On Jews, Banksters, Anti-Semites, Hate-phobes, and the Coming Great Crash


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
OK, I am going to try and describe the very complex interaction between Jews, the banking industry, anti-semitism, hate-baiters and hate-phobes because the discussion, as thin as it is, causes a lot of confusion to people like me who have grown up in areas where there are few Jews and what few there are are rarely seen day to day and so provoke little attention and thought except in the media. I am stating things as I have come to understand them in the three decades that I have lived on the east coast of the US, and I know that I am mistaken about a few things, though I don't know what they are. While I have read a good deal on the topic, I am no expert and I am sure that some people can talk circles around me on the topic. This is how I understand things today, and hopefully my comprehension of the Truth of this matter will improve over time.

For the US the story largely starts in the post Civil War era. Back in the Old World, especially in Eastern Europe, Jews that immigrated to the US were fairly harshly discriminated against by Christian monarchies, the same monarchies, in large part, that most Americans or their ancestors had also fled. While the typical person might see this as common grounds for empathy between the US Christian and Jewish communities, no, some Christians still had those Old World attitudes against Jews and some Jews saw the US Christians as part of the same faith that had caused them so much pain back 'home'. But this post Civil War era saw a lot of immigration from Europe of its upper classes as news coverage of the Civil War made many over there realize that the US wasn't this great backwater any more and one could come here with some money and make a great deal more money. Thus instead of the mix of poor Irish, Scotsmen and Anglos we started to get a new mix of poor from almost every country and a good deal of the upper classes too.

These upper classes in Europe were far wealthier than your typical wealthy families in the US, but the natives had connections in the political system and so it was not so simple to shove them aside. By the time the Jews started coming here in great numbers the US had a firm mix of Old Wealth and New European immigrant wealth. Anti-Jewish sentiment was triggered against Jews as they bought into various industries, industries that were sort of traditional Jewish industries because of the restrictions placed on them by European monarchs, such as it being illegal to own land outside of the Jewish Quarter that most nations had. Thus the industries Jews had familiarity with were all urban and so there were a lot of Jewish bankers (who for centuries were the only ones who could loan money at interest in Europe), Jewish academians, Jewish entertainers, Jewish lawyers, etc. When they came to America they began to move straight into these same industries like any other ethnic group would do.

As I understand it the Jews dominated the banking industry in New York for quite some time in the 30's and going into the 40's but that has changed. The boards that own these banks are not majority Jewish and though there is a disproportionate number of Jews heading banks and other financial institutions, the majority of them are secularized, ethnic chameleons as comfortable around Christian secularists as Jewish secularists. The dominant religious group in the financial industry today as almost always and in every industry are the Episcopalians and Presbyterians but they blend in with everyone else and escape the kind of attention that Jews tend to get.

Also, if one wants to talk about an ethnic group that is wealthy and powerful no ethnic group eclipses the Saudis these days, except maybe the Chinese. But the Saudis play a crucial role in providing a commodity support to the US dollar by only accepting payment in US dollars. Were they to change this policy, US dollars would drop in value drastically, so the Saudis actually have us by the proverbial short hairs, not the Jews.

Also, anti-Jewish people claim that Jews conspire with each other, but though there is a certain tribal deference to each other, as is typical for people of any tribe, it is not absolute. If the anti-Semites are right then the London financial markets are controlled by Jews as is the European Monetary Union, but those two groups are in conflict over EU monetary policy and the supposedly Jewish controlled US financial industry is playing both sides for profit. Where the hell is the kabal conspiracy in that? Some Jews are staunchly pro-Israel or Zionist, but a great many Jews, if not a majority, are neutral on Israel and many are annoyed that so much of the conflict in the Middle East centers on Israel's existence. Some of them actively support Palestinian groups that make war on Israel almost every day (just read Horrowitzes 'Front Page' emag for examples).

So despite the fact that the facts themselves shoot down anti-semitic conspiracy theories, it is difficult if not impossible to refute them publicly because of the hate-phobes hysterical reactions if anyone dares to even discuss the subject. As I have read on this topic on sites that are not anti-semitic, there is a pattern of someone defending Judaism against these ridiculous charges, then some hate-phobe damns them as anti-semites for even asking questions, shames moderate non-antisemites into silence, and then the thread gets taken over by overt anti-semites who are so clumsy, rude and heavy handed you might be tempted to think that they are simply trolls trying to end the discussion for some reason. Defenders of the Jewish faith have nothing to worry about if the true facts come out in these discussions as the facts support them, but to shout down with condemnations people who merely ask questions is to give an inadvertent implication that there is something truthy to these anti-semitic slanders. Is that what is intended?

Over the coming year, Wall Street banks are going to take it in the teeth, despite Bernankes most fervent QE mass printings and a lot of people are going to get wiped out financially. A great many people will blame Jews for what happens and hate-phobic shout downs won't work, they will only enrage people more. The Jewish presence in the financial industries needs to be discussed in the broad daylight BEFORE the crisis hits. I know most will feel like this will only inflame the issue by allowing anti-semites a turn at the podiums across the country, but this will be like an inoculation. Let people be exposed to a discussion on this topic prior to the crisis so that they will be enabled to keep their emotions more under control by the rebuttals they have heard from the discussions.

Because if this is going to be as bad as many think it will be, shame and social ostracism won't work any more, believe me.

Note: I may have stepped on some toes here, no, I KNOW I have, because there are all kinds of sensitivities from anti-Jewish people who still believe that Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus Christ (though the people who also defended Him were Jewish and He Himself was Jewish) to Jewish people who take offense at being referred to as 'Jews'. I kid you not. I will assert here and now that I do not intend to offend anyone that is reasonable and wants to have a rational discussion, especially Jews because I believe that they are still God's Chosen, but I am not going to speak in half-truths to avoid potential offense. If you are offended, sorry about that, tell me and if I agree I will apologize. And if not I won't.
I'm told "Muslims" are guilty of 9/11.
If that is true, "Jews" must be guilty of nailing Jesus to the cross.

Why would one group be guilty of the crimes of a few of their members while the other is not?
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I'm told "Muslims" are guilty of 9/11.
If that is true, "Jews" must be guilty of nailing Jesus to the cross.

Why would one group be guilty of the crimes of a few of their members while the other is not?

To reasonable people they are not held responsible.

But to those who are not taught how to reason, they can believe anything that the popular culture pushes out to them.
I'm told "Muslims" are guilty of 9/11.
If that is true, "Jews" must be guilty of nailing Jesus to the cross.

Why would one group be guilty of the crimes of a few of their members while the other is not?

you mean those roman soldiers were a figment of the imagination?

Those soldiers were the tool, but Pilate gave the command and passed judgement due to political pressure.

Later this same Roman beast ordered and executed the destruction of the Temple as well as predicted in Daniel.
....So despite the fact that the facts themselves shoot down anti-semitic conspiracy theories, it is difficult if not impossible to refute them publicly because of the hate-phobes hysterical reactions if anyone dares to even discuss the subject. As I have read on this topic on sites that are not anti-semitic, there is a pattern of someone defending Judaism against these ridiculous charges, then some hate-phobe damns them as anti-semites for even asking questions, shames moderate non-antisemites into silence, and then the thread gets taken over by overt anti-semites who are so clumsy, rude and heavy handed you might be tempted to think that they are simply trolls trying to end the discussion for some reason. Defenders of the Jewish faith have nothing to worry about if the true facts come out in these discussions as the facts support them, but to shout down with condemnations people who merely ask questions is to give an inadvertent implication that there is something truthy to these anti-semitic slanders. Is that what is intended?

Over the coming year, Wall Street banks are going to take it in the teeth, despite Bernankes most fervent QE mass printings and a lot of people are going to get wiped out financially. A great many people will blame Jews for what happens and hate-phobic shout downs won't work, they will only enrage people more. The Jewish presence in the financial industries needs to be discussed in the broad daylight BEFORE the crisis hits. I know most will feel like this will only inflame the issue by allowing anti-semites a turn at the podiums across the country, but this will be like an inoculation. Let people be exposed to a discussion on this topic prior to the crisis so that they will be enabled to keep their emotions more under control by the rebuttals they have heard from the discussions.

Because if this is going to be as bad as many think it will be, shame and social ostracism won't work any more, believe me....

Egads, too much conspiracy and paranoia in that OP. You need to read and experience lots more to get a broader picture of reality. Were you not here in 2008 when the market crashed? What you wrote above already happened and if there is any fault it is everyone's fault, stupid real estate speculation, stupid investment decisions, greed, corruption, and a lack of industry and government oversight. We had our Tulip bubble at least twice now and this time we survived a little better than the Thirties. Everyone blamed everyone else.

Check out some of the books listed in this thread, lots of stuff noted here, some related to the issues you discuss. Many worth a read or even re-read. Check them out. http://www.usmessageboard.com/reviews/85148-reading-that-opens-the-mind-books.html
I'm told "Muslims" are guilty of 9/11.
If that is true, "Jews" must be guilty of nailing Jesus to the cross.

Why would one group be guilty of the crimes of a few of their members while the other is not?

you mean those roman soldiers were a figment of the imagination?

Those soldiers were the tool, but Pilate gave the command and passed judgement due to political pressure.

Later this same Roman beast ordered and executed the destruction of the Temple as well as predicted in Daniel.


interestingly, the prophesies say the Temple was supposed to have been rebuilt before the coming of the messiah.

last time i was there, we were still sitting on the stones that came down in 70 C.E.
....So despite the fact that the facts themselves shoot down anti-semitic conspiracy theories, it is difficult if not impossible to refute them publicly because of the hate-phobes hysterical reactions if anyone dares to even discuss the subject. As I have read on this topic on sites that are not anti-semitic, there is a pattern of someone defending Judaism against these ridiculous charges, then some hate-phobe damns them as anti-semites for even asking questions, shames moderate non-antisemites into silence, and then the thread gets taken over by overt anti-semites who are so clumsy, rude and heavy handed you might be tempted to think that they are simply trolls trying to end the discussion for some reason. Defenders of the Jewish faith have nothing to worry about if the true facts come out in these discussions as the facts support them, but to shout down with condemnations people who merely ask questions is to give an inadvertent implication that there is something truthy to these anti-semitic slanders. Is that what is intended?

Over the coming year, Wall Street banks are going to take it in the teeth, despite Bernankes most fervent QE mass printings and a lot of people are going to get wiped out financially. A great many people will blame Jews for what happens and hate-phobic shout downs won't work, they will only enrage people more. The Jewish presence in the financial industries needs to be discussed in the broad daylight BEFORE the crisis hits. I know most will feel like this will only inflame the issue by allowing anti-semites a turn at the podiums across the country, but this will be like an inoculation. Let people be exposed to a discussion on this topic prior to the crisis so that they will be enabled to keep their emotions more under control by the rebuttals they have heard from the discussions.

Because if this is going to be as bad as many think it will be, shame and social ostracism won't work any more, believe me....

Egads, too much conspiracy and paranoia in that OP. You need to read and experience lots more to get a broader picture of reality. Were you not here in 2008 when the market crashed? What you wrote above already happened and if there is any fault it is everyone's fault, stupid real estate speculation, stupid investment decisions, greed, corruption, and a lack of industry and government oversight. We had our Tulip bubble at least twice now and this time we survived a little better than the Thirties. Everyone blamed everyone else.

Check out some of the books listed in this thread, lots of stuff noted here, some related to the issues you discuss. Many worth a read or even re-read. Check them out. http://www.usmessageboard.com/reviews/85148-reading-that-opens-the-mind-books.html

It is a lot of paranoia. But the thing we're shown historically is that Jews do get scape-goated when economic times are bad. I don't think the US is immune to that. In fact, history proves that Jews only thrive in moderate societies. Any society that swings too far left or too far right becomes inhospitable.
you mean those roman soldiers were a figment of the imagination?

Those soldiers were the tool, but Pilate gave the command and passed judgement due to political pressure.

Later this same Roman beast ordered and executed the destruction of the Temple as well as predicted in Daniel.


interestingly, the prophesies say the Temple was supposed to have been rebuilt before the coming of the messiah.

last time i was there, we were still sitting on the stones that came down in 70 C.E.

Thats because the Temple was rebuilt with Jesus' resurrection and the New Covenant. The Body of Christ is the new Temple, not any physical place made of stone.

21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”

26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.”
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I'm told "Muslims" are guilty of 9/11.
If that is true, "Jews" must be guilty of nailing Jesus to the cross.

Why would one group be guilty of the crimes of a few of their members while the other is not?

LOL, you uneducated Muslim scumbag. The Romans held the trial and the ROMANS nailed him to the cross!

Go blow yourself up in traffic or something!
Those soldiers were the tool, but Pilate gave the command and passed judgement due to political pressure.

Later this same Roman beast ordered and executed the destruction of the Temple as well as predicted in Daniel.


interestingly, the prophesies say the Temple was supposed to have been rebuilt before the coming of the messiah.

last time i was there, we were still sitting on the stones that came down in 70 C.E.

Thats because the Temple was rebuilt with Jesus' resurrection and the New Covenant. The Body of Christ is the new Temple, not any physical place made of stone.

21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”

26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.”

er... no. the temple has not been rebuilt.

christ was a latin word... i'm pretty sure that isn't a word they used in jersalem.

and you understand that trying to use the gospels to prove the gospels is pretty silly to someone who thinks the gospels are largely fiction.
you mean those roman soldiers were a figment of the imagination?

Those soldiers were the tool, but Pilate gave the command and passed judgement due to political pressure.

Later this same Roman beast ordered and executed the destruction of the Temple as well as predicted in Daniel.


interestingly, the prophesies say the Temple was supposed to have been rebuilt before the coming of the messiah.

last time i was there, we were still sitting on the stones that came down in 70 C.E.

The Temple was rebuilt, in Herods day. :D
er... no. the temple has not been rebuilt.

christ was a latin word... i'm pretty sure that isn't a word they used in jersalem.

and you understand that trying to use the gospels to prove the gospels is pretty silly to someone who thinks the gospels are largely fiction.

Christ is a Latin derivative fromt he Greek Christos, IIRC, and that word was Greek for Messiah.

And of course, if you dont accept the Gospels and the Christian faith it is not worth the time quoting them as an authority.
....So despite the fact that the facts themselves shoot down anti-semitic conspiracy theories, it is difficult if not impossible to refute them publicly because of the hate-phobes hysterical reactions if anyone dares to even discuss the subject. As I have read on this topic on sites that are not anti-semitic, there is a pattern of someone defending Judaism against these ridiculous charges, then some hate-phobe damns them as anti-semites for even asking questions, shames moderate non-antisemites into silence, and then the thread gets taken over by overt anti-semites who are so clumsy, rude and heavy handed you might be tempted to think that they are simply trolls trying to end the discussion for some reason. Defenders of the Jewish faith have nothing to worry about if the true facts come out in these discussions as the facts support them, but to shout down with condemnations people who merely ask questions is to give an inadvertent implication that there is something truthy to these anti-semitic slanders. Is that what is intended?

Over the coming year, Wall Street banks are going to take it in the teeth, despite Bernankes most fervent QE mass printings and a lot of people are going to get wiped out financially. A great many people will blame Jews for what happens and hate-phobic shout downs won't work, they will only enrage people more. The Jewish presence in the financial industries needs to be discussed in the broad daylight BEFORE the crisis hits. I know most will feel like this will only inflame the issue by allowing anti-semites a turn at the podiums across the country, but this will be like an inoculation. Let people be exposed to a discussion on this topic prior to the crisis so that they will be enabled to keep their emotions more under control by the rebuttals they have heard from the discussions.

Because if this is going to be as bad as many think it will be, shame and social ostracism won't work any more, believe me....

Egads, too much conspiracy and paranoia in that OP. You need to read and experience lots more to get a broader picture of reality. Were you not here in 2008 when the market crashed? What you wrote above already happened and if there is any fault it is everyone's fault, stupid real estate speculation, stupid investment decisions, greed, corruption, and a lack of industry and government oversight. We had our Tulip bubble at least twice now and this time we survived a little better than the Thirties. Everyone blamed everyone else.

Check out some of the books listed in this thread, lots of stuff noted here, some related to the issues you discuss. Many worth a read or even re-read. Check them out. http://www.usmessageboard.com/reviews/85148-reading-that-opens-the-mind-books.html

What conspiracy?

I am simply observing the convergence of two seperate things; a coming Wall Street crash and that Jews will likely be scape-goated for it since they are so prominent in the financial industry.
I really do hope and pray that I am only being paranoid and none of this happens, but my head says it will.
er... no. the temple has not been rebuilt.

christ was a latin word... i'm pretty sure that isn't a word they used in jersalem.

and you understand that trying to use the gospels to prove the gospels is pretty silly to someone who thinks the gospels are largely fiction.

Christ is a Latin derivative fromt he Greek Christos, IIRC, and that word was Greek for Messiah.

And of course, if you dont accept the Gospels and the Christian faith it is not worth the time quoting them as an authority.

but jeshua didn't live in greece. and he was a practicing jew. he probably spoke aramaic or hebrew.

and the messiah as he would have known it was a messianic king... not a 'savior' in the sense christians believe.

it doesn't matter what you believe. you can't use a source to prove itself.
er... no. the temple has not been rebuilt.

christ was a latin word... i'm pretty sure that isn't a word they used in jersalem.

and you understand that trying to use the gospels to prove the gospels is pretty silly to someone who thinks the gospels are largely fiction.

Christ is a Latin derivative fromt he Greek Christos, IIRC, and that word was Greek for Messiah.

And of course, if you dont accept the Gospels and the Christian faith it is not worth the time quoting them as an authority.

but jeshua didn't live in greece. and he was a practicing jew. he probably spoke aramaic or hebrew.

Greek was the lingua franca of the time and the early church used it quite a bit among the Jewish Diaspora.

and the messiah as he would have known it was a messianic king... not a 'savior' in the sense christians believe.

The Christian tradition says He is king but also the fullfillment of a second prophetic tradition, that of the Suffering Servant of Isaiah who dies for the sins of the people.

it doesn't matter what you believe. you can't use a source to prove itself.

That is true unless we are talking about internal authentication, but we were not.
I'm told "Muslims" are guilty of 9/11.
If that is true, "Jews" must be guilty of nailing Jesus to the cross.

Why would one group be guilty of the crimes of a few of their members while the other is not?

LOL, you uneducated Muslim scumbag. The Romans held the trial and the ROMANS nailed him to the cross!

Go blow yourself up in traffic or something!

JOHN CHAPTER 10 VERSE 20------And the Jews said unto the people Jesus is of the Devil and is mad, why hear ye him?

JOHN CHAPTER 8 VERSES 48-49-----The Jews answered saying unto Jesus you are a Samaritan and have a Devil, and Jesus answered saying unto them I have not a Devil. But I honor my father and ye dishonor me.

JOHN CHAPTER 8 VERSE 52-----And the Jews said unto Jesus now we know that you are a Devil because Abraham is dead.

Next up - I believe some dude called Judas betrayed the Jesus guy.

The bible says, I paraphrase, the Jewish people wanted Jesus dead because he had spoken blasphemy.
In fact, it was almost sure to have been power politics of the time with the local leaders pissed off that a new kid on the block threatened their power base.
Not a lot changes.

PS - Thanks to the fucking stupid for the red bricks.
They seem to think the Romans were the problem. They just did the dirty work.

A lot like various US governments being used as idiots by Israeli.
Not a lot changes. :D
I'm told "Muslims" are guilty of 9/11.
If that is true, "Jews" must be guilty of nailing Jesus to the cross.

Why would one group be guilty of the crimes of a few of their members while the other is not?

jillian thinks (Not) I'm "anti-semite scum" because I pointed out so many people hate Muslims because of the actions of a few Muslims and compared that with people hating all Jews because of the actions of a few of their number.

My first question would be to ask if that poster and others can actually read and understand a simple sentence and, assuming they can, why they have to see hate in every post, even ones that ridicule the stupidity of hate.

You really do need to study the history of the Rothchilds.

The relationship between the myth of Jewish control over banks and the Rothchild's is pretty clear.

The point is that the ROTHCHILD'S became THE PRMIERE BANKSTERS OF EUROPE in the 19th and early 20th century.

Not every jew is a Rothchild, of course, but anit-Semites don't really think rationally, so naturally they cleave to the theory that all Jews are responsible for the things that the ROTHCHILD's did (and are still doing) through Europe AND America's central banks.

Every hear of J. P. Morgan? Everybody thinks the man was fabulously wealthy. He was not and was evident at the time of his death when his estate was finally distributed

JP was THE FRONT MAN for the European BANKSTERS most responsible for the reestablishment of the US FEDERAL RESERVE.

So there you have some of the where SOME this myth about Jews and Banks comes from. It comes from one family of Jews who really WERE/ARE enormously powerful banksters.
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