CDZ Once again, Trump shows us he has no regard for even his own tenets - SCOTUS

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Washington, D.C.
I am increasingly convinced Trump genuinely thinks the American people are "dumber than is a midsummer day is long."

Not long ago Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate. Today Trump announced a list of folks he'd consider as SCOTUS nominees. The premise of the message of both actions is clear: this person/these people are the only with whom I find favor; vote for me because of my approbation of them.

Okay. Fine. Now what was Trump's comment when Mr. Cruz announced Ms. Fiorina? Essentially he responded with remarks about how doing so was premature and a diversion because Mr. Cruz had not yet won anything that indicated the announcement would ever come to fruition. Well, Trump is in exactly the same position re: the Presidential election, yet the same rationale, a line of argument Trump presented, apparently doesn't apply. Say what? Puh-lease!

This is just another illustration of the fact that Trump has zero principles and will opportunistically say anything. It simply doesn't matter if a principle he advanced last month is diametrically the opposite of one he's tacitly advancing on his own behalf now. Can people truly not see as much? Just how deaf, dumb or blind need one be not to notice it?
I am increasingly convinced Trump genuinely thinks the American people are "dumber than is a midsummer day is long."

Not long ago Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate. Today Trump announced a list of folks he'd consider as SCOTUS nominees. The premise of the message of both actions is clear: this person/these people are the only with whom I find favor; vote for me because of my approbation of them.

Okay. Fine. Now what was Trump's comment when Mr. Cruz announced Ms. Fiorina? Essentially he responded with remarks about how doing so was premature and a diversion because Mr. Cruz had not yet won anything that indicated the announcement would ever come to fruition. Well, Trump is in exactly the same position re: the Presidential election, yet the same rationale, a line of argument Trump presented, apparently doesn't apply. Say what? Puh-lease!

This is just another illustration of the fact that Trump has zero principles and will opportunistically say anything. It simply doesn't matter if a principle he advanced last month is diametrically the opposite of one he's tacitly advancing on his own behalf now. Can people truly not see as much? Just how deaf, dumb or blind need one be not to notice it?

Given that as a whole we apply the same level of scrutiny to any one of our political class’ corporate puppets, especially if they're of the party we favor, coupled with the fact that america runs on denial about our own shortcomings as a society and our own genocidal creation myth, I'd say all of this is in keeping with who we are as a people.
I am increasingly convinced Trump genuinely thinks the American people are "dumber than is a midsummer day is long."

Not long ago Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate. Today Trump announced a list of folks he'd consider as SCOTUS nominees. The premise of the message of both actions is clear: this person/these people are the only with whom I find favor; vote for me because of my approbation of them.

Okay. Fine. Now what was Trump's comment when Mr. Cruz announced Ms. Fiorina? Essentially he responded with remarks about how doing so was premature and a diversion because Mr. Cruz had not yet won anything that indicated the announcement would ever come to fruition. Well, Trump is in exactly the same position re: the Presidential election, yet the same rationale, a line of argument Trump presented, apparently doesn't apply. Say what? Puh-lease!

This is just another illustration of the fact that Trump has zero principles and will opportunistically say anything. It simply doesn't matter if a principle he advanced last month is diametrically the opposite of one he's tacitly advancing on his own behalf now. Can people truly not see as much? Just how deaf, dumb or blind need one be not to notice it?

Given that as a whole we apply the same level of scrutiny to any one of our political class’ corporate puppets, especially if they're of the party we favor, coupled with the fact that america runs on denial about our own shortcomings as a society and our own genocidal creation myth, I'd say all of this is in keeping with who we are as a people.

That may be among the most melancholically forlorn things I've read in a long time.
I am increasingly convinced Trump genuinely thinks the American people are "dumber than is a midsummer day is long."

Not long ago Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate. Today Trump announced a list of folks he'd consider as SCOTUS nominees. The premise of the message of both actions is clear: this person/these people are the only with whom I find favor; vote for me because of my approbation of them.

Okay. Fine. Now what was Trump's comment when Mr. Cruz announced Ms. Fiorina? Essentially he responded with remarks about how doing so was premature and a diversion because Mr. Cruz had not yet won anything that indicated the announcement would ever come to fruition. Well, Trump is in exactly the same position re: the Presidential election, yet the same rationale, a line of argument Trump presented, apparently doesn't apply. Say what? Puh-lease!

This is just another illustration of the fact that Trump has zero principles and will opportunistically say anything. It simply doesn't matter if a principle he advanced last month is diametrically the opposite of one he's tacitly advancing on his own behalf now. Can people truly not see as much? Just how deaf, dumb or blind need one be not to notice it?

Donnie changes his mind more than the weather. He is just playing to his base. If the similarity of the Cruz appointment and his USSC appointment were pointed out to him, he would just ignore it. When he is caught in a lie or a half truth, he has become so confident that his rabid followers will never lead him, that he doubled down on his lie. The man is incorrigible.
I get it but he is going to be the nominee unless the RNC changes the rules at convention. Which, they wont BTW. I don't see what the problem is.
Also, considering SC picks are a hot button issue right now......
I am increasingly convinced Trump genuinely thinks the American people are "dumber than is a midsummer day is long."

Not long ago Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate. Today Trump announced a list of folks he'd consider as SCOTUS nominees. The premise of the message of both actions is clear: this person/these people are the only with whom I find favor; vote for me because of my approbation of them.

Okay. Fine. Now what was Trump's comment when Mr. Cruz announced Ms. Fiorina? Essentially he responded with remarks about how doing so was premature and a diversion because Mr. Cruz had not yet won anything that indicated the announcement would ever come to fruition. Well, Trump is in exactly the same position re: the Presidential election, yet the same rationale, a line of argument Trump presented, apparently doesn't apply. Say what? Puh-lease!

This is just another illustration of the fact that Trump has zero principles and will opportunistically say anything. It simply doesn't matter if a principle he advanced last month is diametrically the opposite of one he's tacitly advancing on his own behalf now. Can people truly not see as much? Just how deaf, dumb or blind need one be not to notice it?
As much as I disapprove of Trump, he does actually have a reason for unveiling SCOTUS picks. Many Republicans have managed to get behind him as the candidate using the argument that as a Republican, he will appoint more conservative judges than if Hillary gets into the WH. They're grasping for twigs as they fall from the tree, but hey, they have to find SOME way to justify the guy. So Trump is obliging them and using it as a selling point.
I am increasingly convinced Trump genuinely thinks the American people are "dumber than is a midsummer day is long."

Not long ago Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate. Today Trump announced a list of folks he'd consider as SCOTUS nominees. The premise of the message of both actions is clear: this person/these people are the only with whom I find favor; vote for me because of my approbation of them.

Okay. Fine. Now what was Trump's comment when Mr. Cruz announced Ms. Fiorina? Essentially he responded with remarks about how doing so was premature and a diversion because Mr. Cruz had not yet won anything that indicated the announcement would ever come to fruition. Well, Trump is in exactly the same position re: the Presidential election, yet the same rationale, a line of argument Trump presented, apparently doesn't apply. Say what? Puh-lease!

This is just another illustration of the fact that Trump has zero principles and will opportunistically say anything. It simply doesn't matter if a principle he advanced last month is diametrically the opposite of one he's tacitly advancing on his own behalf now. Can people truly not see as much? Just how deaf, dumb or blind need one be not to notice it?
As much as I disapprove of Trump, he does actually have a reason for unveiling SCOTUS picks. Many Republicans have managed to get behind him as the candidate using the argument that as a Republican, he will appoint more conservative judges than if Hillary gets into the WH. They're grasping for twigs as they fall from the tree, but hey, they have to find SOME way to justify the guy. So Trump is obliging them and using it as a selling point.

He is throwing red meat to his base. So be it...
I get it but he is going to be the nominee unless the RNC changes the rules at convention. Which, they wont BTW. I don't see what the problem is.
Also, considering SC picks are a hot button issue right now......

Why am I not surprised? LOL
Kinda like me not being surprised you attack at every whim? LOL what a joke.
SC is a hot button issue and he is the presumptive nominee and unless the RNC fucks over millions of republican voters, he will BE the nominee. OF COURSE I don't see what the problem is.
Keep grasping for air. It retains your credibility :lmao:
I am increasingly convinced Trump genuinely thinks the American people are "dumber than is a midsummer day is long."

Not long ago Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate. Today Trump announced a list of folks he'd consider as SCOTUS nominees. The premise of the message of both actions is clear: this person/these people are the only with whom I find favor; vote for me because of my approbation of them.

Okay. Fine. Now what was Trump's comment when Mr. Cruz announced Ms. Fiorina? Essentially he responded with remarks about how doing so was premature and a diversion because Mr. Cruz had not yet won anything that indicated the announcement would ever come to fruition. Well, Trump is in exactly the same position re: the Presidential election, yet the same rationale, a line of argument Trump presented, apparently doesn't apply. Say what? Puh-lease!

This is just another illustration of the fact that Trump has zero principles and will opportunistically say anything. It simply doesn't matter if a principle he advanced last month is diametrically the opposite of one he's tacitly advancing on his own behalf now. Can people truly not see as much? Just how deaf, dumb or blind need one be not to notice it?
As much as I disapprove of Trump, he does actually have a reason for unveiling SCOTUS picks. Many Republicans have managed to get behind him as the candidate using the argument that as a Republican, he will appoint more conservative judges than if Hillary gets into the WH. They're grasping for twigs as they fall from the tree, but hey, they have to find SOME way to justify the guy. So Trump is obliging them and using it as a selling point.

But see that's the thing. Those of us with half the sense God gave a goose are thus supposed to endure four years, maybe eight, of a Trump Presidency just to get a SCOTUS appointment? Those of us who, unlike Suzy, have more than "one note" on our instrument, realize that no Court decision can bring the nation to its knees, but there's plenty a nut-job narcissist numbskull in the White House can literally do that can, and can in numerous ways. That some woman's baby whom I will never know gets born rather than not being born, say, just doesn't bring me any comfort in view of that having been what I'd receive in exchange for installing in the Presidency a hot headed, ego maniacal, belligerent and bellicose buffoon whom I cannot trust and who will have his hand on "the button."

I may be crazy, but that just does not work for me. I just do not see how I come out ahead in that deal. Hell, screw "coming out ahead." I don't see how I break even in that trade.
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He is just playing to his base.

He is throwing red meat to his base.

You've expressed that idea twice and it didn't become more plausible the second time around than it was the first time. Trump has already "pivoted" to the general election. He's done pandering to his base. He's now finding new folks to whom he can pander.
I get it but he is going to be the nominee unless the RNC changes the rules at convention. Which, they wont BTW. I don't see what the problem is.
Also, considering SC picks are a hot button issue right now......

Why am I not surprised? LOL
Kinda like me not being surprised you attack at every whim? LOL what a joke.
SC is a hot button issue and he is the presumptive nominee and unless the RNC fucks over millions of republican voters, he will BE the nominee. OF COURSE I don't see what the problem is.
Keep grasping for air. It retains your credibility :lmao:

Okay...well, I can assure you I won't be surprised by anything else you write on here.
I am increasingly convinced Trump genuinely thinks the American people are "dumber than is a midsummer day is long."

Not long ago Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate. Today Trump announced a list of folks he'd consider as SCOTUS nominees. The premise of the message of both actions is clear: this person/these people are the only with whom I find favor; vote for me because of my approbation of them.

Okay. Fine. Now what was Trump's comment when Mr. Cruz announced Ms. Fiorina? Essentially he responded with remarks about how doing so was premature and a diversion because Mr. Cruz had not yet won anything that indicated the announcement would ever come to fruition. Well, Trump is in exactly the same position re: the Presidential election, yet the same rationale, a line of argument Trump presented, apparently doesn't apply. Say what? Puh-lease!

This is just another illustration of the fact that Trump has zero principles and will opportunistically say anything. It simply doesn't matter if a principle he advanced last month is diametrically the opposite of one he's tacitly advancing on his own behalf now. Can people truly not see as much? Just how deaf, dumb or blind need one be not to notice it?

Given that as a whole we apply the same level of scrutiny to any one of our political class’ corporate puppets, especially if they're of the party we favor, coupled with the fact that america runs on denial about our own shortcomings as a society and our own genocidal creation myth, I'd say all of this is in keeping with who we are as a people.

That may be among the most melancholically forlorn things I've read in a long time.

I get it but he is going to be the nominee unless the RNC changes the rules at convention. Which, they wont BTW. I don't see what the problem is.
Also, considering SC picks are a hot button issue right now......

Why am I not surprised? LOL
Kinda like me not being surprised you attack at every whim? LOL what a joke.
SC is a hot button issue and he is the presumptive nominee and unless the RNC fucks over millions of republican voters, he will BE the nominee. OF COURSE I don't see what the problem is.
Keep grasping for air. It retains your credibility :lmao:

Okay...well, I can assure you I won't be surprised by anything else you write on here.
Cool. I haven't been surprised at your hack musings for a while now. About time you caught up :thup:

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