One Hour Out Of Five


Sep 23, 2010
Watching the news on T.V. is down to less than one hour a week for me. If I tape 5 hours worth of talk shows in a week, I fast-forward them down to paying attention to one hour if that. I’m even annoyed at the shows I tape. It takes more time to fast forward through a news show than it takes to select and read an article from a newspaper. The Internet is my road game because headlines on websites like Lucianne, Drudge, and so on tell me the stories that interest me.

Analyzing the propaganda is the only reason I ever watched T.V. news to begin with. That pleasure is gone because the lies have become so obvious. Worse still, the facts supplied by T.V. are useless. Example: A plane crashes into a mountain on the other side of the world. That is a fact. Here’s another fact: Wrapping a plane crash with crap details captures my attention less than did the crash itself. Fast-forwarding through that one story chewed up at least 2 hours out of 5 taped hours. MH370 was even worse. Entire one hour shows were devoted to talking about:

Put in some Internet research time on any topic and in no time at all you’ll have all of the pertinent facts you need to arrive at the truth —— truth untainted by government propaganda provided by talking heads. The available ‘facts’ about the manmade global warming fraud have been reported non-stop for decades. It is amazing that the fraud is so well-documented the lies still require daily booster shots.

Even more amazing is that the overwhelming majority of Americans have long-known that global warming is a fraud; nevertheless, nothing is able to stop environmental parasites from moving ever closer to the public purse.


Carbon dioxide: Human contribution pales in comparison to volcanoes
Using the Global Warming Hoax to Destroy America
By Alan Caruba April 8, 2015

Using the Global Warming Hoax to Destroy America

A body of unquestioned facts related to secretive topics are often difficult to locate but they are available. Global government administered by the United Nations heads the list of political topics the government, and its MSM, do not want the public looking into; most especially when it involves the United Nations:

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg
Quote...Ten Years Later

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."​

He went on to explain:

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."​

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle

The facts surrounding the nuclear deal with Iran is the most recent topic the government is desperate to make disappear before it lands on the UN’s doorstep. On top of Internet-media, a few talking heads are asking embarrassing questions —— unwittingly endangering the MSM’s superficial reportage.


Only Fools Trust Obama or the Iranians
By Alan Caruba April 7, 2015

Only Fools Trust Obama or the Iranians

Finally, my greatest fear is that the Internet will go the way of television.
Every one of those UN-lovers in our government is a sick puppy. Samantha Power is one of sickest irrespective of her self-declared extreme disappointment:

“In Iran, women are legally barred from holding some government positions, there are no laws against domestic violence, and adultery is punishable by stoning, making it wholly inappropriate that Iran assume a leadership role on women’s rights and welfare at the U.N,” said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, in criticizing the decision to make Iran a member of the women’s rights body.

Power added that she was “extremely disappointed” in the UN group’s decision. Iran’s three-year term as a UN Women Governing Board member begins January 1, 2016.

Iran Wins Seat At UN Women’s Agency
by Jordan Schachtel
12 Apr 2015

Iran Wins Seat At UN Women s Agency - Breitbart

Iran’s tenure begins whether or not Hillary Clinton becomes president. Now is the time to ask her how she feels about choosing:

1. Retaining US membership in the United Nations at any price.

2. Muslim countries walking out of the United Nations to ‘protect’ their women.

3. Give Iran nuclear bombs followed by delivery systems.

My guess at HRC’s answer without hesitation: NUMBER 1.

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