Only Black Reporters Can Cover Obama?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Quite a demand!

Occidental Observer

Before he's even inaugurated, one question about the effect of electing Barack Obama is getting an answer.

The question: Will a black president quell black demands for affirmative action?

The answer: No.

In a recent article on the new black-oriented, Washington Post-owned website "The Root," writer Sam Fulwood fumes that "racism" has kept blacks from the White House press corps, and quotes another writer, Jack White, as saying that "the job of interpreting this president to the world is too big and too important to be left just to white reporters and editors."
Does anyone think it's weird that the two biggest goals of our time are "tolerance" and "zero tolerance"?

Has anyone here ever answered that question for you?

It's not just weird, it's demented.
Does anyone think it's weird that the two biggest goals of our time are "tolerance" and "zero tolerance"?

I've been trying to tolerate the zero tolerance nitwits for years.

I confess I have failed to be tolerant.

The zero-tolerance nitwits really should be put down like rabid dogs.

We owe it to the children.
The Root doesn't seem to be saying that ONLY Black reporters should be able to cover Obama, rather that reporters of all races should be able to cover Obama, as opposed to the situation in the past in which (we are told) ONLY white reporters were able to cover the president.

Why should we be asked to tolerate something that is evil?
I've been trying to tolerate the zero tolerance nitwits for years.

I confess I have failed to be tolerant.

The zero-tolerance nitwits really should be put down like rabid dogs.

We owe it to the children.

The "zero tolerance" rubbish emanated from Bill Bratton in the NYPD (although his muse was the late Jack Maple). And there are references to Kelling and Wilson's so-called "Broken Windows" theory. I won't go on about it but while the Broken Windows theory may, just may, have something going for it, Bratton's ZT stuff is crap. I'm getting way off point now but this is a sore point with me, sorry, the ZT garbage is about dealing with symptoms and not causes.
The problem is that "tolerance" has come to mean acceptance in the vernacular.

To tolerate means to put up with, even if you find what you are tolerating repugnant. But, today, if one does not embrace and approve, one is intolerant.

I love the zero tolerance nazis. A high school girl can't carry Advil in her purse for menstrual cramps because of a zero tolerance policy but she can get birth control pills from the same school that would expel her for Advil.

Fucked up.
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"Tolerance" does indeed mean putting up with what you don't like.

"Approval" means something else, it's usually considered as being voluntary.

In any society that's diverse we need to be tolerant of many things. I mean I'm tolerant of rap music which I don't personally like but I would never suggest should be banned. I don't "approve" of it for various reasons but I would be really affronted if someone suggested it should be prohibited.

We have a duty to be tolerant. We can choose to approve.
The problem is that "tolerance" has come to mean acceptance in the vernacular.

To tolerate means to put up with, even if you find what you are tolerating repugnant. But if one does not embrace and approve, one is intolerant.

I love the zero tolerance nazis. A high school girl can't carry Advil in her purse for menstrual cramps because of a zero tolerance policy but she can get birth control pills from the same school that would expel her for Advil.

Fucked up.

where do you live that birth control pills are given out at school? or is this just another hypberpole example to make a point that isn't based in reality?
Quite a demand!

Occidental Observer

Before he's even inaugurated, one question about the effect of electing Barack Obama is getting an answer.

The question: Will a black president quell black demands for affirmative action?

The answer: No.

In a recent article on the new black-oriented, Washington Post-owned website "The Root," writer Sam Fulwood fumes that "racism" has kept blacks from the White House press corps, and quotes another writer, Jack White, as saying that "the job of interpreting this president to the world is too big and too important to be left just to white reporters and editors."

"I can even recall the one black woman who worked on my high school newspaper staff."

Good god, why did you posting this dribble for reading! Are you trying to tell everyone that you have fallen off your flat earth? If so, you are doing a very good job!
where do you live that birth control pills are given out at school? or is this just another hypberpole example to make a point that isn't based in reality?

Middle School Can Now Hand Out Birth Control To Girls | | Strange

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) -- After an outbreak of pregnancies among middle school girls, education officials in this city have decided to allow a school health center to make birth control pills available to girls as young as 11.

KXLY920 | Sound off: Birth control given out at high school?

The high school in Massachusetts that had 17 pregnant girls at the start of summer vacation will now have birth control available for students.

There's 2 in New England. Or is that just hyperbole?
The problem is that "tolerance" has come to mean acceptance in the vernacular.

To tolerate means to put up with, even if you find what you are tolerating repugnant. But, today, if one does not embrace and approve, one is intolerant.

I find conservatives repugnant but tolerate them. Hell, even accept them. Is that bad?
There's 2 in New England. Or is that just hyperbole?

Yes, you can get Advil from the same source you get birth control pills. Stop hyperventilating about poor 'crampy' not getting the painkillers they need. Your daughter is being taken care of. Stop worrying...
Yes, you can get Advil from the same source you get birth control pills. Stop hyperventilating about poor 'crampy' not getting the painkillers they need. Your daughter is being taken care of. Stop worrying...

So it's somehow OK for a school to hand out birth control pills to kids as young as 11 but a 17 year old can't bring a few Advil to school without getting expelled?

Only in a libby world can anyone even contemplate this.
Ah, so the only problem is acceptance. I see. So get out of my fucking country you unacceptable piece of shit! See how tolerant I can be....

You are fucking thick aren't you?

Let me use little words so you understand.

You can tolerate something without accepting it.

But in libby speak, tolerance equals acceptance.

So you see, moron, tolerance without acceptance is possible acceptance without tolerance is not. I know it's confusing because you seem to think that acceptance and tolerance are the same thing.

Take a vocabulary course. When you actually know what words mean, it's easier to communicate.
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