Only 30% see Palin favorably in polls


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Aug 27, 2010
Across 8 major polls Palin is only seen as favorable by 30% of the nation. Did killing animals loose her Liberal support? Did quitting her job make her look like an armature? Did saying stupid assed stuff in major news interviews sink her intellectual score? One would think that 70% would like her after her book & tour and doing television. Guess American voters are smarter than that rouge, so wipe the lipstick off the pig!!! LMAO!!:lol:

In the presidential run, Obama beats Romney by 7%, Palin by 22%, and Thune by 20%.

How do you feel about Palin?
Very Positive: 13% NBC
Very favorable: 9% Bloomberg
Favorable: 46% AP-GfK
Favorable: 40% USA Today
Favorable: 40% CNN
Favorable: 39% ABC
Favorable: 22% CBS
Favorable: 31% Quinnipiac
Political Figures: P

240/8 = 30% favorable average
It's so bad..she started doing interviews in what she coined as "The Lamestream Media"..

Twitter and Facebook weren't working so well.
You know.........I've seen little snippets of Palin's Alaska on various news shows.

I've since figured out that she's not that much of an outdoors woman and isn't able to shoot very well either.

Basically? She's a fake.

But you idiot teabaggers are easily distracted..................
It's so bad..she started doing interviews in what she coined as "The Lamestream Media"..

Twitter and Facebook weren't working so well.

I think she wanted to be a "coulter" clone, but didn't have the intellect for the fast come backs. I think Willow is an idiot, but Willow is smarter than Palin. :boobies:
You know.........I've seen little snippets of Palin's Alaska on various news shows.

I've since figured out that she's not that much of an outdoors woman and isn't able to shoot very well either.

Basically? She's a fake.

But you idiot teabaggers are easily distracted..................

I bet PETA shit their drawers over this pic in People Magazine. It says Palin wants us to enjoy all gods creatures and the outdoors. LMAO!!! I guess killing animals is enjoying them. God knows what she would be enjoying as president, the dingy bitch!!!:lol:

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I really don't think Palin is going to run. If she was serious about being a politician there's no way she would have quit being Alaska's governor. She's a quitter. Her reasoning that Alaska is corrupt, and she didn't want to be a part of it is BS-what better position does one have to clean up your state's corruption than being the governor? She cashed out for the money.
You know.........I've seen little snippets of Palin's Alaska on various news shows.

I've since figured out that she's not that much of an outdoors woman and isn't able to shoot very well either.

Basically? She's a fake.

But you idiot teabaggers are easily distracted..................

I saw parts of that too. Especially her basically destroying perfectly good salmon. Her and her family's fileting skills are terrible. And heck..why did it take so many whacks to kill a Halibut. I use to be able to kill Carp in one shot.
I really don't think Palin is going to run. If she was serious about being a politician there's no way she would have quit being Alaska's governor. She's a quitter. Her reasoning that Alaska is corrupt, and she didn't want to be a part of it is BS-what better position does one have to clean up your state's corruption than being the governor? She cashed out for the money.

She's going to run. She wants to. She doesn't want to win..but she wants to run.

At this point, President Obama isn't really beatable. Unless something incredible happens..I can see Republicans putting her up as the Candidate. It's kinda win-win for them..unless the unthinkable happens..and she actually wins.
I almost feel bad breaking up this PDS circle jerk...............:lol:

Gotta agree.

Palin isn't running for anything yet folks on this board seem to have to bring her up every 3 minutes.

Jeeze Folks. Get a life. LMAO

You know what's funny? The poster you just replied to started his OWN Palin thread 2 minutes before he made the post you replied to. So I guess you think he's an idiot who should get a life too, eh?

You know.......I'd really like to see her run for President.

I'd also like to see her in a real life debate. The only thing that would be funnier than that would be to watch the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil on Celebrity Jeopardy.
Why would anybody poll Obama as the Dem Candidate in 2012? LOL He's as fired as anybody Trump ever fired from the Apprentice.
Actually you have to include both "very favorable" and "favorable" in the first two polls of the OP. If you do that, her favorable rating is 35%. However, her unfavorable rating is 51% if you average the eight polls, which should come as no surprise to everyone but the most diehard supporters. Her negatives are higher than Obama's. This is why she will not be nominated by the party in 2012.
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Yes Ive heard this before and it sounds a lot like 1979 and "Reagan was a B actor and a war monger while Carter is a humanitarian and genius".
Palin has her solid 30% of backers who drool over every word she utters. Her negatives are off the board. The 50% of voters who would prefer anyone over Palin will ensure she never gains public office again

She could not even win Governor of Alaska again

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