Open letter to the people of Spain


Aug 28, 2003
New York
By Laura Mansfield

The terrorist attack that massacred 200 of your countrymen, and injured over a thousand, was a horrific act. The world grieves with you. We all know it could have happened to our people in our countries just as easily as it happened in Madrid last Thursday.

But no matter how tragic and horrible that act was, it was not a victory for the terrorists.

The victory for the terrorists in Spain came on Sunday.

The professed goal of the attack, according to numerous al-Qaida communiques, was to punish Spain for its support of the United States in the war against Iraq.

Sunday, in your free elections, you voted to place the Spanish Socialist Workers Party in power. This morning your new leadership announced that it would withdraw the Spanish troops from Iraq, and in effect abandon the coalition.

Your actions proved beyond a shadow of a doubt to al-Qaida that if they kill enough people in a mass-casualty attack they can swing the popular vote. You've proved they can influence elections.

You have just guaranteed that the United States will sustain a mass-casualty terrorist action on our soil before our November elections. After all, maybe we too can be frightened into a policy of isolationalism. You probably also doomed Tony Blair's government in England to the same fate. How many will die in terror attacks in the United States and England in order for the terrorists to try and intimidate us?

In 1937, your countryman Pablo Picasso created a masterpiece depicting the horrors of wars in Guernica. That same year, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain made this statement:

We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analyzing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will.

He entered into a policy of appeasement with Germany, instead of taking a stand and drawing a line in the sands of time. The end result was that Adolf Hitler had more time to strengthen his hold on power and perpetrate a holocaust not just on the Jews of Germany, but on much of Europe.

At the same time, your countrymen were giving their lives in a struggle for freedom in Spain.

You were not afraid in 1937. Where is the courage of 1937?

The message you sent to al-Qaida yesterday was clear: "Please don't threaten us; please don't kill our people; we'll do what you want us to do."

Why are you allowing the terrorists to intimidate you now? Why do you let them win?

What happened?

I leave you now with the words "Hasta la Vista." Call us when you need us. You will be calling – your actions in response to the Madrid terrorism attack guaranteed it. And when you call us, we will come and help. Even if al-Qaida threatens us and attacks us. We don't let fear cower us into appeasement or surrender. That's the kind of people we are.
Good article. I just have one problem. Spain didnt support the war on Iraq. We went in Unilaterally remember? How could they have supported us if we were alone? And besides Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism.
In 1937, your countryman Pablo Picasso created a masterpiece depicting the horrors of wars in Guernica. That same year, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain made this statement:

We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analyzing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will.

He entered into a policy of appeasement with Germany, instead of taking a stand and drawing a line in the sands of time. The end result was that Adolf Hitler had more time to strengthen his hold on power and perpetrate a holocaust not just on the Jews of Germany, but on much of Europe.

At the same time, your countrymen were giving their lives in a struggle for freedom in Spain.

You were not afraid in 1937. Where is the courage of 1937?

So true, that is the core of her message.

Seems we have disscussed appeasement recently in the section. Hmmm but supposedly a comparison to an earlier conflict was not applicable. Actually it is very applicable.
The Spanish people did NOT support the war. Their government did.
Only Poland had it's people's support for the war (and the U.S. did... kind of).
Both Spain and Britain had to ignore the will of their 'subjects' to aid the U.S.
So Al-Qaeda didn't really change people's minds, so much as they galvanized the people who were already against the war (90% I believe) to take strong and immediate action. That letter was pretty imsulting to those people in a very sad time. And the U.S. doesn't get attacked for NO REASON. America has political misdeeds going on all over the world. People get angry after a while.
And that Hitler comparison??? What does that mean? Is there some scary country that's threatening to increasingly arm itself and invade countries?
Wait... America is!
Maybe she was right, she just pointed her finger the wrong way.
Originally posted by Scourge
And the U.S. doesn't get attacked for NO REASON. America has political misdeeds going on all over the world. People get angry after a while.

You are correct, we all know that political differences is a great reason to kill 3,000 civilians. :rolleyes:
I see... so the U.S. never killed anybody, never f*cked with any country, just sat peacefully by, donating international aid and praying to God when BOOM. We get attacked for no reason. Sounds like a cool screenplay, but not very realistic. Where's the motivation?
Originally posted by Scourge
I see... so the U.S. never killed anybody, never f*cked with any country, just sat peacefully by, donating international aid and praying to God when BOOM. We get attacked for no reason. Sounds like a cool screenplay, but not very realistic. Where's the motivation?

Their motivation is called HATRED.

I'm sorry that falls beyond your comprehension.
Yes, yes. They hate us because we're free. The second Bush said that after 9/11 I knew he full of it.
No mention of any foreign policy/military action/Israel support... just our precious freedom that those Saudi's hate so much. Damn Saudi Arabia!

Hell, I guess that's why we invaded them first to get rid of their tyrannical government.
Originally posted by Scourge
The second Bush said that after 9/11 I knew he full of it.

I love watching you squirm when you have no argument, that's when you start typing like a child. Maybe soon you'll have your alternate ID come here and defend you? LOL You didn't think we forgot that, did you? Funny how your "friend" disappeared shortly after you were busted! :laugh:
isn't defending their position Mr. Nyc....
and really, back to that sh*t about 2 IDs? If you have an argument, make it. You were just a few minutes ago.
First of all, great letter!!


Originally posted by Scourge
Damn Saudi Arabia!

Hell, I guess that's why we invaded them first to get rid of their tyrannical government.

How long have I been sleeping? When did we invade Saudi Arabia and got rid of their tyrannical government?
We didn't... why not? Most hijackers were Saudis.... so is OSAMA!
Originally posted by Scourge
and really, back to that sh*t about 2 IDs? If you have an argument, make it.

Your identical IP address's and and your lies shortly after being questioned about 2 ID's is all the argument I need. See what happens when you are pathetic enough to logon with a second ID to pat yourself on the back? :laugh:
Can we discuss this in another thread, and stick to Spain and terrorism here?
You're run the board, it's your call, but our little fight is kind of unrelated...
Originally posted by Scourge
Can we discuss this in another thread, and stick to Spain and terrorism here?
You're run the board, it's your call, but our little fight is kind of unrelated...

Sure, feel free to continue on. I just feel it's appropriate that other users know of your double identities before wasting their time.
Why would anyone care? Nobody knows who anyone is here, that's the beauty of the internet. And really...what proof do you have? None.
Originally posted by Scourge
Why would anyone care? Nobody knows who anyone is here, that's the beauty of the internet. And really...what proof do you have? None.

I don't?

Would you like me to post screenshots of the administration control panel showing your IP address alongside your "friends"? Would you like me to post a screenshot showing how they vBulletin software directly linked your account to the other without any intervention from me?

You posted in a thread in the Anti-USA section and were being jumped on by a few others. A little while later a new user joins the board, "the truth hurts". He IMMEDIATELY posts in the very same thread in support of your comments. I question you on this and you told me you have no clue who this other person is. 5 minutes later you email me with a different story, that he happens to be a coworker.

After exposing your scam, "the truth hurts" mysteriously stops posting here. Did you grow tired of keeping track of who you were logged in as when posting?

So you say I have no proof. Do you want me to post screenshots of your IP data from the control panel, and the email you sent me which was in direct contradiction to what you wrote here on the board? Give me permission and I'll do so.

I'll be waiting...
Originally posted by Scourge
Can we discuss this in another thread, and stick to Spain and terrorism here?


"Stop trying to make me accountable for my actions - I can't defend them, so let's just hide things, kay?"

From one of my favorite blogs:

"Dear Osama..."

Jim Carlucci, of Gloucester, thinks that compromising with terrorists is a good idea. Here, in its entirety, is his letter to the Times editor, published yesterday:

Sir, the bombings in Madrid, like those against the British Consulate in Instanbul last year, far from underlining the need to wage a never-ending, zero-dialogue "war" on terror, instead once more graphically and tragically illustrate the total futility of such a zero-compromise, exclusively confrontational approach to terrorism.
Yours faithfully,

Unfortunately, Mr. Carlucci ([email protected]) fails to elaborate on the the extent and form that such "compromise" and "dialogue" would take. Here's a suggestion, just to get the ball rolling:

Dear Osama:

Were those your boys in Madrid? If so, you've certainly gotten our attention (again!).

Listen, some of us have been thinking that maybe we're being a little too confrontational with you, and that it's time for some compromise.

It seems like you're angry at us because our culture is decadent and corrupting, and that you'd be a lot happier with us if we were more like your Taliban friends. So, in the spirit of compromise, we're willing to take the following steps:

* Homosexuality and adultery will be punishable by stoning
* Women will be unable to leave the house unless accompanied by a male relative
* Teaching Christianity will be punishable by death
* Music will be outlawed
* Education for females will be banned

Of course, compromise is all about give and take, so we expect some concessions from you too. So, in exchange for the above, we're asking you to reduce the scope of your next "project" by 50%. For example, instead of hijacking 4 planes to crash into buildings, limit yourself to just two. Instead of exploding 10 bombs on the Metro, keep it down to just 5. You get the picture.

We know we're asking a lot from you here, and we hope we're not being too unreasonable. In fact, as a gesture of good faith, we are - at no obligation to you - eliminating the right of women to vote, effective immediately. All we ask is that you consider our offer.

Drop a tape off at al-Jazeera and tell us what you think.

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