Okay Raiders are in Vegas now,I wont deny that.

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Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
See at least unlike a lot of other arrogant jerks around here,I CAN admit it when I have been proven wrong.:rolleyes:

i wont

one thing cant be denied,the NFL is clearly destroying their integrity and the leauge.

NFL team owners approve Raiders' move to Las Vegas


If people ask me the question what was it you were saying about the Raiders staying in Oakland,unlike others here, I wont change the subject and throw temper tantrems being so butthurt on being proven wrong like a handful here have done the last year when they said the Rams would never come back to LA.:rolleyes:

To me it makes no difference whatsoever that this happened. really. sure I hate teams that do this and will have no interest int he Raiders whatsoever same as I now have no interest in the chargers either but unlike with the chargers leaving SD,i am laughing my ass off over this decision of the NFL.

This is going to go down as the worst disater in sports history. Mark Davis will be in a billion dollars in debt with nowhere to play in five to ten years after being evicted unable to pay the bill This is not me saying this,this comes from credible economic experts.

Raiders' Las Vegas plan questionable, Stanford economist says

I guess its not really surprising that they approved the move when i think about it.It makes no sense because the NFL is going from the 6th biggest media market in the country to the 44th. That stadium will be half empty just like the chargers stadium in LA will be this season.:rolleyes:

Vegas is the most poor city in the country,they cant afford the PSL seat licences and the ticket prices.they got to work two jobs to stay afloat,the only fans that show up will be tourists that are rich for the opposing team.same as it was in st louis with the Rams.:rolleyes:

what is well known is that most owners dont like the davis family,they approved the move because they know it is suicide for mark davis,that he will be in a billion dollars in debt and be forced to sell the team in five to ten years and be evicted from the vegas authority cause he cant pay the bill and the raiders will have nowhere to go.:rofl:

so I am laughing over this believe it or not.i said on my thread that I would laugh about it if they were this stupid to vote for it.:rofl:
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Now that we have settled that you can go irritate somebody else.

well at least I dont run off and refuse to address facts as you do. Guess i was wrong,the NFL owners really are morons,they dont see how this will blowup in their faces.CARSON was a good deal for the raiders.vegas is NOT.:rolleyes:
See at least unlike a lot of other arrogant jerks around here,I CAN admit it when I have been proven wrong.:rolleyes:

one thing cant be denied,the NFL is clearly destroying their integrity and the leauge.

NFL team owners approve Raiders' move to Las Vegas


If people ask me the question what was it you were saying about the Raiders staying in Oakland,unlike others here, I wont change the subject and throw temper tantrems being so butthurt on being proven wrong like a handful here have done the last year when they said the Rams would never come back to LA.:rolleyes:

To me it makes no difference whatsoever that this happened. really. sure I hate teams that do this and will have no interest int he Raiders whatsoever same as I now have no interest in the chargers either but unlike with the chargers leaving SD,i am laughing my ass off over this decision of the NFL.

This is going to go down as the worst disater in sports history. Mark Davis will be in a billion dollars in debt with nowhere to play in five to ten years after being evicted unable to pay the bill This is not me saying this,this comes from credible economic experts.

Raiders' Las Vegas plan questionable, Stanford economist says

I guess its not really surprising that they approved the move when i think about it.It makes no sense because the NFL is going from the 6th biggest media market in the country to the 44th. That stadium will be half empty just like the chargers stadium in LA will be this season.:rolleyes:

Vegas is the most poor city in the country,they cant afford the PSL seat licences and the ticket prices.they got to work two jobs to stay afloat,the only fans that show up will be tourists that are rich for the opposing team.same as it was in st louis with the Rams.:rolleyes:

what is well known is that most owners dont like the davis family,they approved the move because they know it is suicide for mark davis,that he will be in a billion dollars in debt and be forced to sell the team in five to ten years and be evicted from the vegas authority cause he cant pay the bill and the raiders will have nowhere to go.:rofl:

so I am laughing over this believe it or not.i said on my thread that I would laugh about it if they were this stupid to vote for it.:rofl:

I agree with you 100 percent on ALL fronts. I am so glad that I don't take sports as serious as I use to....it's way down on the list of priorities for me. I think it's total bullshiut to do that to the blue collar Raiders fans in Oakland that supported the team.
See at least unlike a lot of other arrogant jerks around here,I CAN admit it when I have been proven wrong.:rolleyes:

one thing cant be denied,the NFL is clearly destroying their integrity and the leauge.

NFL team owners approve Raiders' move to Las Vegas

Las Vegas stadium loans could leave Raiders feeling financial squeeze

If people ask me the question what was it you were saying about the Raiders staying in Oakland,unlike others here, I wont change the subject and throw temper tantrems being so butthurt on being proven wrong like a handful here have done the last year when they said the Rams would never come back to LA.:rolleyes:

To me it makes no difference whatsoever that this happened. really. sure I hate teams that do this and will have no interest int he Raiders whatsoever same as I now have no interest in the chargers either but unlike with the chargers leaving SD,i am laughing my ass off over this decision of the NFL.

This is going to go down as the worst disater in sports history. Mark Davis will be in a billion dollars in debt with nowhere to play in five to ten years after being evicted unable to pay the bill This is not me saying this,this comes from credible economic experts.

Raiders' Las Vegas plan questionable, Stanford economist says

I guess its not really surprising that they approved the move when i think about it.It makes no sense because the NFL is going from the 6th biggest media market in the country to the 44th. That stadium will be half empty just like the chargers stadium in LA will be this season.:rolleyes:

Vegas is the most poor city in the country,they cant afford the PSL seat licences and the ticket prices.they got to work two jobs to stay afloat,the only fans that show up will be tourists that are rich for the opposing team.same as it was in st louis with the Rams.:rolleyes:

what is well known is that most owners dont like the davis family,they approved the move because they know it is suicide for mark davis,that he will be in a billion dollars in debt and be forced to sell the team in five to ten years and be evicted from the vegas authority cause he cant pay the bill and the raiders will have nowhere to go.:rofl:

so I am laughing over this believe it or not.i said on my thread that I would laugh about it if they were this stupid to vote for it.:rofl:

I agree with you 100 percent on ALL fronts. I am so glad that I don't take sports as serious as I use to....it's way down on the list of priorities for me. I think it's total bullshiut to do that to the blue collar Raiders fans in Oakland that supported the team.

Until saturday night I did not consider that the NFL owners would be this stupid enough to approve of this move but after what some in the media came out and said that had never been reported before, I then considered it that it just might happen which is this.

See its always been well known in the NFL that most the owners dont like the Davis family.what i did not know though is they not only dislike him they HATE him obviously. They were saying the only way the NFL approves this move is if they hate mark davis so bad that they will approve this move.

See approving this move is the worst thing in the world that they could have done for Mark Davis. they are setting him up to fail and embarrass and humiliate himself because Vegas is the exact same thing as this anology right here.

the owners voting for Davis to move to Oakland is on par and no different than lets say me and you were on a deserted island and you trusted me as your friend to do what was best for you.

I go out in the ocean and swim for a dip and while out there I see a couple of sharks underwater. I then come out of the ocean back on the beach only to see you getting ready to jump in the ocean.

I see that you have your swimming gear on and are headed out there but instead of warning you of the danger out there,i remain quiet and tell you nothing. Because of my silence,I get you killed.well same thing with the owners.this is what they are doing with mark davis,they know he will be in so much debt,a billion dollars worth unable to give any collateral when he has to pay the bill,that he will be evicted from the vegas stadium authority withing five to ten years with nowhere to go that he will be forced to sell the team to a billionaire owner in Oakland.

That will be stupid though cause you cant expect raider fans to support them if they return after leaving them TWICE.:rolleyes:

Not only that,the raiders will have to play in Oakland the next two years while waiting for the new stadium. Oakland fans are not going to show up and cheer them on knowing they are leaving them.

Look what happened in san diego this year? Charger fans knew they were as good as gone after this season so for the whole year,the stadium was half empty this whole season. That will be disasterous for the NFL the next two years when they show Raider games in Oakland with a half empty stadium of just 20,000 or so at the most.:rolleyes:

any Oakland fan will tell you that you can walk around the stadium and if you ask them if they will go to vegas and see the raiders each week most will say no. Vegas fans are mostly transients from other citys. Vegas is one of the most poor cities in the country if not the most poor,residents will never be able to afford the ticket prices there.:rolleyes:

Oakland is a thriving community,they got the most loyal fans in the country that will pay to see them win or lose.Vegas wont do that.they cant afford to. Plus if you do a survey of fans in the stadium as some oakland fans have done I know,most say they wont go to vegas and support them.good for them.:thup:

Matter of fact a lot of them have said they will dump their season tickets this year if they approve the move.Guess the NFL does not care about Oakland having a half empty stadium these next two season of Vegas being half empty all the time.:rolleyes:

the NFL never learns,first they move the niners out of san fran to santa clara and price the loyal fans there out,the blue collar workers and as a result,you have half empty stadiums at your games now,they are too stupid to understand that is what WILL happen in vegas as well.:rolleyes:

the same thing will happen in vegas that is happening with the niners in santa clara now and what happened in st louis when the rams played there,half empty stadiums because the cities did not care about that team or in the niners case,could not afford the ticket prices.:rolleyes:

Oh and this will be disasterous for the chargers,rams and cardinals,vegas is so close that they will lose many of their fans especially the cardinals.who will want to support the cardinals,a team that has done nothing in its existence,over the Raiders,a team that has history and tradition? this has disaster written all over it.:rolleyes:
See at least unlike a lot of other arrogant jerks around here,I CAN admit it when I have been proven wrong.:rolleyes:

i wont

one thing cant be denied,the NFL is clearly destroying their integrity and the leauge.

NFL team owners approve Raiders' move to Las Vegas

Las Vegas stadium loans could leave Raiders feeling financial squeeze

If people ask me the question what was it you were saying about the Raiders staying in Oakland,unlike others here, I wont change the subject and throw temper tantrems being so butthurt on being proven wrong like a handful here have done the last year when they said the Rams would never come back to LA.:rolleyes:

To me it makes no difference whatsoever that this happened. really. sure I hate teams that do this and will have no interest int he Raiders whatsoever same as I now have no interest in the chargers either but unlike with the chargers leaving SD,i am laughing my ass off over this decision of the NFL.

This is going to go down as the worst disater in sports history. Mark Davis will be in a billion dollars in debt with nowhere to play in five to ten years after being evicted unable to pay the bill This is not me saying this,this comes from credible economic experts.

Raiders' Las Vegas plan questionable, Stanford economist says

I guess its not really surprising that they approved the move when i think about it.It makes no sense because the NFL is going from the 6th biggest media market in the country to the 44th. That stadium will be half empty just like the chargers stadium in LA will be this season.:rolleyes:

Vegas is the most poor city in the country,they cant afford the PSL seat licences and the ticket prices.they got to work two jobs to stay afloat,the only fans that show up will be tourists that are rich for the opposing team.same as it was in st louis with the Rams.:rolleyes:

what is well known is that most owners dont like the davis family,they approved the move because they know it is suicide for mark davis,that he will be in a billion dollars in debt and be forced to sell the team in five to ten years and be evicted from the vegas authority cause he cant pay the bill and the raiders will have nowhere to go.:rofl:

so I am laughing over this believe it or not.i said on my thread that I would laugh about it if they were this stupid to vote for it.:rofl:
What you will do now is worship me for predicting it and never talk shit to me again.

Now that we have settled that you can go irritate somebody else.

You found it irritating because you could not answer a simple easy as pie question that made sense when I pointed out FACTS that it was foolhardy to think the raiders would move to vegas because of the FACTS there was no reason to believe they would get the votes since all the mainstream media said last year was the raiders were as good as gone to carson as well, anytime i asked you that question i just got-blah blah blah blah you just cowardly ran off all the time with no answer.:rolleyes:

you would not address this simple question of why should I listen to the media and you NOW when they were lying about carson last year,you just ran off with your tail between your legs like the coward you are everytime i asked it.:rolleyes::uhoh3:

Because you are a coward who wont address facts like that one,and all you ever said in your ramblings was parroting the media which was-they are as good as gone,you cant expect anyone to listen to you when you troll like that with no valid reason behind your ramblings.:rolleyes:

See Synthaholic,he ALSO said on my thread he believed the Raiders were going to vegas as well.I did not agree with him either but unlike you,I respect him and his opinions because HE at least gave a valid answer for his opinion in why he believed the Raiders would get the approval to move to vegas in his post here below.

No. I'm not even a football fan in the slightest. But one of my best friends is an executive at The Cosmopolitan (which is in lockdown at this minute due to an active shooting) and he's been in Vegas since 1981. He knows everybody in that town and he says they are moving there. That's good enough for me.

He did not cowardly run off with his tail between his legs as you do when i ask you a question.:rolleyes: that is WHY even though I disagreed with him,i could respect him for not being a coward as you always are.:rolleyes:
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Now that we have settled that you can go irritate somebody else.

You found it irritating because you could not answer a simple easy as pie question that made sense when I pointed out FACTS that it was foolhardy to think the raiders would move to vegas because of the FACTS there was no reason to believe they would get the votes since all the mainstream media said last year was the raiders were as good as gone to carson as well, anytime i asked you that question i just got-blah blah blah blah you just cowardly ran off all the time with no answer.:rolleyes:

you would not address this simple question of why should I listen to the media and you NOW when they were lying about carson last year,you just ran off with your tail between your legs like the coward you are everytime i asked it.:rolleyes::uhoh3:

Because you are a coward who wont address facts like that one,and all you ever said in your ramblings was parroting the media which was-they are as good as gone,you cant expect anyone to listen to you when you troll like that with no valid reason behind your ramblings.:rolleyes:

See Synthaholic,he ALSO said on my thread he believed the Raiders were going to vegas as well.I did not agree with him either but unlike you,I respect him and his opinions because HE at least gave a valid answer for his opinion in why he believed the Raiders would get the approval to move to vegas in his post here below.

No. I'm not even a football fan in the slightest. But one of my best friends is an executive at The Cosmopolitan (which is in lockdown at this minute due to an active shooting) and he's been in Vegas since 1981. He knows everybody in that town and he says they are moving there. That's good enough for me.

He did not cowardly run off with his tail between his legs as you do when i ask you a question.:rolleyes: that is WHY even though I disagreed with him,i could respect him for not being a coward as you always are.:rolleyes:
Even when you're wrong you don't stfu.
See at least unlike a lot of other arrogant jerks around here,I CAN admit it when I have been proven wrong.:rolleyes:

i wont

one thing cant be denied,the NFL is clearly destroying their integrity and the leauge.

NFL team owners approve Raiders' move to Las Vegas

Las Vegas stadium loans could leave Raiders feeling financial squeeze

If people ask me the question what was it you were saying about the Raiders staying in Oakland,unlike others here, I wont change the subject and throw temper tantrems being so butthurt on being proven wrong like a handful here have done the last year when they said the Rams would never come back to LA.:rolleyes:

To me it makes no difference whatsoever that this happened. really. sure I hate teams that do this and will have no interest int he Raiders whatsoever same as I now have no interest in the chargers either but unlike with the chargers leaving SD,i am laughing my ass off over this decision of the NFL.

This is going to go down as the worst disater in sports history. Mark Davis will be in a billion dollars in debt with nowhere to play in five to ten years after being evicted unable to pay the bill This is not me saying this,this comes from credible economic experts.

Raiders' Las Vegas plan questionable, Stanford economist says

I guess its not really surprising that they approved the move when i think about it.It makes no sense because the NFL is going from the 6th biggest media market in the country to the 44th. That stadium will be half empty just like the chargers stadium in LA will be this season.:rolleyes:

Vegas is the most poor city in the country,they cant afford the PSL seat licences and the ticket prices.they got to work two jobs to stay afloat,the only fans that show up will be tourists that are rich for the opposing team.same as it was in st louis with the Rams.:rolleyes:

what is well known is that most owners dont like the davis family,they approved the move because they know it is suicide for mark davis,that he will be in a billion dollars in debt and be forced to sell the team in five to ten years and be evicted from the vegas authority cause he cant pay the bill and the raiders will have nowhere to go.:rofl:

so I am laughing over this believe it or not.i said on my thread that I would laugh about it if they were this stupid to vote for it.:rofl:
What you will do now is worship me for predicting it and never talk shit to me again.

Except YOU were just as much of a moron as pooper was when he said the Rams AND Raiders would be in LA this year.:biggrin: You never said they would be in vegas either,YOU said you thought they were going to be back in LA again in the future proving you are as big a moron as pooper for ignoring my evidence i gave him why the raiders would never be in LA again.:haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Oh and if you have alzheimers and dont remember when you said the raiders would be in LA again in the future,I will be more than happy to dig up that old post to prove that was your OWN words that you did say that.are you going to challenge me to do so? bring it on,i dont mind.:lmao:

that will just prove you are as dense as the people are who when i told them the Rams were coming back to LA,they all said the Rams would never come back to LA again and throw temper tantrems still today about it they are so butthurt I proved them wrong,ESPECIALLY anquity:biggrin:

that will also prove you are the same as that one guy when I told him he said the rams would not come back to LA again,he denied it but then I digged up his old post and proved he LIED,someone said to him back then-he got you there dude,you did say they would not come back,you lied.:biggrin: you want to go through that same embarrassment HE did when he lied as well?:biggrin:

when i digged up their post that proved them wrong,others laughed at him and said to him-he got you there dude.LA RAM was right,you indeed lied.:D

so bring it on,give me the challenge,I'll did up that old post that proved you were as much a moron as pooper to think the raiders would be back in LA again.:rofl::lmao:

The NFL has really signed the final nail in the coffin for them with this stupid approval. they want mark davis out of the league but this is the wrong way to do it to set him up to fail. i cant see the OAKLAND fans wanting the raiders back when davis fails in vegas cause he cant foot the bill and pay the rent.why WOULD they support a team that deserted them TWICE?
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Now that we have settled that you can go irritate somebody else.

You found it irritating because you could not answer a simple easy as pie question that made sense when I pointed out FACTS that it was foolhardy to think the raiders would move to vegas because of the FACTS there was no reason to believe they would get the votes since all the mainstream media said last year was the raiders were as good as gone to carson as well, anytime i asked you that question i just got-blah blah blah blah you just cowardly ran off all the time with no answer.:rolleyes:

you would not address this simple question of why should I listen to the media and you NOW when they were lying about carson last year,you just ran off with your tail between your legs like the coward you are everytime i asked it.:rolleyes::uhoh3:

Because you are a coward who wont address facts like that one,and all you ever said in your ramblings was parroting the media which was-they are as good as gone,you cant expect anyone to listen to you when you troll like that with no valid reason behind your ramblings.:rolleyes:

See Synthaholic,he ALSO said on my thread he believed the Raiders were going to vegas as well.I did not agree with him either but unlike you,I respect him and his opinions because HE at least gave a valid answer for his opinion in why he believed the Raiders would get the approval to move to vegas in his post here below.

No. I'm not even a football fan in the slightest. But one of my best friends is an executive at The Cosmopolitan (which is in lockdown at this minute due to an active shooting) and he's been in Vegas since 1981. He knows everybody in that town and he says they are moving there. That's good enough for me.

He did not cowardly run off with his tail between his legs as you do when i ask you a question.:rolleyes: that is WHY even though I disagreed with him,i could respect him for not being a coward as you always are.:rolleyes:
Even when you're wrong you don't stfu.

Dude, why don't YOU STFU.......one of the investors that was pushing for the Raiders to leave Oakland had pulled out. I am as stunned as anyone that the Raiders are leaving and were able to pull this off. The move makes no sense whatsoever and the fact that you made a lucky guess doesn't give you some kind of "bragging rights"....even a blind pig finds a truffle every now and then.

Now that we have settled that you can go irritate somebody else.

You found it irritating because you could not answer a simple easy as pie question that made sense when I pointed out FACTS that it was foolhardy to think the raiders would move to vegas because of the FACTS there was no reason to believe they would get the votes since all the mainstream media said last year was the raiders were as good as gone to carson as well, anytime i asked you that question i just got-blah blah blah blah you just cowardly ran off all the time with no answer.:rolleyes:

you would not address this simple question of why should I listen to the media and you NOW when they were lying about carson last year,you just ran off with your tail between your legs like the coward you are everytime i asked it.:rolleyes::uhoh3:

Because you are a coward who wont address facts like that one,and all you ever said in your ramblings was parroting the media which was-they are as good as gone,you cant expect anyone to listen to you when you troll like that with no valid reason behind your ramblings.:rolleyes:

See Synthaholic,he ALSO said on my thread he believed the Raiders were going to vegas as well.I did not agree with him either but unlike you,I respect him and his opinions because HE at least gave a valid answer for his opinion in why he believed the Raiders would get the approval to move to vegas in his post here below.

No. I'm not even a football fan in the slightest. But one of my best friends is an executive at The Cosmopolitan (which is in lockdown at this minute due to an active shooting) and he's been in Vegas since 1981. He knows everybody in that town and he says they are moving there. That's good enough for me.

He did not cowardly run off with his tail between his legs as you do when i ask you a question.:rolleyes: that is WHY even though I disagreed with him,i could respect him for not being a coward as you always are.:rolleyes:
Even when you're wrong you don't stfu.

of course not:biggrin:,see i dont LIE when I am wrong as pooper and WRONGWINGER always do as examples of trolls unable to admit they are wrong.:lol:Or how you just did as well claiming you said they would be in vegas when you only said they would be in LA in the future..:lmao:

you just hate it cause i proved how your buddy yost is an idiot who cant debate facts just now.as i said,I can at least respect Synthiotic over that moron cause even though i did not agree with Syn when he said the raiders would be in vegas,he gave valid REASONS for his beliefs,I respect that.:thup:

you're buddy yost on the other hand, just trolled with the same old tiresome line parroting the media-which is "they are as good as gone." what kind of rebuttal is that to a question to think they would go to vegas?:rolleyes:

sorry you cant stand it that i proved your buddy yost is a troll that cant answer a simple freaking question.kinda like that moron anquity.:rofl::lmao:

this is all i ever got from yost when i asked him WHY he believed the media that they were as good as gone,this-:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: no answer.

Syn,gave me an answer for his beliefs.i can respect that.But you will just say this is a rant or some bs like that since it proves how your buddy yost cant debate of course.:rolleyes:
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First, it will probably be another 3 years before they move to Vegas...

Got to find a site for the stadium, got to build the stadium.

Second, of all the NFL teams and their ownership, none, in my opinion, has shown more loyalty to the almighty dollar over their fan base than the Raiders.

Oakland, L.A., Oakland... Too many threats of moving to count...

Fuck the Raiders.

Now that we have settled that you can go irritate somebody else.

You found it irritating because you could not answer a simple easy as pie question that made sense when I pointed out FACTS that it was foolhardy to think the raiders would move to vegas because of the FACTS there was no reason to believe they would get the votes since all the mainstream media said last year was the raiders were as good as gone to carson as well, anytime i asked you that question i just got-blah blah blah blah you just cowardly ran off all the time with no answer.:rolleyes:

you would not address this simple question of why should I listen to the media and you NOW when they were lying about carson last year,you just ran off with your tail between your legs like the coward you are everytime i asked it.:rolleyes::uhoh3:

Because you are a coward who wont address facts like that one,and all you ever said in your ramblings was parroting the media which was-they are as good as gone,you cant expect anyone to listen to you when you troll like that with no valid reason behind your ramblings.:rolleyes:

See Synthaholic,he ALSO said on my thread he believed the Raiders were going to vegas as well.I did not agree with him either but unlike you,I respect him and his opinions because HE at least gave a valid answer for his opinion in why he believed the Raiders would get the approval to move to vegas in his post here below.

No. I'm not even a football fan in the slightest. But one of my best friends is an executive at The Cosmopolitan (which is in lockdown at this minute due to an active shooting) and he's been in Vegas since 1981. He knows everybody in that town and he says they are moving there. That's good enough for me.

He did not cowardly run off with his tail between his legs as you do when i ask you a question.:rolleyes: that is WHY even though I disagreed with him,i could respect him for not being a coward as you always are.:rolleyes:
Even when you're wrong you don't stfu.

Dude, why don't YOU STFU.......one of the investors that was pushing for the Raiders to leave Oakland had pulled out. I am as stunned as anyone that the Raiders are leaving and were able to pull this off. The move makes no sense whatsoever and the fact that you made a lucky guess doesn't give you some kind of "bragging rights"....even a blind pig finds a truffle every now and then.
thank you. I guess he expects me to be a psychic and to have expected one of the Oakland investors to pull out.:rolleyes:

as one financial expert said in that link I posted "which he of course ignored and wont read." this deal for the raiders is complete suicide not only for the Raiders and mark davis,but for the NFL as well.:rofl::lmao::haha:

Oh but i guess he doesnt think finance experts in money management form the best colleges in the world have any credibility which is no surprise since he cant handle FACTS the democrats he worships are no different and just as corrupt as republicans..:rolleyes-41: He is in so much fucking denial over that,its unfucking believable.:rolleyes:
First, it will probably be another 3 years before they move to Vegas...

Got to find a site for the stadium, got to build the stadium.

Second, of all the NFL teams and their ownership, none, in my opinion, has shown more loyalty to the almighty dollar over their fan base than the Raiders.

Oakland, L.A., Oakland... Too many threats of moving to count...

Fuck the Raiders.

thank you:thup::iagree:

your post though should actually say- Fuck the NFL. Now THAT would be accurate.:thup:

many here seem to be ignorant of those FACTS you mentioned which is WHY i had very valid reasons not to think the owners would be this stupid to vote for the move.:rolleyes: I made those points many times just to watch people ignore them around here never bothering to address them,yost the biggest troll of them all.:rolleyes:

as you said so well,it wont be for 3 years till they move,Oakland fans,the most loyal and dedicated fans in the country despite being pissed on so many times over the years by both al davis and now his asshole son mark,the piss league NFL fuckers are in for a major surprise when oakland fans dont renew their tickets this year and dont show up for games as many have stated they wont and then find vegas will have no home field advantage as well.

it will be the same stupid mistake they made when they let the niners leave SF to santa clara.the blue collar workers in SF,the loyal fans have been priced out of the tickets unable to afford them that santa clara is half empty all the time.

the only fans coming to games now are from the opposing teams.that will be the EXACT same thing that happens in vegas.Oakland fans are not going to travel there and support them the NFL will find out. the NFL is the most fucked up organization that ever existed in the world.fuck the NFL.

I pretty much watch only games from yesteryear I am so sick of all this BS relocation by these fucking greedy asshole owners.fuck you NFL.:up_yours:
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I pretty much watch only games from yesteryear

you are such a bullshitter! You watched the Super Bowl and you admitted it, you also admitted to watching the Raiders and the Broncos and some playoff games. You are fooling no one.
just to prove I am not making this up that unlike carson last year which WOULD have been a good deal for them,that vegas is suicide for the raiders and the NFL,here it is. other experts have said BECAUSE OF THIS,davis will be bankrupt with nowhere to go in five to ten years from now cause he wont be able to pay the landlord cause he is not rich like kroneke and is a poor motherfucker who will burn in hell with his father.

I cant make this stufff up below in these links.:rolleyes::lmao:well they did not say him being a poor motherfucker burning in hell.those are MY words of course.:biggrin:

The Raiders Las Vegas deal might be the worst and most dysfunctional deal in US sports history. I’ve been telling friends for weeks, I’m shocked this is still on the table.

It is a catenation of optimistic assumptions,” he said. “The probability that it could happen isn’t zero, but it is pretty close to zero.”

“The Raiders Las Vegas Deal is Possibly the Worst in U.S. Sports History; And the ONLY Way it Succeeds”

I didnt write this folks.I think this guy knows just a little bit more than you all who are so sure vegas will work.:lmao:

then there is this one as well of course..:D
Raiders' Las Vegas plan questionable, Stanford economist says

so I am laughing like crazy right now over the morons here that think vegas will actually work.:lmao::haha: in the beginning sure,but not in the long term five to ten years from now.:lol:
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for the people here that always made the ignorant and asinine moronic comment that vegas is a good fit for the raiders and think Vegas will work for them here get off the CRACK YOUR SMOKING.:cuckoo::lmao::haha: see I STILL win. :muahaha: I said I would laugh if the owners were really this stupid enough to let this happen and THIS below is WHY.:lmao: I guess you all are going to say I wrote this piece right?:lmao::rofl:

The Raiders ticket prices are near the lower third of the league right now even after 2 years of increases. Now add to that the monstrous PSL prices that some are predicting for Las Vegas and the cost could make them the top 5 most expensive in the NFL. Top that with very high ticket prices and parking. Now add airfare which will run let’s say $150 per person. Now add hotel rooms which will cost a good $200 dollars or more per night with many hotels looking to get at least 2 nights out of you, possibly 3. Food and drink during your stay adds up in this pretentious and overpriced land. How about a husband and wife taking the kids? Fat chance. And you thought Disneyland and Harry Potter World were rip-offs (ok they still are).

Oakland Raider fans will especially lose. The move to Los Angeles ruined the Raiders and they’ve never been the same. Even though the Raiders had a nice core of about 30,000 loyal fans, the crowds at times were embarrassingly low with it’s lack of support. It was so bad that when they came back to Oakland, the players made fun of the LA fans. The violence, bad behavior and flakiness were hard for Oakland fans to watch. A once proud tradition ruined.

Even Raider great Tim Brown on 95.7 The Game said LA was a bad place for an NFL team because when teams don’t do well, fans won’t come. Las Vegas will be worse. Just ask the once darling basketball program at UNLV who’s attendance is now at record lows due to some average years. With the Raiders needing 40-46% of the seats being filled by tourist/travelers, that is a pretty scary thing to rely on. Do you think the Raiders are going to be Super Bowl contenders for 30 years or that the economy wont tank? In a loyal place people will still come. Not in Vegas.

Tim Brown forgot to mention the Raiders had attendance of just 30,000 for most games in LA even when they were great and went to the superbowl.:biggrin:

see those last three words vegas believers? NOT IN VEGAS?:biggrin:

which means it WONT work in vegas,get your head out of your asses if you actually think this will work.:rolleyes:

so true that they WILL fail in Vegas even worse than they did in LA with fan attendance.:up:
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for the people here that always made the ignorant and asinine moronic comment that vegas is a good fit for the raiders and think Vegas will work for them here get off the CRACK YOUR SMOKING.:cuckoo::lmao::haha: see I STILL win. :muahaha: I said I would laugh if the owners were really this stupid enough to let this happen and THIS below is WHY.:lmao: I guess you all are going to say I wrote this piece right?:lmao::rofl:

The Raiders ticket prices are near the lower third of the league right now even after 2 years of increases. Now add to that the monstrous PSL prices that some are predicting for Las Vegas and the cost could make them the top 5 most expensive in the NFL. Top that with very high ticket prices and parking. Now add airfare which will run let’s say $150 per person. Now add hotel rooms which will cost a good $200 dollars or more per night with many hotels looking to get at least 2 nights out of you, possibly 3. Food and drink during your stay adds up in this pretentious and overpriced land. How about a husband and wife taking the kids? Fat chance. And you thought Disneyland and Harry Potter World were rip-offs (ok they still are).

Oakland Raider fans will especially lose. The move to Los Angeles ruined the Raiders and they’ve never been the same. Even though the Raiders had a nice core of about 30,000 loyal fans, the crowds at times were embarrassingly low with it’s lack of support. It was so bad that when they came back to Oakland, the players made fun of the LA fans. The violence, bad behavior and flakiness were hard for Oakland fans to watch. A once proud tradition ruined.

Even Raider great Tim Brown on 95.7 The Game said LA was a bad place for an NFL team because when teams don’t do well, fans won’t come. Las Vegas will be worse. Just ask the once darling basketball program at UNLV who’s attendance is now at record lows due to some average years. With the Raiders needing 40-46% of the seats being filled by tourist/travelers, that is a pretty scary thing to rely on. Do you think the Raiders are going to be Super Bowl contenders for 30 years or that the economy wont tank? In a loyal place people will still come. Not in Vegas.

Tim Brown forgot to mention the Raiders had attendance of just 30,000 for most games in LA even when they were great and went to the superbowl.:biggrin:

see those last three words vegas believers? NOT IN VEGAS?:biggrin:

which means it WONT work in vegas,get your head out of your asses if you actually think this will work.:rolleyes:

so true that they WILL fail in Vegas even worse than they did in LA with fan attendance.:up:

Who listens to you? You have been wrong about the Lambs, the Chargers, the Seahawks having a perfect season and now the Raiders. Your obnoxious posts and all the silly BS you spew is just that. Why should anyone listen to you when you have been wrong so many times?
This will be a great move for Las Vegas, and it will be a great move for the Raiders. I live in Vegas and I can't believe they actually approved it. Seemed like a crazy idea at first, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.
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