Only a Fool Defends His Country...


Searcher for Accuracy
Apr 27, 2008
Copyright © 2009 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Only a Fool Defends His Country...
by Jonathan M. Kolkey

Indulge me to dredge up the most obscure foreign conflict in American history – the long-forgotten War of 1812 – to illustrate my provocative point: When your mortal enemy, the Leviathan state, starts a war, you had better think twice about fulfilling your supposed "patriotic" duty by marching off to battle. And Libertarians (to their credit) have basically figured out this scam well ahead of everybody else and that, while only a fool defends his country, a wise man defends himself. Let me elaborate.

Do the math: 1812 was a leap year that featured a presidential election. The Fourth Chief Executive, James Madison, who, as a young man basically wrote the United States Constitution, twenty-five years later was up for reelection while presiding over a failed administration. And after dominating the national government in Washington for a dozen years, the early Republican Party (which changed its name to Democrat a decade later) had evidently worn out its welcome. A fusion ticket of opposition Federalists and disaffected Northern Republicans nominated a formidable challenger – DeWitt Clinton of New York – the man who later, as Governor of the Empire State, would prove instrumental in the construction of the Erie Canal.

So in the same spirit as the fanciful 1997 movie classic, [ame=""]Wag the Dog[/ame], Madison and his Republican Party contrived to wage a war against Britain as the centerpiece of their reelection campaign strategy. For a swift military strike to capture lightly defended Canada would presumably rally the voters behind the incumbent in time for the Fall 1812 balloting.

Meanwhile, the election battlelines were clearly drawn. The popular New Yorker Clinton was bound to carry the North while the Virginian Madison would capture the South and West. Like the 2000 Bush-Gore contest that revolved around one key state – remember Florida and the infamous "hanging chads" – the 1812 struggle boiled down to the swing state of Pennsylvania. Naturally, Madison ultimately carried Pennsylvania, thus reassuring his reelection, which you doubtless already knew since in school you never learned about any President named DeWitt Clinton. But had the challenger actually carried the Keystone State, the Federalist/Dissident Republican ticket would have secured the election in a squeaker.

Now comes the fun part: The Congress’ War Declaration directed against Britain, which passed by a party vote in June 1812, was so transparently motivated by partisan politics that some New England businessmen privately approached London with a curious, if admittedly, "treasonous" offer. The anti-Madison North could continue its brisk trade with its prime customer and supplier while Britain, for its part, would wage war only against the bottom half of the United States. In fact, many northerners considered their real "enemy" to be, not the British (the now officially-designated national adversary), but rather the scheming Republican Party politicians like Madison who had initiated a needless foreign struggle as part of their cynical, self-serving reelection campaign strategy. Was the conduct of Madison’s opponents "treason" or merely the justifiable pursuit of their own self-interest?

Elsewhere, not to be outdone in the "treason" department, Madison, who must have read Article 3 Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution that defines "treason" as giving "aid and comfort" to our nation’s wartime enemy – after all, Madison basically crafted the document – astutely recognized that he would lose the Presidency without carrying Pennsylvania, which was full of voting farmers who anticipated selling part of their fall harvest to the British. Madison thus permitted grain shipments to continue as usual! In fact, Madison's campaign supporters emphasized that, despite the Declaration of War on Britain and the launching of the American invasion of Canada (an expedition which failed miserably), Republicans had no intention of interfering with the farmers' profits!

Two years hence, a British strike force (fed with Pennsylvania grain) sailed up the Chesapeake and burned Washington D.C. forcing Madison to flee from his own capital city.

It was knowledge such as this that I absorbed as a youthful UCLA History Ph.D. candidate many moons ago that served to stimulate my lifelong interest in identifying the root cause of war. And so did Daniel Ellsberg’s shocking 1971 disclosure of the [ame=""]Pentagon Papers[/ame], which chronicled how American leaders had repeatedly lied to the public in pursuit of their own political agenda all the while exhorting our boys to fight and die for their "country."

A subsequent January 1973 epiphany – that all wars must be so driven – altered the course of my life forever. In hindsight, I experienced what the late-historian of science, Thomas Kuhn, would call a "paradigm flash" – it was Kuhn himself who popularized the notion of a "paradigm shift." And it was Kuhn who, although I never met him personally, did exchange several letters with me back during the 1980s, which furnished crucial assistance to me for placing my often disjointed thoughts in proper perspective.

After receiving my doctorate in 1979, I quickly surveyed the historic record and discovered that we could identity approximately 300-or-so wars stretching back from Greco-Roman times to the present day that yield sufficient data regarding the decision-making process to permit the diligent researcher to play Sherlock Holmes. In this fashion, I would be able to test my hunch that all wars were the result of leaders’ cynical, self-serving political manipulation.

Through careful analysis, these 300-odd authentic historical cases can furnish enough information to: (1) recreate the intellectual and bureaucratic framework in existence at that crucial moment, (2) identify the key decision-making elite who held the authority to make war, (3) explore the institutional and bureaucratic framework in which each particular decision for war was reached, (4) reconstruct the exact sequence of events that led to the decision for war having been taken, (5) discover the ostensible "reason" being served up for public consumption, and (6) recount what these key decision-making elites admitted privately amongst themselves regarding the real "reason" (the "hidden agenda," if you will) for their own conflict. Only in this comprehensive manner will scholars be able finally to answer satisfactorily the age-old question: "Why war?"

My mammoth research effort has taken far longer than I could have ever imagined. And I’m still years away from publication of my data. In the meantime, I have decided to make public my findings. Check out my website – – for a preview of things to come.

When I embarked on my ambitious project three decades ago, I had intended that I would eventually make contact with numerous world-class scholars, who would be able to validate my thesis regarding their own particular area of historical expertise. I had initially anticipated corresponding with recognized experts by snail mail. But in the interim, thank God, Al Gore invented the Internet!

Thus my newly-constructed website – – now features hundreds of postings (soon to be a full thousand) from world-class historians confirming my theories.

Finally, although my website is still very much a work-in-progress – I’ve only managed to post responses for the first third of my 300-or-so case studies – I expect that you will find my research provocative and enlightening, as well as sending a clear message to any future James Madisons: "Be warned! I’m hip to your nasty political tricks and I’m always watching you."

December 8, 2009

Dr. Jonathan M. Kolkey [send him mail], founder of the World Wide War Project, received his Ph.D. in History from UCLA and has long worked as an author and political campaign consultant.

Copyright © 2009 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.
Contessa...I underget the point of the OP but the title of it is put-offish.

Wraping ones self in the flag and holding a bible has long been the evil that infects our purpose.

It almost allways comes down to money. Those that stand to reap financial benefit from conflict are the loudest screaming to the high heavens for entry into a fight...or to pick sides. "Cowards!" they shriek..even though it is never thier own sons they wish to sacrifice.

This war in Afgahnistan is not about is about a gas pipeline. It is about a group of investors demanding a stable Afgahnistan before they will put thier money into the project.

I firmly believe Obama has been threatened to go along with those that would hide the truth and murder more good americans that think they are sacrificing for America.
The OP seems be more of an advertisement for the website than it does to having any sort of point.
Contessa...I underget the point of the OP but the title of it is put-offish.

Wraping ones self in the flag and holding a bible has long been the evil that infects our purpose.

It almost allways comes down to money. Those that stand to reap financial benefit from conflict are the loudest screaming to the high heavens for entry into a fight...or to pick sides. "Cowards!" they shriek..even though it is never thier own sons they wish to sacrifice.

This war in Afgahnistan is not about is about a gas pipeline. It is about a group of investors demanding a stable Afgahnistan before they will put thier money into the project.

I firmly believe Obama has been threatened to go along with those that would hide the truth and murder more good americans that think they are sacrificing for America.

The bible and and country are always the evils that have to be wiped out while communism has to be embraced.

Long live the revolution!
The OP seems be more of an advertisement for the website than it does to having any sort of point.

I think he is saying there should be a personal reason why we should fight a war like NY about to get nuked or some reason why it directly involves you, I, or any other citizen.
Contessa...I underget the point of the OP but the title of it is put-offish.

Wraping ones self in the flag and holding a bible has long been the evil that infects our purpose.

It almost allways comes down to money. Those that stand to reap financial benefit from conflict are the loudest screaming to the high heavens for entry into a fight...or to pick sides. "Cowards!" they shriek..even though it is never thier own sons they wish to sacrifice.

This war in Afgahnistan is not about is about a gas pipeline. It is about a group of investors demanding a stable Afgahnistan before they will put thier money into the project.

I firmly believe Obama has been threatened to go along with those that would hide the truth and murder more good americans that think they are sacrificing for America.

The Title belongs to the author, and was his choice. You may, if you like, write him on the provided e-mail address, I believe that is why he included it. This is original as it was placed on the Lew Rockwell site.

I found the piece interesting, as it is a good example of historical context, and that things are endlessly repeated and the hoipolloi always goes for it. I cannot count the times that when pointing out that some things are deja vu all over again I am hit with a pompous, "That was then, this is now."

George Santayana's - 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' really says it all. We are a self-condemning bunch, we are our own jailers!
It would be interesting if the history there wasn't so bad.

There was no 'early version' of the GoP, that is just lame propaganda.

Canada was not the reason the USA declared war, it was about freedom of Trade, and Britain's attitude that it could bar US trade and seize US ships, sailors and goods if it felt like it.

Invading canada was so unpopular that NY militia refused to do it at one point.

Getting such easy facts wrong nullifies whatever point the writer was trying to make.
Contessa...I underget the point of the OP but the title of it is put-offish.

Wraping ones self in the flag and holding a bible has long been the evil that infects our purpose.

It almost allways comes down to money. Those that stand to reap financial benefit from conflict are the loudest screaming to the high heavens for entry into a fight...or to pick sides. "Cowards!" they shriek..even though it is never thier own sons they wish to sacrifice.

This war in Afgahnistan is not about is about a gas pipeline. It is about a group of investors demanding a stable Afgahnistan before they will put thier money into the project.

I firmly believe Obama has been threatened to go along with those that would hide the truth and murder more good americans that think they are sacrificing for America.

Of course Obama is in on it. It is part of the job of the President of the Corporate States of America (formerly USA).
It would be interesting if the history there wasn't so bad.

There was no 'early version' of the GoP, that is just lame propaganda.

Canada was not the reason the USA declared war, it was about freedom of Trade, and Britain's attitude that it could bar US trade and seize US ships, sailors and goods if it felt like it.

I cannot find the place where it said Canada was the "reason" for the war. I bekieve what it said is that Canada was supposed to be an easy target.

As for the reasons, trade was happening, concessions were made to the Pennsylvanians, for business to continue, and as for the rest, the author a hypothesising a particular thing, and this is a part of it. His hypothesis is that most wars are not started for the reasons that the politicians state, and that the general public is easily manipulated and will go along with anything very nearly, in the name of "nationalism."

Invading canada was so unpopular that NY militia refused to do it at one point.

The author of the piece said this. So how did he get that wrong?

Getting such easy facts wrong nullifies whatever point the writer was trying to make.

Madison, first last and always, like all of them, was a politician, and the politician's drug is acquiring and maintaining personal power! This is usually done by manipulating the "wo/man in the street."
Contessa...I underget the point of the OP but the title of it is put-offish.

Wraping ones self in the flag and holding a bible has long been the evil that infects our purpose.

It almost allways comes down to money. Those that stand to reap financial benefit from conflict are the loudest screaming to the high heavens for entry into a fight...or to pick sides. "Cowards!" they shriek..even though it is never thier own sons they wish to sacrifice.

This war in Afgahnistan is not about is about a gas pipeline. It is about a group of investors demanding a stable Afgahnistan before they will put thier money into the project.

I firmly believe Obama has been threatened to go along with those that would hide the truth and murder more good americans that think they are sacrificing for America.

Of course Obama is in on it. It is part of the job of the President of the Corporate States of America (formerly USA).

I know you swallowed that communist crap whole but don't vomit it back out on these boards.
Contessa...I underget the point of the OP but the title of it is put-offish.

Wraping ones self in the flag and holding a bible has long been the evil that infects our purpose.

It almost allways comes down to money. Those that stand to reap financial benefit from conflict are the loudest screaming to the high heavens for entry into a fight...or to pick sides. "Cowards!" they shriek..even though it is never thier own sons they wish to sacrifice.

This war in Afgahnistan is not about is about a gas pipeline. It is about a group of investors demanding a stable Afgahnistan before they will put thier money into the project.

I firmly believe Obama has been threatened to go along with those that would hide the truth and murder more good americans that think they are sacrificing for America.

Obama keeps Afghanistan going because he claimed during the campaign that it was the good war. Now he's looking for a way out. He realizes now that he's President that that kind of bullshit rhetoric doesn't fly when the reality of the situation hit his desk. It doesn't have dick to do with a least not to him.

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