One Of Life's Lessons


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Was sorta handed to me yesterday. My husband and I traveled up to the cemetary and met with a lady and we picked out our headstones and paid for them. Now I was feeling kinda down about being old enough to think about picking out headstones. We sure didn't want to leave that chore and expense to the kids. shit, where did the time go? Anyway, on the way home we stopped at Chic fil et.. for a sammich. Jesus, in the booth right in front of ours sat a young woman, in her late 20's I guess, she had no hair, none, chemo I guess, she had a young daughter around 7 I'd guess. damn thought I, she'll never bitch about being old enough to pick out a headstone. End of story. It's just so sad.
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Was sorta handed to me yesterday. My husband and I traveld up to the cemetary and met with a lady and we picked out our headstones and paid for them. Now I was feeling kinda down about being old enough to think about picking out headstones. We sure didn't want to leave that chore and expense to the kids. shit, where did the time go? Anyway, on the way home we stopped at Chic fil et.. for a sammich. Jesus, in the booth right in front of ours sat a young woman, in her late 20's I guess, she had no hair, none, chemo I guess, she had a young daughter around 7 I'd guess. damn thought I, she'll never bitch about being old enough to pick out a headstone. End of story. It's just so sad.

There is always someone worse off than you. I guess that's something we should all remember.
Was sorta handed to me yesterday. My husband and I traveld up to the cemetary and met with a lady and we picked out our headstones and paid for them. Now I was feeling kinda down about being old enough to think about picking out headstones. We sure didn't want to leave that chore and expense to the kids. shit, where did the time go? Anyway, on the way home we stopped at Chic fil et.. for a sammich. Jesus, in the booth right in front of ours sat a young woman, in her late 20's I guess, she had no hair, none, chemo I guess, she had a young daughter around 7 I'd guess. damn thought I, she'll never bitch about being old enough to pick out a headstone. End of story. It's just so sad.

It is sound thinking to live each day as if it were our last, as the quote below portrays.

I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet. ~Ancient Persian Saying
Was sorta handed to me yesterday. My husband and I traveld up to the cemetary and met with a lady and we picked out our headstones and paid for them. Now I was feeling kinda down about being old enough to think about picking out headstones. We sure didn't want to leave that chore and expense to the kids. shit, where did the time go? Anyway, on the way home we stopped at Chic fil et.. for a sammich. Jesus, in the booth right in front of ours sat a young woman, in her late 20's I guess, she had no hair, none, chemo I guess, she had a young daughter around 7 I'd guess. damn thought I, she'll never bitch about being old enough to pick out a headstone. End of story. It's just so sad.

It sounds like there was a lesson in your day for sure. As for the woman you mentioned, at least she was with her, and having gone through treatment very similar to chemo, I would assume this Woman was having one of her better days and if she was eating she would be having an excellent day. Maybe she was winning her fight ? As for us dieing, its just what we do. When its my time I will be cremated and my Son will take them to the spot in shirt tail canyon ware my Fathers ashes are. I hope you have a better day when you go out next time.
Better to pick them out now than have a family member make an emotional (and expensive) decision in the days following your death.

I myself would like to make my own casket. I know that sounds creepy but it can be done.

Casket Plans from

wooden coffins are great for cremations and burial

and are simple to make....if you do not have to have a vault skip it....they call will cave in given time

mad....when my father died i was glad to do all the arrangements....gave me something to do
Headstones and cemeteries are a waste of real estate and granite.
I want to get roasted and have my ashes tossed in the dumpster at the closest liquor store.

While I don't share your wishes for your final resting place, I do wish to be cremated. When my son died in '89, the wife and I tried to start a movement to get people to buy park land in stead of cemetery plots.
When I'm gone, burn the empty shell, use my ashes to enrich the earth. Leave the land for the living.
Headstones and cemeteries are a waste of real estate and granite.
I want to get roasted and have my ashes tossed in the dumpster at the closest liquor store.

While I don't share your wishes for your final resting place, I do wish to be cremated. When my son died in '89, the wife and I tried to start a movement to get people to buy park land in stead of cemetery plots.
When I'm gone, burn the empty shell, use my ashes to enrich the earth. Leave the land for the living.

That's one of the running fights I've had with my husband. He says if I die first he will bury me because he can't stand the thought of cremating me. Now, if he dies first then I will be cremated. Then, I'll be small enough to share his space and nag him into eternity. I'll rent out my space..:eusa_angel:
Was sorta handed to me yesterday. My husband and I traveld up to the cemetary and met with a lady and we picked out our headstones and paid for them. Now I was feeling kinda down about being old enough to think about picking out headstones. We sure didn't want to leave that chore and expense to the kids. shit, where did the time go? Anyway, on the way home we stopped at Chic fil et.. for a sammich. Jesus, in the booth right in front of ours sat a young woman, in her late 20's I guess, she had no hair, none, chemo I guess, she had a young daughter around 7 I'd guess. damn thought I, she'll never bitch about being old enough to pick out a headstone. End of story. It's just so sad.

Very sad. I hope her treatment is successful.

One of my staff is on leave right now; her brother (in his 30s) has been given only a few days to live; he has untreatable cancer. He's leaving behind a wife and two young kids. It's so unfair.
When my wife and I purchased our cemetary plots 6 years ago, the name of the saleswoman was Betty Box. I didn't have the nerve to ask her if that was her real name.
Willow, trust me your children will thank you for that forethought down the road, as will your husband if he out-lives you or you if you outlive him.

In August my father will have been gone for a decade. He passed away on August 22, 2001 (a Wednesday, and his 54th Birthday). When I arrived at my family's home in Connecticut, I asked my mom what arrangements still needed to be made. She told me "None." I looked at her in slight shock. In fact she was absolutely correct. My parents had purchased the gravesites several years earlier, but additionally, they had both gone to their church & the local funeral home (which is run by a member of the family) and pre-planned their funerals. He had picked out his coffin, chosen the music, lessons, etc.. for the service, talked to the pastor about everything, written the obituary, etc... and basically left us with nothing to do but feel sorry for ourselves for three days until the funeral. It was truly the one blessing of that week not to have to worry about all of those things. In fact the only thing we had to even do after the fact was to select the headstone. His comment on that was.... "I'll never see it, so what do I care what it looks like."
Headstones and cemeteries are a waste of real estate and granite.
I want to get roasted and have my ashes tossed in the dumpster at the closest liquor store.

While I don't share your wishes for your final resting place, I do wish to be cremated. When my son died in '89, the wife and I tried to start a movement to get people to buy park land in stead of cemetery plots.
When I'm gone, burn the empty shell, use my ashes to enrich the earth. Leave the land for the living.

That's one of the running fights I've had with my husband. He says if I die first he will bury me because he can't stand the thought of cremating me. Now, if he dies first then I will be cremated. Then, I'll be small enough to share his space and nag him into eternity. I'll rent out my space..:eusa_angel:

My stepdad has cancer and said he wants to be cremated and then buried in the casket with my mom.
I dont mean to make light of your moment of reflection and clarity .
I appreciate it.
I wish we could use the deceased for something like fuel or something useful other than rot.
We are a renewable resource .
I'm watching that old movie Casino. And laughing my ass off..

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