OMG Am I Agreeing with Farahkan on These Statements?


Apr 22, 2007
The statement in red is very accurate. Gadhafi willingly gave up his WNDs and we still helped oust him from power that ultimately led to his death.

That statement in green is very accurate also. Gadhafi didn't advocate sharia law, but the radicals taking over are trying to establish it. Gadhafi was many things, but he didn't harbor Al Qaeda, got rid of his WNDs, wasn't a threat to the US, West or Israel and Libya was a stable country. Now radicals are taking over, Al Qaeda and other groups like it will have a safe haven, who knows what weapons they will develop and they are far from stable! The threat level to us from this country has gone up significantly!

Nation of Islam leader slams Gadhafi killing -
"They succeeded in being the authors of the successful assassination of a sitting president," Farrakhan told WVON-AM in Chicago, adding that it placed America's interests in danger. "No one can trust the United Nations because it is a pawn of the Western world. No nation will give up their weapons of mass destruction like Gadhafi did, because it is the only protection they have against the wicked witches of the West."

Farrakhan also noted that the people now claiming leadership of Libya are advocating Islamic Sharia law, something that he contends the U.S. has opposed.

He said he didn't believe Gadhafi when he said al-Qaida was involved in efforts to oust him, but now Farrakhan believes that was true.

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