Opposition to Religious People - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.
We are being conditioned by the elite that when we hear of religion we will have a conditioned response to feel negative. This is why many people will answer the same way when religion is brought up in regards to public life.
Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out"…


You whine about being accused of intolerance and bigotry and start off by posting a hateful post.
…religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

You have the right to practice your faith, you have the right to express your hate – no one is trying to stop you, your perception of this is an incorrect inference.

Otherwise, I’ll assume you’re inferring that certain civil rights litigation with regard to same-sex marriage is somehow ‘forcing’ you to accept a practice you consider sinful, immoral, and wrong. Indeed, I’ll go so far as to speculate that you believe such behavior to be detrimental to society as a whole.

And you’re well within your right to believe that. Acting on it is another matter, however, as there is no evidence in support of your opinion. Without objective, documented evidence, a given jurisdiction has no grounds to preempt a citizen’s rights, even if the majority considers it appropriate.

And if anyone tries to shut you up, let me know – I have no problem defending ignorant, hateful bigots.
If you try and plunge into the inadequacies of human thought and behavior, you will only be dumbfounded and frustrated by the illusiveness of any conclusive answers.

Most peoples beliefs are based on subjective emotional impulses, as a result they exist inside a recurring loop of irrationality. They are not in a position to posit what is right or wrong as their foundational basis of thinking is flawed by their limited, illusory insight.

There is Order in the Universe which can be observed OBJECTIVELY, and through the elucidation of this Order it is possible to arrive at a place of understanding, where right and wrong can correctly be understood.
Most peoples beliefs are based on subjective emotional impulses, as a result they exist inside a recurring loop of irrationality. They are not in a position to posit what is right or wrong as their foundational basis of thinking is flawed by their limited, illusory insight.
True – hence the Constitution and the rule of law.
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

Dude... you can affirm your beliefs in any manner you choose. I am Christian Progressive that believe Jesus' message of NOT JUDGING others and loving one another pretty much trumps all of the rules in the bible. The simple fact is... we are all forgiven. All we have to do is accept the gift.

You have no clue the heart of another man. None of us do. That makes us not worthy to judge another. Especially when we are just as flawed as anyone else. Let God do the judging. Live your life as you see fit to do. If that involves abstaining from all you think is wrong... great, do it. If that means you choose not to associate with people you think aren't godly. Great.

But don't sit here and talk about freedom and the Constitution on one thread and then try to manipulate those very same things to fit your religious agenda.

That's hypocritical as hell.
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

Let me guess....you believe that you are a follower of the prince of peace, right?

Your GOD is a loving god, right?

Now reread the hateful blather you just posted, brother.
what religious leader in the US of A burned a holy book of another religion?

You mean he PRACTICED his FIRST AMENDMENT right to peaceful assemble and let everyone know his OPINION? Ohh my God we better make some new laws.

By the way he is NOT a very big or well known " religious leader" In fact all he is the leader of is one small congregation in one town. But you spin it anyway you want and remind us how One guy of a small church is the same as thousands of Muslim religious leaders condoning terror attacks.
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots?
Well....besides your inadequacies in Basic English (See: sentence-construction), you're also....

....bigots and intolerant people.

(Literally-speaking, of course.)
I stand, kneel, sit, or lay for 'religion' even if redefined by weaker minds for weaker minds.

I agree with Edward's post. Yet, too, what I have come to better understand is the fact that even the most religious ones by all appearances are not necessarily spiritual and that is perhaps what prevents the majority from really understanding religion's potential power.

It is a sad thing when individuals will use religion as 'the reason' to not expand their depths when without doing so makes religion empty.... ineffective... irrelevant.

Controversial divisions are all to often what should provoke a better braced union with whatever defining points necessary for the empowerment of the union.

:confused: How is it that the 'better educated' within our society seem struggle with such as much as the 'most ignorant' or the 'more rebellious'?

Perhaps we are all just as foolish as we are wise, necessarily.
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

Aren't you the same person who is bigoted and intolerant towards homosexuals?
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

Nice broad brush approach, lies also.

I AM NOT a person who accepts or believes in Organized Religion. It is a Con of the first order.

When "Religious" People use their version of their god as weapon against others, it is wrong. Your belief in your god DOES NOT give you or anyperson or group of persons the right to use that belief as a means to deny rights to others.

In your post you use "faggots" as nasty, hateful, bigoted word. You claim you believe in a god, yet you then engage in racist homophobic language to make a point. You have already lost your argument.

You want to use your religion as a vehicle for hate. But you refuse to see that.
We are being conditioned by the elite that when we hear of religion we will have a conditioned response to feel negative. This is why many people will answer the same way when religion is brought up in regards to public life.

I fear everyone that attempts to deny my freedom with their religous beliefs.
Something about being a patriotic American and lover of FREEDOM above religion.
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

The phrase I highlighted makes no sense to me... does it to anyone else?

What exactly are "bogus claims of homosexuality"?? Either homosexuality exists and some people are homosexuals, or it doesn't exist and all people who CLAIM to be homosexual are making a BOGUS CLAIM?

Just astounding choice of language in the highlighted phrase as well. Quite revealing, I'd say.

Does anyone think we will see an apology for that choice of language from that poster?

You are obviously a hater of God and anti Christian to dare question a self proclaimed Christian.
We are being conditioned by the elite that when we hear of religion we will have a conditioned response to feel negative. This is why many people will answer the same way when religion is brought up in regards to public life.

I fear everyone that attempts to deny my freedom with their religous beliefs.
Something about being a patriotic American and lover of FREEDOM above religion.

There are a great many atheists who want to deny your freedom... intolerance is intolerance and it comes in many forms and is just as easily cloaked in religion as it is cloaked in "enlightened atheism".
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

The phrase I highlighted makes no sense to me... does it to anyone else?

What exactly are "bogus claims of homosexuality"?? Either homosexuality exists and some people are homosexuals, or it doesn't exist and all people who CLAIM to be homosexual are making a BOGUS CLAIM?

Just astounding choice of language in the highlighted phrase as well. Quite revealing, I'd say.

Does anyone think we will see an apology for that choice of language from that poster?
He's just one of the many blatant hypocrites on this site. Don't hold you breath for an apology or even a rational follow up to your question to him.
We are being conditioned by the elite that when we hear of religion we will have a conditioned response to feel negative. This is why many people will answer the same way when religion is brought up in regards to public life.

I fear everyone that attempts to deny my freedom with their religous beliefs.
Something about being a patriotic American and lover of FREEDOM above religion.

There are a great many atheists who want to deny your freedom... intolerance is intolerance and it comes in many forms and is just as easily cloaked in religion as it is cloaked in "enlightened atheism".

Then I fear them also but where and when are they claiming that this nation was founded on religion?
Organized religion has no place in government.

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