One Of My Favorite "Neocons"


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
The more I read about Horowitz, the more I like him. In case anybody doesn't know the term "Neocon" was originally used to describe former 60s radical leftists (mostly Jews) who left that stupidity and became Conservatives. Although nowadays most all the libs use it to describe most all conservatives, even those who were never leftists. :cuckoo: Horowitz says the turning point for him was the murder by the Black panthers (although it was never proven) of an acquaintance Betty Van Patter whom Horowitz hooked up with a job as a book for them. This guy as had a hell of a from life being raised by communist parents to be a conservative "crusader" against the left and the leftists ideology that is most of college academia

Horowitz and Intellectual Terrorism at UCLA


Last Wednesday, evening the Freedom Center’s David Horowitz gave a much anticipated and ferociously opposed presentation before a crowd of more than 300 people at Moore Hall at the University of California at Los Angeles. The event was hosted by the Bruin Republicans, self-described as “the only officially right-of-center organization on the UCLA campus” – which is a good, albeit disheartening, indicator of the very issue Horowitz has been addressing on hundreds of campuses across this country, and which was the evening’s topic: the fact that our institutions of supposedly higher learning are utterly dominated by intolerant progressive academics who are ill-serving and mentally straight-jacketing their students.

Horowitz’s speech was as blunt as the title of his presentation – “Intellectual Terrorism: The Left’s War on Free Speech.” Pacing back and forth at the front of the hall, he was revved up right out of the gate and became even more impassioned as he went on. He began the wide-ranging, forty-minute speech with a condemnation of academics who indoctrinate rather than teach (“The students who suffer most are those of you who are on the left, because your assumptions are never challenged.”) Among other topics, he went on to decry campus anti-Semitism and to identify Islam as the greatest oppressor of women and gays in the world today. He delivered a myth-busting history of “Palestine” and a concise explanation of his opposition to slavery reparations a hundred years after the fact. And he attacked the Muslim Student Association, ubiquitous on major college campuses, as a creation of the Muslim Brotherhood, a supporter of the terrorist organization Hamas and the sponsor of Israel Apartheid weeks across the country.

He was flanked throughout the speech by very visible security – a tragic necessity for Horowitz, who is a lightning rod for some of the most bilious hatred that has ever been directed at a conservative public figure. He regularly receives threats prior to speaking engagements and has in fact been physically attacked. This is the inevitable result of his having once been a radical leftist himself, for the Left is only marginally more forgiving of its apostates than fundamentalist Muslims are of theirs.

Horowitz and Intellectual Terrorism at UCLA | FrontPage Magazine
He regularly receives threats prior to speaking engagements and has in fact been physically attacked. This is the inevitable result of his having once been a radical leftist himself, for the Left is only marginally more forgiving of its apostates than fundamentalist Muslims are of theirs.


I've seen a few speeches he's given on TV. Interesting fellow.
When people say "neo-con" most of the time they mean "Jew".

Horowitz understands the Left. He understands that everything they say is a lie to get what they want, which is control. There is no debating, no negotiating with such people THey must be destroyed politically.
He regularly receives threats prior to speaking engagements and has in fact been physically attacked. This is the inevitable result of his having once been a radical leftist himself, for the Left is only marginally more forgiving of its apostates than fundamentalist Muslims are of theirs.


I've seen a few speeches he's given on TV. Interesting fellow.

Check this out..

FamilyHorowitz was born to a Jewish family in Forest Hills. His parents, Phil and Blanche Horowitz, were high school teachers. He taught English and she taught stenography.[3] Horowitz majored in English and received a BA from Columbia University in 1959 and a master's degree in English literature at University of California, Berkeley.

His parents were long-standing members of the Communist Party.[4][5] Horowitz recounted his estrangement from his parents and gradual shift to the political right in a series of retrospectives, culminating in 1996 in his autobiographical book Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey.

Horowitz co-hosted a 1987 "Second Thoughts Conference" in Washington, D.C., described by Sidney Blumenthal in The Washington Post as his "coming out" as a supporter of the right. According to attendee Alexander Cockburn, at that conference Horowitz recounted that his communist parents had not permitted him or his sister to watch Doris Day and Rock Hudson movies, and instead required them to watch celebratory films about the Soviet Union.

David Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He regularly receives threats prior to speaking engagements and has in fact been physically attacked. This is the inevitable result of his having once been a radical leftist himself, for the Left is only marginally more forgiving of its apostates than fundamentalist Muslims are of theirs.


I've seen a few speeches he's given on TV. Interesting fellow.

Check this out..

FamilyHorowitz was born to a Jewish family in Forest Hills. His parents, Phil and Blanche Horowitz, were high school teachers. He taught English and she taught stenography.[3] Horowitz majored in English and received a BA from Columbia University in 1959 and a master's degree in English literature at University of California, Berkeley.

His parents were long-standing members of the Communist Party.[4][5] Horowitz recounted his estrangement from his parents and gradual shift to the political right in a series of retrospectives, culminating in 1996 in his autobiographical book Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey.

Horowitz co-hosted a 1987 "Second Thoughts Conference" in Washington, D.C., described by Sidney Blumenthal in The Washington Post as his "coming out" as a supporter of the right. According to attendee Alexander Cockburn, at that conference Horowitz recounted that his communist parents had not permitted him or his sister to watch Doris Day and Rock Hudson movies, and instead required them to watch celebratory films about the Soviet Union.

David Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow. What a journey. His parents could get a job as teachers in a public school today without missing a beat! :cool:

(I'm sure I'll get dinged for that comment. :lol:)

I've seen a few speeches he's given on TV. Interesting fellow.

Check this out..

FamilyHorowitz was born to a Jewish family in Forest Hills. His parents, Phil and Blanche Horowitz, were high school teachers. He taught English and she taught stenography.[3] Horowitz majored in English and received a BA from Columbia University in 1959 and a master's degree in English literature at University of California, Berkeley.

His parents were long-standing members of the Communist Party.[4][5] Horowitz recounted his estrangement from his parents and gradual shift to the political right in a series of retrospectives, culminating in 1996 in his autobiographical book Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey.

Horowitz co-hosted a 1987 "Second Thoughts Conference" in Washington, D.C., described by Sidney Blumenthal in The Washington Post as his "coming out" as a supporter of the right. According to attendee Alexander Cockburn, at that conference Horowitz recounted that his communist parents had not permitted him or his sister to watch Doris Day and Rock Hudson movies, and instead required them to watch celebratory films about the Soviet Union.

David Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow. What a journey. His parents could get a job as teachers in a public school today without missing a beat! :cool:

(I'm sure I'll get dinged for that comment. :lol:)

High scholl teachers? Try government czars.
[ame=]YouTube - How Radical Professors Indoctrinate Students - David Horowitz (1 of 8)[/ame]
Among other topics, he went on to decry campus anti-Semitism and to identify Islam as the greatest oppressor of women and gays in the world today.

Above is a typical neo-con tactic: demonize the opposition.

A fundamental tenet of neo-conservatism is the belief that the world is an evil, dangerous place where ‘terrorism’ replaces ‘communism’ and advocates the expansion of American power throughout the world accordingly:
The psychological base.

A strong paranoid thread permeates the conservative worldview that demonizes opponents and often exaggerates the threat they pose. In their efforts to control and/or eliminate the perceived threateners, conservatives often provoke the hatred and aggression they anticipate, thus generating a self-fulfilling prophecy. One man’s “freedom fighter” is another man’s “terrorist.”

A rather extreme wing of the conservative spectrum dominated the Reagan administration, and most of the key Reagan players have re-emerged under the Junior Bush, who provides a new face on an old base. The world has changed, but their worldview has not. Substitute “terrorist” for “communist,” and the language, ideology, imagery and attitudes are identical. There is scant difference between “Evil Empire” and “Axis of Evil.” Most are strongly pro-Israel Likudists and their thinking is rigidly black and white.

Some key history in a nutshell.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, most of us heaved a sigh of relief. At last the Cold War was over. But the cold warriors weren’t satisfied. Individual psychology doesn’t change with history. Reagan administration “neo-conservatives,” some with roots in the Nixon-Kissinger administration, immediately began to conceptualize a new mission. With our military supremacy now beyond challenge, world dominion would be possible in the approaching 21st century.

Fearful & Fearsome: The Neo-conservative Agenda
[ame=]YouTube - Excerpt: Muslim Students Association Member Confesses She Wants a Second Holocaust To David Horowitz[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - David Horowitz and a leftist student at UCSD May 19, 2010[/ame]
When people say "neo-con" most of the time they mean "Jew".

Horowitz understands the Left. He understands that everything they say is a lie to get what they want, which is control. There is no debating, no negotiating with such people THey must be destroyed politically.
So when did Horowitz stop being a liar, or did he stop?
When people say "neo-con" most of the time they mean "Jew".

Horowitz understands the Left. He understands that everything they say is a lie to get what they want, which is control. There is no debating, no negotiating with such people THey must be destroyed politically.
So when did Horowitz stop being a liar, or did he stop?
Did you want an answer, or did you just want to take a pointless jab ?

Horowitz was a supporter of Huey P. Newton, and raised money for the Black Panther Party. He has written that he recommended that the Panther Party hire a bookkeeper, Betty Van Patter, who was then working for Horowitz at Ramparts. In December 1974, she was murdered.[10] Later, he cited that experience as the catalyst for reassessing his views that took him from the political left to the political right.
David Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When people say "neo-con" most of the time they mean "Jew".

Horowitz understands the Left. He understands that everything they say is a lie to get what they want, which is control. There is no debating, no negotiating with such people THey must be destroyed politically.
So when did Horowitz stop being a liar, or did he stop?
Did you want an answer, or did you just want to take a pointless jab ?

Horowitz was a supporter of Huey P. Newton, and raised money for the Black Panther Party. He has written that he recommended that the Panther Party hire a bookkeeper, Betty Van Patter, who was then working for Horowitz at Ramparts. In December 1974, she was murdered.[10] Later, he cited that experience as the catalyst for reassessing his views that took him from the political left to the political right.
David Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But while he as a Liberal he was a liar, right? So, did he stop lying?
So when did Horowitz stop being a liar, or did he stop?
Did you want an answer, or did you just want to take a pointless jab ?

Horowitz was a supporter of Huey P. Newton, and raised money for the Black Panther Party. He has written that he recommended that the Panther Party hire a bookkeeper, Betty Van Patter, who was then working for Horowitz at Ramparts. In December 1974, she was murdered.[10] Later, he cited that experience as the catalyst for reassessing his views that took him from the political left to the political right.
David Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But while he as a Liberal he was a liar, right? So, did he stop lying?

He never lied. PLease document someplace where he did.
Did you favorite Neo-con ever serve in the US armed forces?

Just wondering.

Few of the every appear to have done so.
Did you favorite Neo-con ever serve in the US armed forces?

Just wondering.

Few of the every appear to have done so.

Did Obama serve in the armed forces? Did Biden? Did Hillary? Did Rob' GAtes (active military, not CIA)? Did any member of Obama's cabinet? How about Harry Reid? How about Barney Frank?
Why do you even bring it up? Does it make someone invincible if they served in the military?
Did you favorite Neo-con ever serve in the US armed forces?

Just wondering.

Few of the every appear to have done so.

He is currently serving our nation by exposing the radical leftists that are brainwashing our kids in colleges all over this country. Confronting the enemy head on, Very honorable service I must say. :cool:
So when did Horowitz stop being a liar, or did he stop?
Did you want an answer, or did you just want to take a pointless jab ?

Horowitz was a supporter of Huey P. Newton, and raised money for the Black Panther Party. He has written that he recommended that the Panther Party hire a bookkeeper, Betty Van Patter, who was then working for Horowitz at Ramparts. In December 1974, she was murdered.[10] Later, he cited that experience as the catalyst for reassessing his views that took him from the political left to the political right.
David Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But while he as a Liberal he was a liar, right? So, did he stop lying?

He parroted the socialist indoctrination he was taught. A personal loss caused him to look and what he had learned and choose another path.
If the extent of conversation with you is going to be false dilemma logical fallacies , you will have to continue on your own.
Among other topics, he went on to decry campus anti-Semitism and to identify Islam as the greatest oppressor of women and gays in the world today.

Above is a typical neo-con tactic: demonize the opposition.

A fundamental tenet of neo-conservatism is the belief that the world is an evil, dangerous place where ‘terrorism’ replaces ‘communism’ and advocates the expansion of American power throughout the world accordingly:
The psychological base.

A strong paranoid thread permeates the conservative worldview that demonizes opponents and often exaggerates the threat they pose. In their efforts to control and/or eliminate the perceived threateners, conservatives often provoke the hatred and aggression they anticipate, thus generating a self-fulfilling prophecy. One man’s “freedom fighter” is another man’s “terrorist.”

A rather extreme wing of the conservative spectrum dominated the Reagan administration, and most of the key Reagan players have re-emerged under the Junior Bush, who provides a new face on an old base. The world has changed, but their worldview has not. Substitute “terrorist” for “communist,” and the language, ideology, imagery and attitudes are identical. There is scant difference between “Evil Empire” and “Axis of Evil.” Most are strongly pro-Israel Likudists and their thinking is rigidly black and white.

Some key history in a nutshell.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, most of us heaved a sigh of relief. At last the Cold War was over. But the cold warriors weren’t satisfied. Individual psychology doesn’t change with history. Reagan administration “neo-conservatives,” some with roots in the Nixon-Kissinger administration, immediately began to conceptualize a new mission. With our military supremacy now beyond challenge, world dominion would be possible in the approaching 21st century.

Fearful & Fearsome: The Neo-conservative Agenda

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get 'ya.

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