One Year Investment Challenge... APPLE vs GOLD


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
In case some dumb, retards are actually interesting in buying GOLD.

Take note of prices now and check back in a year. Take of the fruit, unless you a sadomasochist, like Jesus, Yahweh's Son who was Yahweh, of the Bible.
In case some dumb, retards are actually interesting in buying GOLD.

Take note of prices now and check back in a year. Take of the fruit, unless you a sadomasochist, like Jesus, Yahweh's Son who was Yahweh, of the Bible.
You are the only idiot here, if you view gold as something you buy and sell after a year.
Would buy oil @ 50. With Iran on the ground against ISIS, uncertainty could make oil spike into orbit.
With Boston harbor thawing oil for $5 is more likely in the shortterm. In the longer term millions of tonnes of both oil and gas under too much pressure for vertical drilling can use lateral drilling from what are currently played out wells to be safely extracted. then there are also new refineries like in Uganda that can sell their products by barge as far north as Europe. I wouldn't touch the oil market as anything but part of a balanced portfolio and gold the same.
Apple is widely viewed as a "buy" and hold forever and I mean forever. Stop and realize how short the life of Apple type companies have been around and unless the worlds explodes technology will exponentially grow in every day life. Apple should be viewed as a very, very long time hold for young folks to sell when they are 70 +/-. Gold should never represent more than 10% of your portfolio and if you buy then buy SPDR GLD. I almost threw some funny money at hard gold when it was 1,700+ and am very thankful I chose not to as it is around 1,100+ today.
Apple is widely viewed as a "buy" and hold forever and I mean forever. Stop and realize how short the life of Apple type companies have been around and unless the worlds explodes technology will exponentially grow in every day life. Apple should be viewed as a very, very long time hold for young folks to sell when they are 70 +/-. Gold should never represent more than 10% of your portfolio and if you buy then buy SPDR GLD. I almost threw some funny money at hard gold when it was 1,700+ and am very thankful I chose not to as it is around 1,100+ today.
Apple stock wont be around in 50 years. Gold will be valuable forever. Every Dow stock has gone to zero since the last great depression. History will repeat. Apple is a good investment for the short term, not a buy & hold forever investment.
You could not be more wrong I know for a fact you have made no investments of any kind. Hell, there are airlines that have been around more than fifty years!!! Maybe the names have changed but the stock owners for instance in Standard Oil are multi millionaires. Gold is for idiots that like shiny things.
Gold Price 1934=$34.69
Gold Price 1967=$34.95
Gold Price 1981=$460
Gold Price 2004=$469.71
Gold is down from $1,700+/- to $1,100+/- in a couple years!! Lost $600!!
Dow Jones 1985=1,290 +/-
Dow Jones Today 18,135 Could hit 20,000 by years end
You do the math..........
In October 2008 I bought gold at $720. In 2009 just after Obama was sworn into office I bought Dow & S&P index funds when Dow was at $7,300. Both have done very well. Sold half my gold between $1,780 & $1,820. I bought 4 houses since the crash. Houses went up 5.4% in December 2014. The Beach House is up 9% in December.
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Apple stock wont be around in 50 years. Gold will be valuable forever. Every Dow stock has gone to zero since the last great depression. History will repeat. Apple is a good investment for the short term, not a buy & hold forever investment.
You can't possibly know whether Apple stock will be around in fifty years.

When did GE stock go to zero?
In October 2008 I bought gold at $720. In 2009 just after Obama was sworn into office I bought Dow & S&P index funds when Dow was at $7,300.
Yep it is amazing how everyone on the anonymous internet bought everything at the perfect time and profited.

You should hang out with all the tools on here who are constantly warning to sell since the correction is at hand, only to change their tune a few months later to say they didn't really sell.
Its already priced in..Gold, real estate, equities and any other investment gains most of its risk due to financial and structural leverage. I'm currently out of gold because the marginal mines have a minimum profit point of something like $1200-1500/oz and are only producing to stave off bankruptcy. When either the bondholders become the owners or the price gets over $1350 for at least a quarter I will get back in. Likewise the price at the wellhead for fracked oil is around $65/bbl to make debt payments on what is called sub-junk financing.

Apple is looking at the real possibility of additive manufacture dropping the real costs of smartphones by 3-4 times to hit them in supply and the strong dollar hitting them in demand overseas and an expected 400% increase in quantity and quality of automation domestically to reduce total wages here with a due date of 12/31/20.
Apple has been great but does the fact that a big part of its rise has come from stock buy-back (as has much of the stock funds) concern anyone? That these buy-backs have been financed with cheap borrowed money is not a confidence builder. Can anyone be sure that years of future real growth won't be consumed by crisis in the credit markets? All the leverage is what worries me.

Are you guys really saying there's no positive at all for holding PM's (physical, not paper) as part of one's diversified portfolio?
I'm not but mining stocks that are highly leveraged have to keep producing in order to stay out of bankruptcy. They will continue to do so until their contribution margin hits zero. To take an extreme example Shale oil wells have an average marginal cost of $40-/bbl without finance charges but with financial charges it is more like $60/bbl so, a lot of oil firms have gone bankrupt and the rig count has started to stabilize. Gold ore stocks are depleting quickly, most known shale, coal and bog sources have yet to go into energy production. So gold will go up after the shake out but energy prices will go down when over-leveraged marginal producers get out of the market.. For example Brazilian and Russian shale fields are ready to be brought online just as soon as oil hits a high enough price and that will create another energy bubble. So gold is likely to go up for the same reason that energy prices are likely to go down. The number of known sources that can be brought online at higher prices is much smaller for gold than got energy.
Investment advising made easy ......look at customers portfolio and then exclaim,......boy that was dumb why didnt you do this .......
I'm not but mining stocks that are highly leveraged have to keep producing in order to stay out of bankruptcy.

And that's what keeps the paper gold charade going. The bullion banks know that the miners / refiners need to keep producing. The only time things get hinky (currently) is when physical delivery hiccups at the low paper price (like Nov '14's record negative London GOFO).

The algos have gold tied to the Yen and at .008 and falling it looks like that physical / paper conflict will be tested soon enough (although we no longer have a published GOFO to look at).

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