One Can of Soda Per Day

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
“1 Daily Soda May Boost Heart Disease,” reads the WebMD headline.

Could my afternoon Dew be jeopardizing my life, one little 12-ounce can at a time? That appears to be the case, according to a recent study published in the American Heart Association's journal Circulation. Those of us with a “soda habit” have an increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which tends to be a precursor to heart disease and diabetes.

The research is pretty clear that excessive soda slurping is not healthy. The large quantities of sugar in soda can increase insulin levels in the blood, which over time can lead to Type 2 diabetes, as well as high blood pressure, heart disease and weight gain.

Additionally, phosphoric acid found in many sodas inhibits the proper absorption of calcium which can weaken bones and teeth, which may explain why Americans have the highest incidence of osteoporosis in the world.

But is just one soda per day that bad?

"Even one soda per day increases your risk of developing metabolic syndrome by about 50 percent," according to Ramachandran Vasan, MD, senior author of the new study and a professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine.

for full article:
And don't forget the stuff they put in your diet soda! (and food!)

[ame=]YouTube - Super Size My Aspartame by Trillion of NZ DANGER[/ame]
I am convinced that most of the health problems that seem pandemic are related to the consumption of soda.

Frankly, I think soda is a worse menace than smoking.
I am convinced that most of the health problems that seem pandemic are related to the consumption of soda.

Frankly, I think soda is a worse menace than smoking.

That would have sounded like a rediculous statement if I hadn't just seen an interview with prevention magazine talking about soda and kidney damage.

Regarding children: when I was a child, no one let their kids drink soda. My daughter won't let her kids have caffeine, but will let them occasionally have a non-caffeine soda. But I see lots of little children drinking regular cola & I know that can't be good for numerous reasons.
Eh, almost always try to stay away from the stuff. I actually don't understand why people love it to death. It's all... gassy and crap. I usually drink Iced Tea (har, har, kinda bad too I guess).
I am convinced that most of the health problems that seem pandemic are related to the consumption of soda.

Frankly, I think soda is a worse menace than smoking.

Yeah, except that there is no such thing as secondhand soda.
Yeah, except that there is no such thing as secondhand soda.

No doubt. Sombody polluting your air with tobacco smoke is annoying, and unhealthful, too. I smoke and even I can't stand second hand smoke.

I was referring to the collective outcomes in morbidity and morality statistics steming from the pandemic of obsesity and type II diabetes (and lord knows what else we'll eventually discover, too).

This pandemic of diseases, and the amount of soda people are drinking are linked, I suspect.

When I was kid, soda was a rare treat, not the number one drink of Americans. Soda usually came in 7oz bottles, it was expensive and thought of as liquid candy.

When I was kid, most people (and damned few kids) weren't fat, either.

I think there's a direct correlation between soda and the decline in public health espeically in our younger population

Percentage-wise, fewer Americans smoke now than ever. We also drink far less alcohol that the WWII generation did.

Still our overall health seems to be on the decline.

We live a tad longer, true, but the quality of our health during our slightly longer lives seems not as good as it was thirty or fourty years ago.

I think it's our diets, and soda may be the major culprit among many changes in our lives that explain these changes.
No doubt. Sombody polluting your air with tobacco smoke is annoying, and unhealthful, too. I smoke and even I can't stand second hand smoke.

I was referring to the collective outcomes in morbidity and morality statistics steming from the pandemic of obsesity and type II diabetes (and lord knows what else we'll eventually discover, too).

This pandemic of diseases, and the amount of soda people are drinking are linked, I suspect.

When I was kid, soda was a rare treat, not the number one drink of Americans. Soda usually came in 7oz bottles, it was expensive and thought of as liquid candy.

When I was kid, most people (and damned few kids) weren't fat, either.

I think there's a direct correlation between soda and the decline in public health espeically in our younger population

Percentage-wise, fewer Americans smoke now than ever. We also drink far less alcohol that the WWII generation did.

Still our overall health seems to be on the decline.

We live a tad longer, true, but the quality of our health during our slightly longer lives seems not as good as it was thirty or fourty years ago.

I think it's our diets, and soda may be the major culprit among many changes in our lives that explain these changes.

One more reason to despise the Coca Cola Co. ;)

But, I do agree that though soda drinking may seem innocuous, more and more studies show it's harmful effects are not to be ignored.

Of course I can be preachy about that as well. I drink about 5 sodas a year. I'm amazed when I see people drinking soft drinks with meals. It seems as appetizing to me as would a scoop of ice cream on a baked potato.

My sister, who is overweight, says she is so addicted to Diet Coke that she would rather give up coffee than Diet Coke.
I use to drink soda, then I went to tea now I'm a coffee drinker. It was an easy switch. I think the caffine is addictive, but if its the sugar you crave it might not be that easy.

BTW, drinking 3 beers a night can equal 15 pounds of body weight a year, or something like that. Can't enjoy anything :mad:
That would have sounded like a rediculous statement if I hadn't just seen an interview with prevention magazine talking about soda and kidney damage.

Regarding children: when I was a child, no one let their kids drink soda. My daughter won't let her kids have caffeine, but will let them occasionally have a non-caffeine soda. But I see lots of little children drinking regular cola & I know that can't be good for numerous reasons.

The kids just inhale the stuff. It is far worse than smoking now. The obesity epidemic is largely the result of all this sugar the kids are hooked on in sodas
Many schools have coke machines right there for all to partake.

Might as well put cigarette machines in them too.
Many schools have coke machines right there for all to partake.

Might as well put cigarette machines in them too.

IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT there is approx. 1 teaspoon of sugar per ounce of soda. So a 12 oz. can of Coke contains about 12 teaspoons of sugar. One teaspoon of sugar is about 16 calories. So a can of Coke has about 192 calories. If you drink a six-pac of Coke, you get about 1,152 calories!

Another way is to look at the label, which says that a 12-oz can of Coke has 140 calories. That means that the can has the equivalent of 9 teaspoons or 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Then, for those that love their diet coke, check this out about aspartame:

Aspartame & Aspartame Poisoning Information Site

Did you see the vid on aspartame I posted?
Consumption of soft drinks and high-fructose corn syrup linked to obesity and diabetes

We drink de-caf iced tea in our house. Morning, noon, and night. Several years ago we stopped drinking "soda" and now it is so sweet it tastes horrible, even the sugar free/ diet kind. Plus living in an area where we get several days over 100' plus - soda does nothing to quench your thirst, makes it worse, as a matter of fact. When I do grab a soda it is usually Dr. Pepper - seems I can tolerate it better then Pepsi, Coke or other cola's.

My 2 cents worth. :)
I choose not to think about it. I know I'm drinking way more soda than I should and it actually makes me feel crappy. Here soon I'm pulling the soda plug.

Doesn't help that there's a pop machine about 2 steps from my office....
It's sad... everything that tastes good or is fun will, at some point, turn out to be bad.

Cervical cancer is almost non-existant among nuns. So... ready to give up sex?
Probably worse is the TV. When I was a young un, back in the Kennedy years, we were all outside most of the time. The streets were alive with kids.

You go through a residential neighborhood these days, even on really nice days in spring, it looks like a nuetron bomb has gone off

We didn't get that much goodies (in the days before cheetos and corn chips and all the really greasy stuff we stuff ourselves with these days) and we ran it off in a hurry
I thought tea was a diuretic...which means it isn't great at quenching thirst, either.

Though it's undboutedly better than any sort of soda. Tea is only as strong as you make it.
I thought tea was a diuretic...which means it isn't great at quenching thirst, either.

Though it's undboutedly better than any sort of soda. Tea is only as strong as you make it.

Yep, I love iced tea. No sugar, a drop of fresh lemon if it's around. No calories, some caffine,and a refreshing drink. I have a cup of coffee in the morning, some tea with my lunch, skim milk at dinner, and drink more than a gallon of water throughout the day.

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