OMG!!!! China-Syndrome In Tokyo


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
How many want to bet me the left starts harping about nuke energy before the end of the day. Maybe even Obama might jump on this perfect opportunity to trash an energy source that most of Europe partakes in but we don't to any great extent thanks to Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas.

I don't know if it's true or not (it doesn't really have to be these days), but it's been reported that due to the massive 8.9 Earthquake this morning one of Japan's nuke reactors is having trouble getting enough cooling.

During an earthquake a failsafe shutdown usually goes into effect. Fuel-rods are removed and this shuts down the reactor that powers the steam turbines that produce electricity. Millions are out of power.

I'm waiting for all of the 3-Mile Island stories to start.

Anyone wanna bet me that talking heads won't jump on this?
One measure of the usefullness of a means of generating power is the ability of that generation to survive adverse conditions, and get back on line quickly. We shall see how well Japan's nukes survived this quake, and, hopefully, modify our own future designs in accordance.
Another fucktard politicizing a tragedy.

I sincerely hope they fix the cooling system, what a horror it would be if people suffer from radiation on top of the earthquake and tsunami.
How many want to bet me the left starts harping about nuke energy before the end of the day. Maybe even Obama might jump on this perfect opportunity to trash an energy source that most of Europe partakes in but we don't to any great extent thanks to Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas.

I don't know if it's true or not (it doesn't really have to be these days), but it's been reported that due to the massive 8.9 Earthquake this morning one of Japan's nuke reactors is having trouble getting enough cooling.

During an earthquake a failsafe shutdown usually goes into effect. Fuel-rods are removed and this shuts down the reactor that powers the steam turbines that produce electricity. Millions are out of power.

I'm waiting for all of the 3-Mile Island stories to start.

Anyone wanna bet me that talking heads won't jump on this?

Even here when the Fail-Safes kick in Automatic Shutdown, it takes weeks to get them back on line. We've seen big Power outages in the North East and Florida as a result of the glitches in the System.
How many want to bet me the left starts harping about nuke energy before the end of the day. Maybe even Obama might jump on this perfect opportunity to trash an energy source that most of Europe partakes in but we don't to any great extent thanks to Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas.

I don't know if it's true or not (it doesn't really have to be these days), but it's been reported that due to the massive 8.9 Earthquake this morning one of Japan's nuke reactors is having trouble getting enough cooling.

During an earthquake a failsafe shutdown usually goes into effect. Fuel-rods are removed and this shuts down the reactor that powers the steam turbines that produce electricity. Millions are out of power.

I'm waiting for all of the 3-Mile Island stories to start.

Anyone wanna bet me that talking heads won't jump on this?

Even here when the Fail-Safes kick in Automatic Shutdown, it takes weeks to get them back on line. We've seen big Power outages in the North East and Florida as a result of the glitches in the System.

What are the reasons for delays I ask?

Well, I already know the reasons:

Government regulations. Even if the shutdown is caused by a glitch we have to wait for weeks to inspect welds and everything else. A nuke carrier would be deadlined if it had to go through the same procedures everytime they shutdown. We've had nuke carriers and subs for decades.
Another fucktard politicizing a tragedy.

I sincerely hope they fix the cooling system, what a horror it would be if people suffer from radiation on top of the earthquake and tsunami.
Yeah and I love you too.

Whatever happened to your Messiah's calls for peaceful exchanges rather then angry vitriol?

Fucktard indeed.
How many want to bet me the left starts harping about nuke energy before the end of the day. Maybe even Obama might jump on this perfect opportunity to trash an energy source that most of Europe partakes in but we don't to any great extent thanks to Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas.

I don't know if it's true or not (it doesn't really have to be these days), but it's been reported that due to the massive 8.9 Earthquake this morning one of Japan's nuke reactors is having trouble getting enough cooling.

During an earthquake a failsafe shutdown usually goes into effect. Fuel-rods are removed and this shuts down the reactor that powers the steam turbines that produce electricity. Millions are out of power.

I'm waiting for all of the 3-Mile Island stories to start.

Anyone wanna bet me that talking heads won't jump on this?

An incredible disaster, it's not even over yet, people are still dieing, people are still under threat around the world, and your first blush at discussing the issue to try to turn this disaster into a partisan bludgeon so you can insult people?

Do grow up, please.
How many want to bet me the left starts harping about nuke energy before the end of the day. Maybe even Obama might jump on this perfect opportunity to trash an energy source that most of Europe partakes in but we don't to any great extent thanks to Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas.

I don't know if it's true or not (it doesn't really have to be these days), but it's been reported that due to the massive 8.9 Earthquake this morning one of Japan's nuke reactors is having trouble getting enough cooling.

During an earthquake a failsafe shutdown usually goes into effect. Fuel-rods are removed and this shuts down the reactor that powers the steam turbines that produce electricity. Millions are out of power.

I'm waiting for all of the 3-Mile Island stories to start.

Anyone wanna bet me that talking heads won't jump on this?

An incredible disaster, it's not even over yet, people are still dieing, people are still under threat around the world, and your first blush at discussing the issue to try to turn this disaster into a partisan bludgeon so you can insult people?

Do grow up, please.

If you feel insulted then you're wearing your feelings on your sleeve, which is a bit immature.

FYI, my first reaction like HOLY SHIT

My second was if there is a country better able to handle this disaster I can't think of one.

You see the Japanese are a resilient people with a can-do attitude. They won't belly-ache about how the government needs to take care of them. They automatically do it on their own. They pitch in instead of point fingers, unlike shitheads like you tend to do.

Maybe we can focus on their reactions and learn something from it. I seriously doubt you will.
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To any liberal who's feelings have been hurt by my original post, this is not about you.

Quit making it so.

The situation is obviously grave. I'm predicting what has time and time again been the usual reaction of the left and the MSM in any event. They proved it when they attempted to jump all over Sarah Palin and the Tea Party over a shooting in Tusan earlier this year. It is not intended to minimalise the situation in any way. What is pathetic is the simple fact I had to mention this in the first place.
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Another fucktard politicizing a tragedy.

I sincerely hope they fix the cooling system, what a horror it would be if people suffer from radiation on top of the earthquake and tsunami.

It would be mudwhistle's Fault too... :doubt:

How Dare he Predict that the anti-Nuke Left will point at this and say this is why we shouldn't use that Power Source.


How many want to bet me the left starts harping about nuke energy before the end of the day. Maybe even Obama might jump on this perfect opportunity to trash an energy source that most of Europe partakes in but we don't to any great extent thanks to Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas.

I don't know if it's true or not (it doesn't really have to be these days), but it's been reported that due to the massive 8.9 Earthquake this morning one of Japan's nuke reactors is having trouble getting enough cooling.

During an earthquake a failsafe shutdown usually goes into effect. Fuel-rods are removed and this shuts down the reactor that powers the steam turbines that produce electricity. Millions are out of power.

I'm waiting for all of the 3-Mile Island stories to start.

Anyone wanna bet me that talking heads won't jump on this?

actually, you seem to be the one who jumped on it.

but you're right... there should be nuclear reactors over every fault line in the u.s.

yep... that's the ticket.
You see the Japanese are a resilient people with a can-do attitude. They won't belly-ache about how the government needs to take care of them. They automatically do it on their own. They pitch in instead of point fingers, unlike shitheads like you tend to do.


And you just tipped your hand that you're running your mouth like the ignorant sniveling old shit that you are. You just don't have a clue.
You see the Japanese are a resilient people with a can-do attitude. They won't belly-ache about how the government needs to take care of them. They automatically do it on their own. They pitch in instead of point fingers, unlike shitheads like you tend to do.


And you just tipped your hand that you're running your mouth like the ignorant sniveling old shit that you are. You just don't have a clue.

Tipped my hand??

Looks like every POS that hates having the obvious pointed out to them felt the need to make some kind of snide remark, even though this has nothing to do with them personally.

Guess I hit a sore spot as evidenced by the potty-mouthed comments.

Face it. Unless the White House or MSNBC or Media Matters or The Daily Show thinks it's important trolls like yourself don't think it's worth talking about. You can't think independently without your official governmentally approved marching orders.
Oh, and just in case I haven't said it yet....I told you so.:clap2:

Here's the proof:

China Syndrome in Japan? Nuclear Power Plant Could be on Verge of Meltdown
Kenric Ward's blog | Posted: March 11, 2011 5:47 PM

Among the rolling disasters set in motion by Japan's major earthquake, at least one of that country's nuclear power plants is in danger of melting down.

Japan's nuclear reactors were shut down in the wake of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami, but officials say the emergency cooling system at the Fukushima plant is proving "problematic."

With the facility's internal radiation levels hitting more than 1,000 times above the limit, technicians are scrambling to cool the core. Small releases of radioactive gas reportedly have been vented in the process. More appear likely.

Critics say Japan's experience ought to be a huge red flag for future projects, including Florida's, and is a potential black eye for the nuclear power industry, which bills itself as safe and reliable. Of course, the industry's initial claim that it would produce electricity "too cheap to meter" was discounted decades ago.

FYI: The Obama administration has asked Congress for $36 billion in new loan guarantees to build more commercial reactors.


China Syndrome in Japan » Scared Stiff
China Syndrome in Japan? Nuclear Power Plant Could be on Verge of Meltdown | Sunshine State News
There was never a threat of a China syndrome in Japan. First of all the control rods dropped into the uranium fuel immediately thereby stopping the fission reaction. Once this occurred the threat of meltdown was over. However the heat already generated is still contained in the container building and the cooling apparatus has failed. until the heat is released there is a possibility of the container building cracking or exploding from the internal pressure and releasing radioactive gases. These gases are not nearly as radioactive as the Chernobyl incident.

However, because of the high degree of sensitivity to radioactivity in certain sectors of the the US this will be used to try and stop the budding nuclear revival here. If the nuke reactors could survive one of the top earthquakes in history I would say that the safety record is pretty good. And a minor release of radioactivity which has occurred many times during the nuclear bomb tests should not be a death sentence.
How many want to bet me the left starts harping about nuke energy before the end of the day. Maybe even Obama might jump on this perfect opportunity to trash an energy source that most of Europe partakes in but we don't to any great extent thanks to Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas.

I don't know if it's true or not (it doesn't really have to be these days), but it's been reported that due to the massive 8.9 Earthquake this morning one of Japan's nuke reactors is having trouble getting enough cooling.

During an earthquake a failsafe shutdown usually goes into effect. Fuel-rods are removed and this shuts down the reactor that powers the steam turbines that produce electricity. Millions are out of power.

I'm waiting for all of the 3-Mile Island stories to start.

Anyone wanna bet me that talking heads won't jump on this?

Even here when the Fail-Safes kick in Automatic Shutdown, it takes weeks to get them back on line. We've seen big Power outages in the North East and Florida as a result of the glitches in the System.

And even after all that happens, have you see the debris left behind by the tsunami? Omg, what a disaster. Those poor, poor souls.

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