Only 34% believe Global Warming Caused by Humans

You cant seriously be replying to chris, every one of his posts is a troll, nothing more, in every thread no matter the topic chris posts a false premise or statement followed by, "this is a fact", "irrefutable truth"

Here try this one, a solid mass of CO2 that weighs one pound can be bought at the grocery store, its called dry ice, this is a irrefutable truth

If you put a block of dry ice in the oven the solid block of CO2 or dry ice will keep the oven hot for 47 hours, this is a irrefutable truth. Just kidding, the dry ice turns to gas, the oven gets a bit cooler seeing how CO2's characteristics are such that under certain pressures its cold. You dont need to freeze CO2 to make dry ice, you change the atmospheric pressure.

So when you see CO2 in mass, that is as dry ice, dont touch it thinking its hot, its naturally cool. If the earth gets too hot the best way to cool it will be to make dry ice from CO2.

No, a troll only posts silly insults like Elivis.

Atmospheric CO2 causes the earth to retain heat. This was proven experimentally in 1859. We are adding billions of tons of CO2 to the atmosphere every year. Therefore, we are causing the earth to warm.

Damn I was hoping Lewinsky would go cry to his mother for the next two hours after he got his ass handed to him in the other thread by the mods.

I will never give up.

No, a troll only posts silly insults like Elivis.

Atmospheric CO2 causes the earth to retain heat. This was proven experimentally in 1859. We are adding billions of tons of CO2 to the atmosphere every year. Therefore, we are causing the earth to warm.

Damn I was hoping Lewinsky would go cry to his mother for the next two hours after he got his ass handed to him in the other thread by the mods.

I will never give up.


You will never give up being a dipshit troll?
It's funny though that the lib media makes it out to be a universal truth, however.

It is a universal truth.

CO2 causes the earth to retain heat.

Actually CO2 increases are a trailing indicator of increases in global temps that may lag as far as 800 years behind the actual temps. At least according to the ice cores. :eusa_whistle:

Yes, very true but, nowhere in pre-industrial revolution time has so much CO2 been emitted. In pre crude oil days CO2 increases lagged behind warming, now with the world displacing carbon at an alarming rate it could be a possibility that CO2 could may have an increase in the green house effect. Not exactly brain surgery here. Common sense and sustainability...
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Another flat-earth moron!

Your post is another great example of what happens when myth believers are confronted with irrefutable truth.

What is a result? A childish insult!

Does atmospheric CO2 cause the earth to retain heat?

I'm just returning what we all usually get from you. I figure you deserve a little back.

Nope, you're wrong. CO2 is a lagging indicator of global warming. It doesn't CAUSE the warmth. It is caused BY the warmth. You are suffering a case of POST HOC ERGO PROCTOR HOC. Fallacious....have a nice day!

Very ignorant post on your part.

What does CO2 lagging temperature mean?

Friday, 12 October, 2007
What does CO2 lagging temperature mean?
With a recent British court case critiquing An Inconvenient Truth and the news that Al Gore just won the Nobel Peace Prize, the attacks on Gore and his slideshow have stepped up in recent times. A common criticism is his use of the CO2/temperature record to show that in the past, CO2 caused temperature increase. A close look at ice core records finds that CO2 actually lags temperature. In fact, a study came out just a few weeks ago (Stott 2007) that confirms CO2 increases around 1000 years after temperature rise. This raises an important question - does temperature rise cause CO2 rise or the other way around? The answer is both.

The dominant signal in the temperature record (the white line in the above figure) is a 100,000 year cycle where long ice ages are broken by short warm periods called interglacials. This cycle coincides with a change in Earth's orbit as it evolves from a more circular orbit to a more elliptical orbit. When springtime insolation (incoming sunlight) increases in the southern hemisphere, this causes temperature to rise in the south. The warming is amplified as retreating Antarctic ice means less sunlight is reflected back into space.

As the southern oceans warm, they give up more CO2 to the atmosphere as the solubility of CO2 in water falls with rising temperature. The CO2 mixes through the atmosphere, amplifying and spreading the warming to the tropics and northern hemisphere. This is why warming in the southern hemisphere precedes warming in the northern hemisphere (Caillon 2003). This is confirmed by marine cores that show tropical temperatures lag southern warming by ~1000 years (Stott 2007). CO2 warming also explains how the relatively weak forcing from orbital cycles can bring the planet out of an ice age.

So where does that leave Al Gore? What he says in An Inconvenient Truth is this:

"The relationship is very complicated but there is one relationship that is far more powerful than all the others and it is this - when there is more carbon dioxide, the temperature gets warmer because it traps more heat from the sun inside."
This statement, while an oversimplification, is essentially correct. A more accurate and informative statement would've been

"A change in Earth's orbit warmed the southern oceans which released more CO2 into the atmosphere. The extra CO2 trapped more heat from the sun and amplified the warming. It also mixed through the atmosphere, spreading the warming to the tropics and northern hemisphere"
Of course, the audience may have dozed off by the end of the explanation and slept through all the pretty pictures of polar bears and glaciers.

Note - I've posted more info as well as links to many peer reviewed studies on this topic on our CO2 lags temperature page.

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