Ontario lost up to $1.2 billion selling clean energy: engineers


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is how socialism works. Our premier and her pals make off like bandits while the taxpayer pays for it, and this is only over the last two years! We have lost many many billions over the last 10 years.

The Ontario Provincial Police union openly told voters to NOT vote conservative, costing them the election, all so they could maintain their massive budgets and sweetheart deal which is bankrupting city after city in Ontario. THIS is socialism.

Ontario lost up to $1.2 billion selling clean energy: engineers

Ontario lost between $732 million and $1.25 billion over the past two years selling surplus clean electricity outside the province, an analysisby the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) estimates.

That’s the difference between what Ontario agreed to pay to produce nuclear, water, wind and solar power, and the bargain basement price it sold it for on the international market.

Energy expert Paul Acchione, OSPE’s past president and chair, said excess clean electricity should be offered first to Ontario businesses and residents at that lower wholesale cost.
·MARCH 18, 2015
2 2.2K 3
A 150-megawatt solar power agreement recently finalized, in addition to a 144 megawatt wind power agreement in 2014, will make the City of Georgetown one of the largest municipally-owned utilities in the U.S. to supply its customers with 100 percent solar and wind energy*. The long-term agreements also allow Georgetown to provide competitive electric rates and hedge against price volatility for energy produced by fossil-fuels.

The City of Georgetown signed a power purchase agreement with SunEdison to purchase 150-megawatts of solar power starting in 2016. SunEdison will provide electricity to Georgetown through 2041. The new renewable power contracts signed by Georgetown provide electricity at a lower overall cost than its previous wholesale power contracts.

“SunEdison is very excited to be working with Georgetown Utility Systems to provide their customers with 100 percent renewable, clean energy,” said Paul Gaynor, executive vice president of North America Utility and Global Wind. “Georgetown is an exceptional city, and by going 100 percent renewable they cut down on pollution, save water, and enjoy stable energy prices. They’re able to accomplish all of this without spending a penny up-front with the SunEdison power purchase agreement. Georgetown is a model for other cities that hope to become powered by clean renewable energy.”

In addition, Georgetown has contracted with EDF for 144-megawatts out of a 194-megawatt capacity wind project—located 50 miles west of Amarillo—that will begin delivery of power next year. The Spinning Spur 3 project is currently under construction. A 20-year contract with EDF for wind power signed in 2014 will provide competitively-priced renewable energy to Georgetown customers through 2035.
Georgetown Utility to Be Powered by Solar and Wind Energy by 2017

Perhaps the Canadians need to learn from Texas.
Texas produces more renewable energy than any other state. And have huge wind and solar projects building right now. And the reason that they are being built is that they are cheaper and more reliable than either coal or gas. As the grid scale batteries come online, they will build even more.
And the reason that they are being built is that they are cheaper and more reliable than either coal or gas

I think you know, of course, that this is not true, maybe in some way (without taking into account subsidy and tax benefits), renewable energy is cheaper, but not reliable, than coal or gas
Texas produces more renewable energy than any other state. And have huge wind and solar projects building right now. And the reason that they are being built is that they are cheaper and more reliable than either coal or gas. As the grid scale batteries come online, they will build even more.

Yep solar is reliable, it is dark outside about half the day.
And the reason that they are being built is that they are cheaper and more reliable than either coal or gas

I think you know, of course, that this is not true, maybe in some way (without taking into account subsidy and tax benefits), renewable energy is cheaper, but not reliable, than coal or gas
Solar pv's are guaranteed 20 to 25 years. That gaurantee is not that they will produce electricity that long, but that they will produce more than 80% of their original power at the end of the gaurantee period. Most still produce over 90% of their original power at that point. That is reliable. Wind, since you put up a lot of towers, if one fails, you do not get a significant reduction in power. And maintenance and replacement are easy. Replacement simple involves pulling the generator and blades off the tower and replacing them with new units. Then rebuilding the old units. When a coal fired, or natural gas plant goes down, you lose a significant portion of power on the grid. If a nuke goes down unexpectedly, not only do you lose the power, there is a major amount of excitement.
Texas produces more renewable energy than any other state. And have huge wind and solar projects building right now. And the reason that they are being built is that they are cheaper and more reliable than either coal or gas. As the grid scale batteries come online, they will build even more.

Yep solar is reliable, it is dark outside about half the day.
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Solar pv's are guaranteed 20 to 25 years. That gaurantee is not that they will produce electricity that long, but that they will produce more than 80% of their original power at the end of the gaurantee period. Most still produce over 90% of their original power at that point. That is reliable.

The problem is not the guarantee of solar panels. And every year may be days without sunlight or without wind even in the desert happens sandstorms and whery you get energy? You can not predict the weather for many years to come.
And am really looking forward the cheaper "renewable energy".And I tried to use the solar panel, but it's not cheaper if you have the opportunity to connect to a regular electrical network. And i think in my country in Russia we have a really honest "renewable energy "because we don't have any real lobbyists from "green power", and we use solar energy where it is beneficial, for example, in the Altai


Capacity is 5MW, and, as you can see, the station is surrounded by mountains and building a power line from a nearby power station in the mountains would be incredibly expensive

When a coal fired, or natural gas plant goes down, you lose a significant portion of power on the grid. If a nuke goes down unexpectedly, not only do you lose the power, there is a major amount of excitement.
What happens if "your" the biggest battery explodes?
Viacheslav, I respect the opinions you gave, but most of the US is south of Russia, and we have many high deserts that don't have sand storms. So our potential for solar is different than yours. And the subsidies here will soon end, however, the cost for wind and solar in the US has come down so far that the lack of subsidies will make no difference.

Well, if it is a Tesla battery and they connected and used it correctly, they get a new one.Tesla is an ambitious startup company, and has to make good on their products or go broke.

By the way, looked up Altai. What godawful beautiful, beautiful country. Another place on the bucket list. Love to do some geology in those mountains.
And maintenance and replacement are easy. Replacement simple involves pulling the generator and blades off the tower and replacing them with new units. Then rebuilding the old units.
Replacing anything on a 300' tall wind tower involves a crane that is extremely big and expensive. Technically it involves at least two cranes and a wind free day. Maintenance, once that begins, the companies all go bankrupt. It happens every 7-8 years in California. The real lifespan of a wind turbine.
So our potential for solar is different than yours.
Yes, it's hard not to agree with this :), but even our solar potential would be enough if a battery with an energy density of at least 1 kWh / kg is created and will cost no more than $ 10 per kg :).
May happen. A lot of very good engineers and scientists in your nation, mine, and Asia working on this right now. Real money for success.

Obviously and not surprisingly, the OP didn't read his own article. It explains why they lost money and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with green or renewable energy. To wit;


It was a marketing problem. It NOTHING to do with the source of the electricity.

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