Omarosa - You Should Have Taken The Hush Money

Omarosa says that Trump repeatedly used the n-word in her new book

So in an attempt to pitch her new book -- Omarosa is claiming that she heard Trump use the N-word repeatedly and has tapes to prove it -- she also claims that Trump offered to pay her hush money to remain quiet once she was fired from the White House staff..

ALL OF IT IS 100% BS --- unlike Trump supporters who were singing Omarosa's praises as the "black woman" they could point to whenever they needed to justify Trump saying racist shit --- I always knew she was an opportunist token of a fraud who lies repeatedly.

Apparently, another opportunist fraud by the name of Tom Arnold also made similar claims about Trump -- all claiming that these secret tapes from the Apprentice contain recordings of Trump using the N-word --- The Hollywood studio who owns these tapes could easily release them if they had this, but they claim they are prevented due to legal reasons, which tells me there are no such recordings of Trump using the N-word.

Also, even if it was true that Trump used the N-word repeatedly, it didn't stop Omarosa from buck-dancing and shuffling for massa -- so she can spare me the lies. Trump will be better served to get a real buck-dancing conservative like Candace Owens -- she would know how to keep her mouth shut. If not, I am sure Jesse Lee Peterson or Dinesh D'Souza could teach her

So, how do you know it's BS?
Because I don't just believe what an accomplished liar says just because she got fired from the WH and decided to write a book.

It is obvious this is a publicity stunt for her to make money -- and furthermore, even if there is proof of Trump on tape saying "I hate *******" --- it will not cost him one percent of support

The lines have been drawn in the sand a long time ago -- those corporations that supposedly distanced themselves from Trump after Charlottesville are still playing footsies with Trump at his resort

So any tape of Trump using the N-word would be explained away by either claiming Hillary and Bill are racist, or by bringing up Senator Byrd, or saying Obama said Trayvon looked like his son, or by saying "but Jay Z used the N-word in his rap songs" -- stop thinking Trump being racist is going to hurt him, he has already shown you he is racist

But will you believe anything Trump says?
No, I will believe human nature

For years people had claimed there was racist footage of Obama on tape when he was in college -- it never existed, but people kept claiming it was out there -- why? for attention and publicity

Human nature tells me that if there was any such tape that existed about Obama, it would be ran 24/7 on Fox News and whomever produced that tape would be a rich man and a Conservative hero

So with human nature being what it is, do you honestly feel that if someone had this Trump tape, there would not be a financial incentive to either release it or sit on it? Right now, there is no proof that anyone is being paid to sit on it.

And as I stated before, even if there is a tape of Trump saying N-words this, N-words that -- so what? Right now for trump supporters, their identifies are defined by Trump, there is nothing he can do that would cause them to withdraw support -- that is why I have been hoping he'd be the one to push for medicare for all --- because it was pass despite what trump lovers said about it previously..

Sure, then again Trump is the sort of guy who'll say anything, racist, sexist.

I'm not saying it exists, nor saying it doesn't exist, but Trump is a complete moron who would say that sort of stuff.
Funny, I’ve been waiting for some racist link that is from trump! Nadda

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