Operation Magneto: The 'Itch-Demo'


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a physics governmental conspiracy though-model I constructed using allegorical Orwellian 'physics-oriented visions' from the iconic films Terminator 2: Judgment Day, X-Men, Supernova, and The Matrix of course.

What is so eerie about this thought-model is how strangely-scientific it really sounds...

Cheers (I actually got this conspiracy-layout proposition from my friend Tom Cruise --- no perceived relation to the highly-popular Hollywood movie-star),


The universe matrix is not like a Maxwellian elastic 'plane' but rather an array of horizontal 'layers' (albeit similar to planes) which creates a 'stack-like' orientation of particles and objects. These 'stacks' are bound together by gravity and mutual attraction and function something like 'ethereal flesh.' Whenever there is flesh, there is puncture, friction, tears, and of course parasitic like hypothetical/imaginary 'phantoms.'

These 'phantoms' are present as bug-like mecha-tentacle 'itch-producing parasites' which corrupt the textural integrity of the 'stacks-orientation' of the layered 'planes' of our known universe. Let us refer to these 'itchy mecha-bugs' as DRAGONS (since they corrupt structural integrity like a pervasive writhing corroding presence --- almost as if they are 'arson-agents').

To maintain universal integrity, these hypothetical DRAGONS must be coordinated in terms of object relations (so as to preserve inter-particle force continuity). To preserve the relations between objects, the best 'defense' against these DRAGONS is, of course, magnetism. Magnetism is the force by which objects are 'bound' together by polarity-orientations or subatomic particles. Magnetism is in this way separate from electricity which is based purely on discharge.

Magnetism helps engineers and philosophers design object-relations 'models' which then help scientists elucidate the force integrity between colliding particles/objects in the universe and can help physicists, for example, outline the 'geometric course' of large-object degradation (e.g., supernovas). This is why the U.S. government (and its top-secret scientists) call the DRAGON-defense program 'Operation Magneto' (named after the fictional Marvel Comics super-villain Magneto who wields magnetism like a 'super-conjoining power').

OPERATION MAGNETO is designed to weed out these DRAGONS as substantial structural threats to the elastic integrity of our physical universe. Government scientists are constantly developing 'solidarity-weapons' based on magnetism (under OPERATION MAGNETO) such as the Atomic-Glue (a weapon that fuses organisms together using molecular polarities), the Water-Propeller (a weapon that redirects fluids using polarity definitions), and the Audio-Gun (a weapon that uses the polarity of light to distort phonons or sound-particles with photons or light-particles).

This information is highly-theoretical and therefore considered very esoteric. That is why it is kept as 'confidential experimentals' under the Trump-resourced auspices of a trained U.S. government confidentiality-officer named Kirstin Barretta (code-name: Scarlett-Madison).




This is an excerpt (extra-lines) from X-Files.



MULDER: I don't see a link between blogging Eagles fans and the NSA.
SCULLY: Mulder, my gosh, I thought you (of all people) would cook up something 'crazy.'
MULDER: Like what, Scully? How about "Martians make pact with the NFL and the NSA."
SCULLY: Aren't you optimistic about alien-intelligence governments?
MULDER: Maybe I am, Scully, but seriously, what's the real value of philosophical gibberish?
SCULLY: Aren't you still pursuing the enigmatic 'Cancer-Man,' Mulder?
MULDER: I think he's my father; but I'm not sure; I've been ignoring him...
SCULLY: You want to teach at Yale and also be lazy about your investigations for the FBI?
MULDER: No, Scully, but an electronic-grid of blogging Eagles fans doesn't qualify as 'conspiracy.'
SCULLY: Really? How do you know these 'blogging Eagles fans' aren't a secret Communist cult?
MULDER: Are you saying there are pockets of Communists hiding in 'plain sight,' Scully?
SCULLY: Is the Internet really 'plain-sight' or 'virtual communications' (algorithms)?
MULDER: When I see a Madonna ad with her in a cowboy hat, I think of consumerism brainwashing.
SCULLY: Alright, maybe the Internet is also popcorn, but what about Internet-hackers?
MULDER: Hackers are the new terrorists (I've always said that!), and you know anarchy is everywhere.
SCULLY: Maybe 'anarchy' can spice up even the Internet...
MULDER: There's a 'bond' between online communications and 'Orwellian dragons'...
SCULLY: So now you do believe in 'virtual-world claustrophobia,' Mulder(!). I win the argument.



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