Old, fat, pederast and "russki mir" pack leader Zhirinovsky got cut for gay - harassment


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
so typical for Putler´s "russki mir" ...so whats new, will Putler cover leader of his party , much like he covers crimes of Slucki ?

The journalist of the edition “Now” outdoor gay Renat Davletgildeev reported harassment on the part of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the liberal democratic party members. About this he wrote in his Facebook.

“Yes, [state Duma Deputy] Leonid Slutsky is a deeply heterosexual man. But dozens of members prefer to take on spazboy it boys,” he said.

Davletgildeev remembered a story about him after the final of the contest “Miss Russia” at Gostiny Dvor tried to get to the sauna assistants Zhirinovsky. “He himself, while giving a short interview, groped ass so that his hands were shaking with the recorder,” — says the journalist. “My story is nothing compared to what happened in the same of the liberal democratic party”, he added.

The finals, which tells Davletgildeev, passed in December 2006. His article after the event was published in “the Newspaper.ru”.

Wednesday, March 21, the state Duma Commission on ethics reviewed the complaint of the journalists on the behavior of the Deputy Leonid Slutsky. Following the meeting with the correspondent of “Russian service Bi-bi-si” Farida Rustamova and producer of “Rain” Darya Zhuk, who openly spoke about harassment by the MP, the Commission recognized the behavior of MP is acceptable.

After the decision of the Commission’s many publications, including “Tape.ru”, announced a boycott of Slutsky."

Journalist gay accused Zhirinovsky of harassment | Russian news EN

such oriental bamboo biblical time Sado-Gomorrah



Zhirinovsky and his "party - boys " XXXX - Video
That's hard to read, either bad English or written with an online translator.

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