Money is meant to be shifted around! The outcome is Chinese! It's really that kind of wonderful idea! The "wealth effect" among the non-rich is only again being recently noted--due to Obama-Biden--in the United States, again! Romney-Ryan want to take all that away. The Republicans took away "The Refundable Make-Work-Pay Income Tax Credit," within seconds of taking office, subsequent the 2010 midterm elections. The United States had a viable working model being put into place. It was arithmetic with a similar impact to what the Chinese have done. It is something that can actually be done, that clearly works!

Isn't this wonderful news right now, coming as the United States goes into elections, with the Communist Party of China itself embarking on new exapanded Socialist Leadership, going forward!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Probably they know this in France! The rich have long-since been relegated to a more subordinate place in the various Republics of France. The idea instead is to have more egalitarian-minded, head on your shoulders. The New France will be coming to grips with any inflation with a tax increase on the rich, keeping their Bogus Credit Money a viable market mechanism! The U. S. Democrats came up with a National Health Insurance, as basis for coming to grips with the runaway inflation in medical services.)
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China is transitioning to a capitalistic economic model. That automatically makes the Chinese economy better than ours as we transition to a communist model.
China, especially small-business China: Now understands a more modern concept of the market economy. Chinese economics is still mostly party policy economics.

Socialism Today - China's hybrid economy

This below, from the link above, is not what Adam Smith had in mind, or J. Maynard Keynes, or Barack and Michele Obama of the Ivy League--at law.

During the first period of economic reforms from 1978-93, the trend was overwhelmingly towards decentralisation, as both central and regional governments encouraged the mushrooming of private businesses and the growth of foreign-owned firms. After 1993, there was a policy of the recentralisation of policy making.

"Zhu Rongji’s policies were consistently associated with stronger, more authoritative government institutions and more decisive policy-making".

"During the second period [of reform], management responsibilities were more clearly divided between centre and local, but in a way that tended on balance to be recentralising in terms of the ultimate control of resources. The central government needed to strengthen its regulatory and macroeconomic management functions".

Referring to the rapidly growing Chinese car industry (mainly based on joint ventures between Chinese and foreign car makers), another writer comments on the role of macroeconomic policy: "All of the manufacturers are to some extent dependent on the macroeconomic strategy of the government, which is unknown in the west". Moreover, "No large foreign enterprise – be it in the steel, chemical or pharmaceutical, banking or insurance industry – can take a direction in China with which the government is not in agreement".

Moreover, the crisis in the US and the global capitalist economy is now causing China’s leaders to reassess their policy approach. "At a bilateral economic summit earlier in June, Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, the central bank, said China, which in the past had looked to learn from the US’s management of its economy, is also looking to learn from America’s mistakes". (Troubles and Fannie and Freddie Could Deepen Asia’s Credit Problems, Wall Street Journal, 14 July 2008)

With the deepening of the world financial crisis and the slide into a global economic recession, we are likely to see further shifts in the economic policies of the regime, both at home and internationally. The continuing economic power of the Chinese state will be a key factor in the situation.

The focus of the European Communist, in the OP, is on (1) a lessening of poverty, and (2) the increase of social benefits--likely exceeding Europe. With the lessening of poverty, then both the CNBC link, and the link in this post, can note the successes of small entrepreneurs at the street market level. The former Soviet Union had those, as well: If not the technology. People with an increase of a viable currency to work with: And create a buying and selling kind of regulated mini-jungle, on their own.

So the Socialist, in the link, cites the various sources noting that the Chinese Central Authority still has most of the money, and regulates the investment money completely.

There is no transitioning to a capitalist economy underway in China. There is a better way of suggesting that China is helping to create the concept of a Widespread Wealth Worldwide. That is not what a capitalist economy is all about. Adam Smith's economics and morality had no specific clue, or responsibility at all: To a Global, International, Socialist economic model. "Wealth of Nations" is not about an anarchy, or even about large sections of the U. S. border with Mexico(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Real Chinese adults know that the monster did not eat the child--of times gone by--because the dress was actually red! There is harmony with nature in that system(?)! Contrasting, if Western capitalist films are to be believed: Then even the Japanese have learning to do--Just to save their cities--at least since 1954 That appears to be when their own most famous monster was unleashed: From some nature of capitalist, thermonucelar blast!)

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