On Michele Bachmann’s Must-Read List: Book On Robert E. Lee That Defends Slavery


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
On Michele Bachmann’s Must-Read List: Book On Robert E. Lee That Defends Slavery

After signing a pledge, part of which asserts that blacks were better off under slavery, we find out that on her “must-read” list is Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee, which includes this passage:

Slavery, as it operated in the pervasively Christian society which was the old South, was not an adversarial relationship founded on racial animosity. In fact, it bred on the whole, not contempt, but, over time, mutual respect. This produced a mutual esteem of the sort that always results when men give themselves to a common cause.

The credit for this startling reality must go to the Christian faith.

So, does Michele Bachmann agree with this and if so, is it based on her religious beliefs?
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good grief, the trolls on this board are getting desperately pathetic and boring..

ho hum, YAWN
Yet another Michelle Bachmann thread ?

Dear God.

Why so much bigoted hate for women by you people.
On Michele Bachmann’s Must-Read List: Book On Robert E. Lee That Defends Slavery

After signing a pledge, part of which asserts that blacks were better off under slavery, we find out that on her “must-read” list is Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee, which includes this passage:

Slavery, as it operated in the pervasively Christian society which was the old South, was not an adversarial relationship founded on racial animosity. In fact, it bred on the whole, not contempt, but, over time, mutual respect. This produced a mutual esteem of the sort that always results when men give themselves to a common cause.

The credit for this startling reality must go to the Christian faith.

So, does Michele Bachmann agree with this and if so, is it based on her religious beliefs?
I doubt she really read the book. Her publicist/strategists probably recommended she put that one on the list to get southern votes. She is a Yankee after all.

I tried to google up a complete list but the internet is clogged with left wing blogs talking only about the Robert E Lee book. I did find one other she recommended...Nancy Pearce's recent book, "Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity,"

...oh brother.

God I hope this bible thumping crackpot of a ninny gets nominated.
On Michele Bachmann’s Must-Read List: Book On Robert E. Lee That Defends Slavery

After signing a pledge, part of which asserts that blacks were better off under slavery, we find out that on her “must-read” list is Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee, which includes this passage:

Slavery, as it operated in the pervasively Christian society which was the old South, was not an adversarial relationship founded on racial animosity. In fact, it bred on the whole, not contempt, but, over time, mutual respect. This produced a mutual esteem of the sort that always results when men give themselves to a common cause.

The credit for this startling reality must go to the Christian faith.

So, does Michele Bachmann agree with this and if so, is it based on her religious beliefs?
I doubt she really read the book. Her publicist/strategists probably recommended she put that one on the list to get southern votes. She is a Yankee after all.

I tried to google up a complete list but the internet is clogged with left wing blogs talking only about the Robert E Lee book. I did find one other she recommended...Nancy Pearce's recent book, "Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity,"

...oh brother.

God I hope this bible thumping crackpot of a ninny gets nominated.

I doubt she will but Perry might.

And they are cut from the same cloth.
On Michele Bachmann’s Must-Read List: Book On Robert E. Lee That Defends Slavery

After signing a pledge, part of which asserts that blacks were better off under slavery, we find out that on her “must-read” list is Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee, which includes this passage:

Slavery, as it operated in the pervasively Christian society which was the old South, was not an adversarial relationship founded on racial animosity. In fact, it bred on the whole, not contempt, but, over time, mutual respect. This produced a mutual esteem of the sort that always results when men give themselves to a common cause.

The credit for this startling reality must go to the Christian faith.

So, does Michele Bachmann agree with this and if so, is it based on her religious beliefs?
I doubt she really read the book. Her publicist/strategists probably recommended she put that one on the list to get southern votes. She is a Yankee after all.

I tried to google up a complete list but the internet is clogged with left wing blogs talking only about the Robert E Lee book. I did find one other she recommended...Nancy Pearce's recent book, "Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity,"

...oh brother.

God I hope this bible thumping crackpot of a ninny gets nominated.

I doubt she will but Perry might.

And they are cut from the same cloth.
In spite of conservative media's love for Perry...I just don't think the US is quite ready for another Texas Republican president...just yet.
Yet another Michelle Bachmann thread ?

Dear God.

Why so much bigoted hate for women by you people.
Find me one post in this entire site that criticizes Bachmann solely because she's a woman....you won't find it I bet.

She's criticized because she's a brainless twerp like Palin, not because she's a woman.

Brainless huh ? Successful business woman, elected official, running for president.

What are you running for, asswipe of the quarter ?
I doubt she really read the book. Her publicist/strategists probably recommended she put that one on the list to get southern votes. She is a Yankee after all.

I tried to google up a complete list but the internet is clogged with left wing blogs talking only about the Robert E Lee book. I did find one other she recommended...Nancy Pearce's recent book, "Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity,"

...oh brother.

God I hope this bible thumping crackpot of a ninny gets nominated.

I doubt she will but Perry might.

And they are cut from the same cloth.
In spite of conservative media's love for Perry...I just don't think the US is quite ready for another Texas Republican president...just yet.

Not saying they are..he's got very little chance in the General.

But I sorta think Republicans don't wanna win this one. There's really nothing to work with in terms of fucking shit up. They've done about all you can do...without totally turning this place into a third world dictatorship. So either you work hard to right things ( Something they have no interest in ) or you stand on the sidelines and complain.

I'm thinking they want just enough power to fuck things up and complain about it.
Yet another Michelle Bachmann thread ?

Dear God.

Why so much bigoted hate for women by you people.
Find me one post in this entire site that criticizes Bachmann solely because she's a woman....you won't find it I bet.

She's criticized because she's a brainless twerp like Palin, not because she's a woman.

Brainless huh ? Successful business woman, elected official, running for president.

What are you running for, asswipe of the quarter ?
Dan Quayle was a successful businessman, elected official, and ran for VP. You sure have a lowered the bar.

Looks like you can't find anyone criticizing her just for being a women, can you?
I doubt she will but Perry might.

And they are cut from the same cloth.
In spite of conservative media's love for Perry...I just don't think the US is quite ready for another Texas Republican president...just yet.

Not saying they are..he's got very little chance in the General.

But I sorta think Republicans don't wanna win this one. There's really nothing to work with in terms of fucking shit up. They've done about all you can do...without totally turning this place into a third world dictatorship. So either you work hard to right things ( Something they have no interest in ) or you stand on the sidelines and complain.

I'm thinking they want just enough power to fuck things up and complain about it.
I'm not so sure the smart money shouldn't be on losing. Economists who aren't bought and paid for by one of the parties say 2016 is the magic number for job growth and significant recovery. I sometimes wonder if Palin was what the GOP used to take a dive. I mean what kind of competent person would recommend her? Schmidt and Rove don't make mistakes of that magnitude.

The GOP and conservative media just loves to back seat drive, and just make shit up that they say would have worked after anything Obama does that fails. But they wouldn't if they won!
On Michele Bachmann’s Must-Read List: Book On Robert E. Lee That Defends Slavery

After signing a pledge, part of which asserts that blacks were better off under slavery, we find out that on her “must-read” list is Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee, which includes this passage:

Slavery, as it operated in the pervasively Christian society which was the old South, was not an adversarial relationship founded on racial animosity. In fact, it bred on the whole, not contempt, but, over time, mutual respect. This produced a mutual esteem of the sort that always results when men give themselves to a common cause.

The credit for this startling reality must go to the Christian faith.

So, does Michele Bachmann agree with this and if so, is it based on her religious beliefs?

You're a fucking retard.

An entire book and that's all someone else found for you to cry about out of 10 books.

You are a pathetic embarrassment to the human race.
Hmmmm... not ready for another Republican Texas Governor to become President? Since Texas was the one state that added ONE HALF of the total jobs for last year, and every company who can is moving to Texas because of the good business climate, I say that this country NEEDS another Republican Texas Governor to become President. Being from Oklahoma this chokes me almost as much as watching Texas University win another Red River Rivalry, but the truth can be bitter sweet. Perry just might be able to bring this country back... Unless of course, Barry and his ilk haven't completely destroyed us by 2012.

Michelle Bachmann may not get my vote, but I have nothing but respect for her. She talks alot of common sense. I realize that the left doesn't like her (or Palin) because of it. Or maybe they would like her if she looked like Janet Reno? A country ran by Michelle Bachmann would NOT have the same level of ignorance that Barry, Nancy, and Harry have displayed since 2008. My God, I don't think a bus full of lawyers could leave as much slime as those three.
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Find me one post in this entire site that criticizes Bachmann solely because she's a woman....you won't find it I bet.

She's criticized because she's a brainless twerp like Palin, not because she's a woman.

Brainless huh ? Successful business woman, elected official, running for president.

What are you running for, asswipe of the quarter ?
Dan Quayle was a successful businessman, elected official, and ran for VP. You sure have a lowered the bar.

Looks like you can't find anyone criticizing her just for being a women, can you?

I'm not looking for anyone, you're right.
Yet another Michelle Bachmann thread ?

Dear God.

Why so much bigoted hate for women by you people.
Find me one post in this entire site that criticizes Bachmann solely because she's a woman....you won't find it I bet.

She's criticized because she's a brainless twerp like Palin, not because she's a woman.

Suck it up you sexist douche bag.

everytime we say obama is a fucking moron, we're racists

so I guess you fucks just better learn that you need to stop being such sexist and learn to treat women equally.
Hmmmm... not ready for another Republican Texas Governor to become President? Since Texas was the one state that added ONE HALF of the total jobs for last year, and every company who can is moving to Texas because of the good business climate, I say that this country NEEDS another Republican Texas Governor to become President. Being from Oklahoma this chokes me almost as much as watching Texas University win another Red River Rivalry, but the truth can be bitter sweet. Perry just might be able to bring this country back... Unless of course, Barry and his ilk haven't completely destroyed us by 2012.

Michelle Bachmann may not get my vote, but I have nothing but respect for her. She talks alot of common sense. I realize that the left doesn't like her (or Palin) because of it. Or maybe they would like her if she looked like Janet Reno? A country ran by Michelle Bachmann would NOT have the same level of ignorance that Barry, Nancy, and Harry have displayed since 2008. My God, I don't think a bus full of lawyers could leave as much slime as those three.

All based on massive government spending in the energy sector. Perry also plugged holes in Texas' deficit with stimulus money.

And this from the people who rail against spending. :lol:
Yep...Representative...succesful business woman..who advocates for pork..for her own family's businesses!

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds - politics - Decision 2012 - msnbc.com
Bachmann Farm Subsidies | Rep. Michele Bachmann: She's had her share of government aid - Los Angeles Times

Back in the old days..we'd call these people "crooks".

Today I guess..those young whippersnappers..call them Conservative Republicans!

well then, get your hero Obama to change the friggen law.
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Yet another Michelle Bachmann thread ?

Dear God.

Why so much bigoted hate for women by you people.
Find me one post in this entire site that criticizes Bachmann solely because she's a woman....you won't find it I bet.

She's criticized because she's a brainless twerp like Palin, not because she's a woman.

Suck it up you sexist douche bag.

everytime we say obama is a fucking moron, we're racists

so I guess you fucks just better learn that you need to stop being such sexist and learn to treat women equally.

I dunno.

I've seen you call Obama a moron plenty of times..and never once said you were a racist.

Nor do I think you are a racist.

And at times..I've even defended you from moonbats who did call you racist.

I have no trouble with people calling Obama a moron.

It's the Keynan, Marxist, "Doesn't share American values" folks I have a little trouble with.. :eusa_angel:

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