Operation Pike strategic bombing plan against the USSR by the Anglo-French alliance, during the firs


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
could it stop Koba´s hordes from invading a Europe?

Operation Pike strategic bombing plan against the USSR by the Anglo-French alliance, during the first two years of the WW2, when Nazi–Soviet pact made Moscow the ally of Hitler. plan was designed to destroy the Soviet oil industry, to cause the collapse of the Soviet economy

"Operation Pike was the code-name for a strategic bombing plan, overseen by Air Commodore John Slessor, against the Soviet Union by the Anglo-French alliance.[2] British military planning against the Soviet Union occurred during the first two years of the Second World War, when, despite Soviet neutrality, the British and French came to the conclusion that the Nazi–Soviet pact made Moscow the ally of Hitler.[3] The plan was designed to destroy the Soviet oil industry, to cause the collapse of the Soviet economy and deprive Nazi Germany of Soviet resources."

Operation Pike - Wikipedia
Planning began shortly after the Soviet invasion of Poland in September 1939 and gained momentum after Stalin launched the Winter War against Finland in November 1939. The plan included the seizure of northern Norway and Sweden and an advance into Finland, to confront Soviet troops and naval forces in the Baltic Sea. The plan was seen as costly and ineffective in dealing with the German threat and was thus scaled back to the seizure of Norway and the Swedish iron ore mines. British and French politicians were for the continuation of the conflict between Finland and the Soviet Union, to legitimize their attack on Soviet soil.
Dependence on oil supplies from the Caucasus is the fundamental weakness of Russian economy. The Armed Forces were totally dependent on this source also for their motorized agriculture. More than 90 percent of oil extraction and 80 percent of refinement was located in the Caucasus (primarily Baku).
FDR established relations with the Stalinist regime before the U.S. entered WW2. Since France was quickly overrun and occupied by Germany it seems that a Brit "alliance" with France was short lived or a figment of the imagination.
Had the plan been carried out and succeeded Hitler would have been pissed. He wanted...needed the Baku oil fields. The Soviets likely would not necessarily wanted to be allied after the start of Operation Barbarossa.

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