Only 8 days until default and Harry Reed finally decides to do his job

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
He is calling a meeting with his caucus tonight to discuss a bill with 2 trillion in cuts and NO REVENUE increases. Says his cuts won't include entitlements.

I'm all for that as a great starting point. Just wondering why its taken him 3 years to put forth a fiscal policy.
Bout time he gets off his ass.

Guess the last minute is fast approaching.

You can bet they won't touch entitlements.

2012 is looming large and re-election is on lots of minds.
Dems do not want cuts, period.
The so called cuts Reid wants, is nothing,just another drop in the bucket.
We need to cut at least 10 trillion in ten years,but neither party wants to do that.
6 Trillion by one Repub still is not enough,then it was 4 Trillion now it's 2 Trillion.
What a joke.
He is calling a meeting with his caucus tonight to discuss a bill with 2 trillion in cuts and NO REVENUE increases. Says his cuts won't include entitlements.

I'm all for that as a great starting point. Just wondering why its taken him 3 years to put forth a fiscal policy. DON'T want "...the President to show some leadership.", huh?

Have any o' you Teabaggers been diagnosed bi-polar.....or, is that a requirement to be a Teabagger?

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The cuts the left in general are touting are cuts that future congresses would likely overturn. They cry on and on about the gop not bending. Which essentially means their bluff has been called and they can't stand it.
Bout time he gets off his ass.
We Dems were thinking the same thing (regarding Republican-congressmen, in-general), after they spent the first year-and-a-half (of the Obama Presidency) shouting-out "NO!!", and......well....that was pretty-much it.

Oh....yeah.....they were also complaining about people drawing unemployment-checks, when they should have been looking for gainful-employment.

No doubt we will now have to listen to Harry the Undertaker whine about how he was left out... never mind he and fellow Dems have been fucking off for the last several years.
Soggy, et al,

Just one man's opinion.

No doubt we will now have to listen to Harry the Undertaker whine about how he was left out... never mind he and fellow Dems have been fucking off for the last several years.

I think this is my favorite line of any movie; and the most realistic:

Listen, I'm a politician which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops. But it also means I keep my options open.


For far too long, Congress, both side in both houses, have not been doing a good job. In fact, one could say that they have done very little for America in the last two decades. The walk around like they are some sort of royalty, beyond the touch of the average American. Not one of them is looking to rebuild America, to make it strong industrially, commercially, technologically, or militarily. They are not re-investing in America --- yet have voted themselves a pay raise at every opportunity, as if they deserve it.

They know they are untouchable, beyond the oversight of America.

I think it is time America introduces legislation that:

  • Roles back the pay and allowances of Congress to the 1990 level.
  • To limit Congressional terms - no more professional members of House & Senate and no further retirements or stipends.
  • Vote out every Republic and Democrat that comes for reelection.

Of course this will never happen; but it is the only way to fix America.

We need people in Congress that want to make America strong and prosperous. The will build an America that is the worlds Center of learning and culture. Where scientific research and advanced education are second to none, and affordable; where the national infrastructure is so advanced that American has a competitive advantage over every other nation. A nation were energy is abundant and unemployment/underemployment are concepts of the past.

Again, not one single leader in Washington is talking about building a 21st Century America; rather, they would opt to spend trillions of dollars on nation building in countries that will not appreciate us for it and for which we will never see and return on our tax dollar investment.

We need to clean house in Washington and get rid of those dead weight congressmen and senators that have brought America to the condition it experiences now.

Most Respectfully,
Harry just gave a speech about his bill. It's 2.7 in cuts. Time will reveal if they are real immediate cuts.

He then went onto the typical attacks.

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