Only taxpayers should be allowed to own guns


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I've seen some interesting points from the right wing. One popular one is that only people who pay taxes should be allowed to vote. Now, I know what they mean is Federal Income Tax, not ANY taxes, because everyone pays SOME tax. Even the homeless bum on the street who spends $2 on a 40 oz beer pays sales tax. He is the guy they dont want voting, so, I know they mean the Fed Income taxes.

Which means, the RIGHT to vote would be infringed on....based on how much money a person earns. And they all seem for it.

So, if a right can be infringed on based on...just net worth...why not others?

Should ONLY Federal Income Tax payers be allowed to own a gun? That would suck for cops and members of the military. But, only those tax payers at the top contribute to protecting that right, since it is a Federal right, and the military protects it, and the military is funded only by Federal Tax Payers...that oh so elite, special group of people who deserve more rights than the rest of us. So, maybe only Federal Income Tax payers should be allowed to own a gun, right?

OR what about freedom of speech? Or the right to not be subject to illegal searches? Or...the right to freedom of religion? Should ONLY those who pay Federal Income Taxes enjoy those rights also????
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Haha, Im waiting for Republicans to blame poor people for the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots losing home championship games.
But seriously....anyone earning less than 250K shouldnt own a gun. Right? I mean, those people dont pay Federal Income Taxes, which fund the very military that protects that right, so why should they get to own a gun? If you cant be trusted enough to find a way to get rich, then you arent responsible enough to own a firearm!
Haha, Im waiting for Republicans to blame poor people for the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots losing home championship games.
The fans had nothing to do with the team winning or loosing, but it looks like the fans (and non fans) are gonna' have a lot to do with financing a new one. Oh you thought NFL owners build their own stadiums? Why pay for something yourself when you can get poor people to pay for it? :D

Questions remain on paying for new Falcons stadium - Atlanta News, Weather, Traffic, and Sports | FOX 5
The Falcons' season may be over, but negotiations for a new stadium are not. The framework of a stadium deal was announced last month, but the terms for public funding of that proposal have hit a roadblock at the Georgia state Capitol. The key issue remains taxpayer involvement in the deal.

The goal for the Falcons and the Georgia World Congress Center Authority is to build a BILLION DOLLAR retractable roof stadium near the current Georgia Dome. Public opinion and legislative resistance have been running high against raising the authority's debt limit by $100 million to help to pay for the new facility.
Raise the Debt Limit to pay for a f*ckin' stadium! You can't make this shit up!


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