One idea of being "pro-female"...butchery in China.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
He (Plasmaball) has said repeatedly he approves of coerced population control in "places like" China and India. I guess it's a racial thing. While out of the other side of his mouth, he claims that anyone who is anti-abortion is anti-woman.

Yet he says he's in favor of violating human rights in the name of population China. Not here. Not yet (he says). But who knows how many women he's coerced into getting abortions:

"When she became pregnant again in 2006, Ji said local authorities confronted her and told her she was breaking the law.
"We were willing to take the punishment of fines and losing our jobs. It wasn't as important to us as our child," she said through a translator.
This time, the authorities refused payment in fines and "dragged" her outside and beat her husband. Ji said she was sedated and the abortion was performed while she was unconscious. They had also installed an intrauterine device into her uterus after the abortion and told her she was responsible for its cost. Ji, now 35, had the device removed in the U.S., but her doctor found cervical erosion that will hinder her ability to have children. "

Woman in China Said Two Forced Abortions Leaves Her Unable to Have More Children - ABC News
Thomas Malthus put forth several options for the control of the earth's population. Abstentia, birth control, war.....
I don't think Malthus was looking at overpopulation as a moral issue, as much as a physical one. It is a fact that this earth mass can only accomodate so many inhabitants. Maybe Plasmaball is looking at the issue from a different perspective than you and I do, you little Kosher girl. :)
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It isn't a fact at all. There's no evidence anywhere that the earth can't support us.
It's just more propaganda used to desensitize people to genocide.
Our population continues to increase and the land we use to feed the population continues to decrease.
Imagine the population being the same as today, but on an earth that's half it's size. We would all starve to death. Increased population on this earth is responsible for whole species of animals becoming extinct, daily. We used to have room for both. Can you imagine the shock on an American Indian's face that lived in "New York city", before the white man showed up, if he could see his homeland today?
Barring any mega catastrophes, unless this mass is able to expand, it will reach saturation level at some point.

You and I look at abortion as a moral issue. We believe we should not be killing our children. If population is an issue, I'd prefer the option of condoms, or abstinence, or the "night before pill", as opposed to killing our own children.
Killing children has become big business. It needs to be stopped. I believe Christ is capable of handling the population problem fairly easily if he'd hurry up and get here. Until then, it is our responsibility to try to protect these soon to be dead children. And we may be fighting a losing battle, nevertheless............
Maranantha Lord. Come quickly.
I don't think we'll reach saturation point. I don't think it's possible. God made the earth to support us, and it will. People today starve only as a result of mankinds sinful policies and acts. It has nothing to do with whether or not we can produce enough food worldwide...we can. It has everything to do with oppression.
Im not really concerned about Plasma's thoughts & beliefs. I haven't cared when he states them, im certainly not going to worry about what others say about what he believes.
People starved when Austrailia's wheat crop was deicimated and our wheat crop wasn't ready to harvest yet.
I agree with your stand on abortion, but for different reasons.

My point is there's enough food world wide to support the world.

People starve to death every doesn't mean the earth isn't capable of feeding them. It just means for whatever reason they can't get the food.
And the foolishness about people starving because our harvest wasnt' ready doesn't hold water...we have untold tons of grain stored on US soil. The grain was there. They just weren't providing it.

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