on 9/12/01 we stood together.. we should be ashamed


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
on 9/12/01...this country stood as one....the free world stood with us... now look at the people of the us...we should be ashamed....the biggest concerns as our country fails ...are rallies and who had the best one...

we should all be ashamed of what was wasted...and ourselves for allowing it to be wasted?

what happened?
It all started to fall apart when the political spins began to be put on the 9/11 event.
We were united until some idiots started saying things like "America is to blame for this" and "We had it coming".
on 9/12/01...this country stood as one....the free world stood with us... now look at the people of the us...we should be ashamed....the biggest concerns as our country fails ...are rallies and who had the best one...

we should all be ashamed of what was wasted...and ourselves for allowing it to be wasted?

what happened?

We allowed ourselves to be distracted by a phantom enemy called Islamic extremists. Growing weary of that, we turned on each other. Now many just look to self promotion and government funding of their current wants without concern for the future.
on 9/12/01...this country stood as one....the free world stood with us... now look at the people of the us...we should be ashamed....the biggest concerns as our country fails ...are rallies and who had the best one...

we should all be ashamed of what was wasted...and ourselves for allowing it to be wasted?

what happened?

Bones, this question is one I love to answer.

I offer the following"

A husband and wife are going to dinner on the evening of their 40th wedding anniversary.

The wife is reminiscing of the days when they were first married, how close they were, finding places off the side of the road to make love, sitting side by side as they were driving no matter the destination.

Suddenly she turns to her husband and asks, "What's happened to us?"

He replies, "I don't know, I'm in the same place I've always been."
Democracy, by its very nature, divides populations along political lines.

9/12/01 was an exception to that rule...national crisis and war can unite a Democracy, if only for a short while.


"A multitude of rulers is not a good thing. Let there be one ruler, one king."
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A population united, willing to die for their countrymen...

on 9/12/01...this country stood as one....the free world stood with us... now look at the people of the us...we should be ashamed....the biggest concerns as our country fails ...are rallies and who had the best one...

we should all be ashamed of what was wasted...and ourselves for allowing it to be wasted?

what happened?

United, I don't think so. The animosity for the Clinton Impeachment was at a high note, and the Supreme Court Clowns "Selecting" a president fueled the flames. Many were jubilant that the conservative pig pen towers took out 3,000 bastards of the Empire, and said they got what they deserved.

Conservative Jerry Falwell: " I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."

President: "You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror,"

WMDs? It was all down hill from there.
on 9/12/01...this country stood as one....the free world stood with us... now look at the people of the us...we should be ashamed....the biggest concerns as our country fails ...are rallies and who had the best one...

we should all be ashamed of what was wasted...and ourselves for allowing it to be wasted?

what happened?

United, I don't think so. The animosity for the Clinton Impeachment was at a high note, and the Supreme Court Clowns "Selecting" a president fueled the flames. Many were jubilant that the conservative pig pen towers took out 3,000 bastards of the Empire, and said they got what they deserved.

Conservative Jerry Falwell: " I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."

President: "You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror,"

WMDs? It was all down hill from there.

Let's be honest. We weren't ever united. Most of the divisive voices just realized they couldnt say anything controversial so close to the act.

And yes its sad that we are arguing about whose rally was bigger when we miss the entire point of both the rallies. And as far as I saw, there were good things about both.

The Restoring Honor Rally wasnts about politics and It's amazing how people on both sides of the Aisle miss that. Reverend Sharpton's was about honoring a man who did amazing things.

You'd think we'd appreciate the principles that both stood for which transcend politics.
We should be working together on things that we can all agree on.
Like paying down the 13 plus trillion dollars, working on our education.
I saw both rallies and both were saying that the education of our children needs to be fixed.
We voters need to vote for people this fall who is running on these issues for both parties.
As far as I can see, there is no shame in talking about 9/11, how it's affected us and the differences of opinion over who it's made us, how we handle it and where we go from here. In fact I welcome those conversations.

What I can't stand are the people who use it for cheap shots in some sick partisan game. It's not a bloody shirt to wave around for your agenda, it's an event burned into people's memories that fundamentally changed who we are and how we see ourselves and the world. Trivializing it for hackmanship is bullshit.

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