OOPS.. Bubba Did it AGAIN!!!

Hagbard Celine said:
"stay the course"

"mission accomplished"

"axis of evil"

"forces of evil"

"remember 9/11"

"We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud"

"Saddam has WMDs"

"Satellite images show mobile chemical weapons factories."

Don't be so "disingenuous" no12votefor.

Once again you attempt to assign an opinion to me without regard to actually finding out what my opinion is or even reading the posts I have put into the thread. I have made it clear how I felt about WMD as a reason to go to war. You are being deliberately ignorant and disingenuous in your argument. They are logical fallacies and when I point it out you attempt to assign an opinion to me that is incorrect and then argue with a ghost. At least ask my opinion before you assume it because you keep making an ass of yourself.
no1tovote4 said:
Once again you attempt to assign an opinion to me without regard to actually finding out what my opinion is or even reading the posts I have put into the thread. I have made it clear how I felt about WMD as a reason to go to war. You are being deliberately ignorant and disingenuous in your argument. They are logical fallacies and when I point it out you attempt to assign an opinion to me that is incorrect and then argue with a ghost. At least ask my opinion before you assume it because you keep making an ass of yourself.

Dang, can't rep this. Remember, bots can't think!
Who cares anyway...Billy Bob is not going to be the "First Lady" next election..
So the Interns can relax...Hillary is a joke and everyone is aware of this! :coffee3:
See Doug the whole thing is this............Clinton being a liberal could walk into an orpahange and shoot every child in it and his loyal devotees would still bow in blind homage to his excellence

Definately. I am in love with Clinton. He could eat human flesh and I would still worship him at my shrine everyday.:rolleyes:

, but with GWB he can't do anything right because he's not a liberal or aClinton.........It's simple logic for simple minds really....

What about you guys? With so many incompetent blunders and obvious misuses of power on so many different fronts (just about every policy initiative put forth so far), you guys blindly support this guy no matter what. His dad's administration was not a f*ck up like his is at all. The bottom line is that many of us crazy libs think that you conservatives don't give Clinton enough credit while you give Bush jr way too much. This thread is an example. Instead of discussing real issues like the fact that numerous top administration officials are being indicted on criminal charges, instances of cronyism are coming back to bite the administration in the ass and the fact that the war in Iraq has been incompetently carried out from the very beginning costing American lives, we're discussing the fact that some conservative blogger caught Slick Willie in a tongue twister. Clinton is the Republican party's favorite whipping boy and is their best bet at redirecting negative publicity away from themselves.
Hagbard Celine said:
Dall-gern-it! can't negatively rep this. Remember, moderators can't be non-partisan!

Mods have and are allowed to have an opinion on issues. In this case, you keep trying to twist everyone to blaming Clinton, when it was you that fixated on that. For no reason, you responded with a list of 'lines'. You do appear to be DNC talking points bot. Sorry.
Hagbard Celine said:
Definately. I am in love with Clinton. He could eat human flesh and I would still worship him at my shrine everyday.:rolleyes:

What about you guys? With so many incompetent blunders and obvious misuses of power on so many different fronts (just about every policy initiative put forth so far), you guys blindly support this guy no matter what. His dad's administration was not a f*ck up like his is at all. The bottom line is that many of us crazy libs think that you conservatives don't give Clinton enough credit while you give Bush jr way too much. This thread is an example. Instead of discussing real issues like the fact that numerous top administration officials are being indicted on criminal charges and the fact that the war in Iraq has been incompetently carried out from the very beginning, we're discussing the fact that some conservative blogger caught Slick Willie in a tongue twister. Clinton is the Republican party's favorite whipping boy and their best bet at redirecting negative publicity away from themselves.

So far I have provided information but not opinion on the subject of Bush or the war, except in one instance I provided you my opinion of WMD. You have consistently attempted to provide me with my opinion and have been wrong every single time. You evidently actually do have a reading disability and cannot comprehend english in the written form or you are being deliberately ignorant in your posts concerning my opinion. Either first find out what my opinion is before posting or stop attempting to argue with me about my opinion before you truly show yourself to be a fatuous apologizer who believes that anybody who sees bad in Clinton is a "neo-con Republican Bush Loving Christian" (I am none of those things).

This is the third time I have informed you that the opinion you have assigned to me is simply incorrect. You keep arguing with a ghost.

He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Hagbard Celine said:
Dall-gern-it! can't negatively rep this. Remember, moderators can't be non-partisan!

There is nothing in the rules that assumes non-partisanship in moderators. Where do you get this stuff?
Hagbard Celine said:
The fact that you are disingenuous for ignoring the fact that UN inspectors reported no WMDs in Iraq and no nukes before the war started and that the Downing Street memo proves that our leaders knew there were none and proves that there were no attempts to validate suspect intelligence reports while our administration told us over and over again that Saddam had biological, chemical and nuclear WMD when there were none proves that you are disingenuous disingenous disingenous. And so is your unfaltering support for this incompetent administration and this incompetently managed, illegal war. And you are disingenuous for not caring enough about the troops to not care whether they live or die over a corrupt political agenda. And you are also disingenous for caring more about a president lying about getting a blowjob to protect his reputation on international tv than you are about caring that our administration blatantly lied to us all to coerce positive public support for a baseless war. You sir are disingenously disingenous in the most disingenous way possible.

Are we really discussing this again? Do you libs think that if enough time passes, people will forget the facts?


UN Confirms: WMDs Smuggled Out of Iraq
© June 18, 2004, Rod D. Martin

In a report which might alternately be termed “stunning” or “terrifying”, United Nations weapons inspectors confirmed last week not merely that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, but that he smuggled them out of his country, before, during and after the war.

Late last week, the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) briefed the Security Council on Saddam's lightning-fast dismantling of missile and WMD sites before and during the war. UNMOVIC executive chairman Demetrius Perricos detailed not only the export of thousands of tons of missile components, nuclear reactor vessels and fermenters for chemical and biological warheads, but also the discovery of many (but not most) of these items - with UN inspection tags still on them -- as far afield as Jordan, Turkey and even Holland.

DEBKA, a middle Eastern News ORg, announces before the war that the WMD's have been shipped to Syria.

US Forces remove 2 tons of Nuclear material from Iraq.

Or we can take the word of our Senators and President of the 1990's.

On just the WMD's alone you guys look foolish but to further prove the idiocy of these claims of an illegal war.

The Timeline of Al Queda and Saddam connections as far back as 1989

The Guardian and Foxnews report that Al Queda training camps in Iraq occurred prior to the war.

After the invasion of Baghdad, Saddam's records were found to be kept in meticulous order. Several files alluded to a meeting of Al Queda members within Iraq territory to discuss a major attack. This was prior to 9/11.

This is just what i could find in 20 minutes. Your telling me that we didnt have enough evidence to go in and remove a threat to our nation as well as the surrounding nations of the region? You truely are blind to the obvious. Bush lied to you and thats all there is in your world. It must suck to be a lemming.
Hagbard Celine said:
...With so many incompetent blunders and obvious misuses of power on so many different fronts (just about every policy initiative put forth so far), you guys blindly support this guy no matter what...

Obvious misuses of power? Anything you can come up with on George Bush (all unproven btw) pales in comparison with Bubba-boy's pardoning of tax evaders and all other sorts of criminals. How conveniently the libs "forget" those disgusting, pathetic pardons.

We all know Clinton is a morally-bankrupt hound. He showed a consistent lack of character and decency in both his personal life and in his actions as an elected official. As is often the case.
Hagbard Celine said:
Lying to protect the privacy of your family and lying to send innocent American young people to war are two entirely different things. The fact that you can't tell the difference says a lot about you and your ideology.

You have a pretty odd definition of "lying to protect the privacy of your family" if you think lying about extramarital affairs protects ones family of anything. Maybe protect your family from the truth. But the truth doesn't hurt the family. the person lying to cover up their own sins is the one hurting the family.

And btw no one has lied to send young people to war unless you want to pretend that Saddam has never used weapons of mass destruction.
Hagbard Celine said:
Hey hey, you guys are right! It's Clinton's opinions on the war we should be discussing. Not the fact that our administration took us to war based on faulty intelligence and bogus public reasons! Clinton's the bad guy here all the way! God forbid a politician change his or her stance on an issue over the course of seven years! We want a politician who can stick to a decision no matter how foolhearty or ignorant it may be! Not some flip-flopping waffle-iron! Support the troops! Whoo hooo!

Dude, we aren't talking about a change of position. A change of position would be believing the death penalty is wrong and changing to believing it is justified or vice versa. A change in position involves a position on the issues.

We aren't talking about issues here. We are talking about facts. Clinton stated for a fact that there was evidence for Saddam's WMDs a few years ago. and now he is claiming there never was. This isn't an issue this is a fact question. Either he was lying then or he is lying now.

Do you want to know how you can tell how President Clinton is lying? He opens his mouth.
Hagbard Celine said:
Hey that's fine. Let's snicker about Clinton getting a bj from an intern. Nevermind the fact that American soldiers are being shot at by savages in a rubble pit in the middle east right now because the administration lied and that they don't have the necessary body armor to protect them because the war is being incompetently managed. But hey! I've got a magnet on my car that says "support the troops!" Slick Willie sure was an immoral guy. He got a bj in the white house! I sure do love Bush though. His administration lied to the public and then sent our young men in uniform over to be slaughtered so that we could all get better gas prices. But now gas is over three dollars a gallon so I guess we'd better "stay the course!" I sure do love that Bush!
My guess is you dream in your sleep with the enemy. Pity that.
Hagbard Celine said:
Hey that's fine. Let's snicker about Clinton getting a bj from an intern. Nevermind the fact that American soldiers are being shot at by savages in a rubble pit in the middle east right now because the administration lied and that they don't have the necessary body armor to protect them because the war is being incompetently managed. But hey! I've got a magnet on my car that says "support the troops!" Slick Willie sure was an immoral guy. He got a bj in the white house! I sure do love Bush though. His administration lied to the public and then sent our young men in uniform over to be slaughtered so that we could all get better gas prices. But now gas is over three dollars a gallon so I guess we'd better "stay the course!" I sure do love that Bush!

Have you changed your major to P.E. yet celine?
The only thing liberals can do when wrongdoing within their party is pointed out and proven is point the finger at other wrongdoers to justify it. If you're going to do it then at least use facts not your opinion. :lame2:
Hagbard Celine said:
Hey that's fine. Let's snicker about Clinton getting a bj from an intern. Nevermind the fact that American soldiers are being shot at by savages in a rubble pit in the middle east right now because the administration lied and that they don't have the necessary body armor to protect them because the war is being incompetently managed. But hey! I've got a magnet on my car that says "support the troops!" Slick Willie sure was an immoral guy. He got a bj in the white house! I sure do love Bush though. His administration lied to the public and then sent our young men in uniform over to be slaughtered so that we could all get better gas prices. But now gas is over three dollars a gallon so I guess we'd better "stay the course!" I sure do love that Bush!

So to you, this is just a "snicker-able" offense?
GotZoom said:
So to you, this is just a "snicker-able" offense?

Him getting a BJ from an intern has zero to do with how he runs the country. I'm not talking about lying. I'm talking about the actual blow.
The ClayTaurus said:
Him getting a BJ from an intern has zero to do with how he runs the country. I'm not talking about lying. I'm talking about the actual blow.

I'm talking about Blackmail. There is a reason that when you hold clearances actions such as this will lose you your job and put you in prison sometimes.

Monica, on those great tapes, discussed the fact that Bubba believed the Chinese were taping his conversations in order to blackmail him. Bubba also showed a desperation in his attempt to hide a tawdry affair that put him at a level where blackmail was a real possibility. We cannot allow men that will allow their shame to put them into such positions to be the President of our nation, it is simply the largest danger that I can imagine to allow foreign powers to be able to blackmail a desperate man over sleazy actions.

Then we can come to the fact that other people, just regular citizens, were found to be in prison for lying under oath during sexual harrassment trials. Now we have a President that has broken the law, destroyed faith in the Judicial system, put himself in a position for blackmail, then wanted to be given a pass and was largely because of the ideological belief that he could do no wrong by the Democrats.

In short, it isn't getting a BJ from an intern that effects the job he can do for the nation, but his desperate attempt to hide his shame, to lie to the courts in his desperate attempt to hide his shameful acts, to desperately attempt to keep it hidden that makes him prone to blackmail. His tawdry sick little sex acts are not the danger, it is his desperation to hide his sick little tendencies.
no1tovote4 said:
I'm talking about Blackmail. There is a reason that when you hold clearances actions such as this will lose you your job and put you in prison sometimes.

Monica, on those great tapes, discussed the fact that Bubba believed the Chinese were taping his conversations in order to blackmail him. Bubba also showed a desperation in his attempt to hide a tawdry affair that put him at a level where blackmail was a real possibility. We cannot allow men that will allow their shame to put them into such positions to be the President of our nation, it is simply the largest danger that I can imagine to allow foreign powers to be able to blackmail a desperate man over sleazy actions.

Then we can come to the fact that other people, just regular citizens, were found to be in prison for lying under oath during sexual harrassment trials. Now we have a President that has broken the law, destroyed faith in the Judicial system, put himself in a position for blackmail, then wanted to be given a pass and was largely because of the ideological belief that he could do no wrong by the Democrats.

In short, it isn't getting a BJ from an intern that effects the job he can do for the nation, but his desperate attempt to hide his shame, to lie to the courts in his desperate attempt to hide his shameful acts, to desperately attempt to keep it hidden that makes him prone to blackmail. His tawdry sick little sex acts are not the danger, it is his desperation to hide his sick little tendencies.

See this is the problem I have whenever people talk about this. Most of what you said is great, but things like "destroyed faith in the judicial system" are just so exaggerated. To pinpoint the fall of faith in the judicial system on one event is so...rediculous? Maybe that's not the right word. I dunno.
The ClayTaurus said:
Him getting a BJ from an intern has zero to do with how he runs the country. I'm not talking about lying. I'm talking about the actual blow.

It has everything to do with how he runs the country. Honesty, morality, integrity - if that doesn't have to do with the President..I don't know what does.

no1tovote4 summed it up exactly.

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