Only change we can believe in.


Aug 18, 2008

1. No more automatic birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens.
1. 08/31/01 - Weigh Anchor! Enforce the Citizenship Clause
No Automatic Birthright Citizenship: The Case of American Indians .... the U.S.-born child of illegal aliens is not a U.S. citizen, any more than he would ...
08/31/01 - Weigh Anchor! Enforce the Citizenship Clause - Cached - Similar

2. Make illegal immigration a felony.
1. Illegal Immigration IS A CRIME!
Also see: Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii) and.... 1996 Brief: 'Illegal Immigration is a Crime' ...
Illegal Immigration IS A CRIME! - Cached - Similar

3. Political Asylum; YES. Immigration Amnesty; NO.
1. Political Asylum and Refugee Status in America
There are times when individuals find themselves having to flee their native country because they fear political or religious persecution.
Political Asylum and Refugee Status in America - Cached - Similar

1. Immigration Amnesty for illegal Immigrants
Definition of Amnesty: Amnesty for illegal immigrants is defined as a governmental pardon for violating policies related to immigration. Immigration amnesty ...
Immigration Amnesty for illegal Immigrants - Cached - Similar

4. Give state and local officials the right to enforce our immigration law. Arrest, detain and deport illegal aliens.

1. State and Local Authority to Enforce Immigration Law: A Unified ...
Enforcing our nation's immigration laws is one of the most daunting ... Police powers are "an exercise of the sovereign right of the government to protect ...
State and Local Authority to Enforce Immigration Law: A Unified Approach for Stopping Terrorists | Center for Immigration Studies - Cached - Similar
1. State Enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws
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and enforcement of federal immigration laws. States have a legitimate role .... The REAL ID Act gives the states the opportunity to easily verify ... State and local law enforcement officials have the clear authority to arrest illegal ...
The constitution doesn't protect "anchor" babies per the 14th amendment.

The 14th A says that anyone born on US soil is a citizen and entitled to everything this country has to offer.

If the 14th doesnt' protect them then why the hell are we taxpayers supporting them and their illegal mothers on welfare????

I think the ammendment needs an ammendment to clarify some points.

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