Olbermann on Leave for Routine Colonoscopy


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
J'adore Iowahawk:

Medical Leave for MSNBC's Olbermann?

NEW YORK -- Denying that it had anything to do with a dustup over a reported inter-network feud with Donnie Deutsch, an MSNBC News spokesman today said that 'Countdown' host Keith Olbermann will miss two episodes of the nightly program due to a "routine colonoscopy."

"We apologized to the dozens of Keith's fans and viewers who are disappointed," said the spokesman.

The timing of the announcement prompted speculation among media and medical analysts.

"In Keith Olbermann's case, I'm just not sure how routine a colonoscopy could be," said Dr. Steven Silverberg, a health analyst for Iowahawk News. "The real challenge for the proctologist will be to determine where the asshole stops and the Olbermann begins."

J'adore Iowahawk:

Medical Leave for MSNBC's Olbermann?

NEW YORK -- Denying that it had anything to do with a dustup over a reported inter-network feud with Donnie Deutsch, an MSNBC News spokesman today said that 'Countdown' host Keith Olbermann will miss two episodes of the nightly program due to a "routine colonoscopy."

"We apologized to the dozens of Keith's fans and viewers who are disappointed," said the spokesman.

The timing of the announcement prompted speculation among media and medical analysts.

"In Keith Olbermann's case, I'm just not sure how routine a colonoscopy could be," said Dr. Steven Silverberg, a health analyst for Iowahawk News. "The real challenge for the proctologist will be to determine where the asshole stops and the Olbermann begins."


Could something as simple as just trying to find out where his head is at.
A break from this partisan bash fest for a PSA:

Colon cancer is 100% preventable with early detection via colonoscopy.

Remember folks, no one should ever die of colon cancer. Get scoped.

Now back to your regularly scheduled crap, I mean programming.

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