OK RWers...Let's Say The Republicans Dominate


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Let's say they take over in 2012 and not only gain the office then, but for 2 more terms, for a total of 3 terms.

Let's say they even manage to get and keep BOTH House and Senate for that or at least majority for the most of that time.

Is that what you want?

What do you think would happen?

How would it benefit this country? The World?

Would it be a good thing? Is that your ideal?

Depends on whether they're conservative Republicans or not. And... for the record... I don't overly like the idea of any group - including conservatives - having too much power. It usually results in chaos for everyone but the few in power.
Depends on whether they're conservative Republicans or not. And... for the record... I don't overly like the idea of any group - including conservatives - having too much power. It usually results in chaos for everyone but the few in power.

I agree I would love to see a 50/50 split with both house's..... The less they can get done or passed the better off we all are.
Depends on whether they're conservative Republicans or not. And... for the record... I don't overly like the idea of any group - including conservatives - having too much power. It usually results in chaos for everyone but the few in power.

OK, then describe your perfect mix.
Let's say they take over in 2012 and not only gain the office then, but for 2 more terms, for a total of 3 terms.

Let's say they even manage to get and keep BOTH House and Senate for that or at least majority for the most of that time.

Is that what you want?

What do you think would happen?

How would it benefit this country? The World?

Would it be a good thing? Is that your ideal?


Keeping Marxist thugs out of our government is always beneficial to us and the world. For one thing, we won't be flushing an additional $1.5 trillion down the sewer every year.
I agree I would love to see a 50/50 split with both house's..... The less they can get done or passed the better off we all are.

There is no benefit to giving any power to the Marxist goons in the Democrat party.

If these were CONSERVATIVE IDEALISTS in control, then that would be a very good thing.

Under that circumstance you should see a massive reduction in Federal Spending, controls on Immigration, a move towards a more Isolationist and Nationalist society and one based on Morals and Values rather than the Laisez Fair non-ideals of today.
I agree I would love to see a 50/50 split with both house's..... The less they can get done or passed the better off we all are.

There is no benefit to giving any power to the Marxist goons in the Democrat party.


You've responded twice now and typed quite a few words.

Yet you've said nothing.
No Marc, republicans are like you, they don't care how many disastrous ideas their party has as long as they're the ones who get to do it.

That's why you don't see outspoken anger by democrats anymore about warmongering in the middle east, was only a problem when Bush did it.

Same reason why republicans are only angry now about big spending and big debt, wasn't a problem when Bush and his house full of republicans did it.

Our parties have no problem taking dumps on the american public, they just want it to be their shit.
I'd like to see a mix of opinions on issues, with a central belief in the Constitutional provisions for Federalism and the Balance of Powers. I'd like to see requirements that after X number of days of troop deployments, Congress must either pass war declaration or bring them home. In order to do any of the above, the political elites of both parties need to go. No, that doesn't mean rabble needs to take their places, there are plenty of well educated people that would serve for a time, if the costs weren't what the elites have made them.

The Kennedys, the Bushs, the Clintons, the Roosevelts, the Gores, the Rockefellers none of them had much problems with airing all their laundry, when necessary. The costs? They didn't care. The behavior has made it very difficult to attract those that are qualified to serve.

I don't think in my lifetime there's been more of a threat to our country's survival from within.
Let's say they take over in 2012 and not only gain the office then, but for 2 more terms, for a total of 3 terms.

Let's say they even manage to get and keep BOTH House and Senate for that or at least majority for the most of that time.

Is that what you want?

What do you think would happen?

How would it benefit this country? The World?

Would it be a good thing? Is that your ideal?


Hopefully they would cut the size of Government, cut spending, and balance the budget... But if they come out with that plan 50% of the country that gets freebies from the working class would riot.... Unfortunately we are in a position where half the country thinks the other half owes them therefor that 50% is going to vote for the person that gives them the most free stuff and that will in turn run the country into the ground... The US is in a downward spiral until people realize they they have to take care of themselves and at this point in time there are too many in the country that would rather die poor than work for a living and take responsibility for themselves. It's much easier to accept freebies than work for what you want....Sad... So in summary neither party is going to save the US... The Republicans however could possibly prolong it.
Depends on whether they're conservative Republicans or not. And... for the record... I don't overly like the idea of any group - including conservatives - having too much power. It usually results in chaos for everyone but the few in power.

OK, then describe your perfect mix.

Historically (at least from the economic perspective) the country has done best with divided government, one party in control of the White House, the other controlling congress. It's done considerably worse, with one party in control of both. The worst case historically has been democrat president and democrat congress, but republican president and republican congress has been nearly as bad. The best case by a small margin, has bee democrat president, republican congress. This is only on the economic front, of course; there are other considerations.

Politically it's a different question. If the country is as badly fractured as I believe it is, it may only matter in the short run. Both parties eventually could well take a decidedly statist track, in order to stave off a break-up along any of a number of possible lines, whether those are urban/rural(Possibly the most likely) , ethnic, political, regional, religious, or some combination. Reality is, we are at a national impasse on a number of things that matter to a lot of people, quite possibly with no workable compromise. What's impossible to know, is whether we are at the point of no return, or have in fact already passed it; these things rarely are evident except in hindsight.
I think ObamaCare has got to go, and so does the Dodd-Frank bill that guarantees future bailouts rather than eliminates them. I think we need to reverse the ridiculous presidential exec orderrs that Obama has done or is about to do that favor unions. I also think over the next 12 years we'll see a turnover in the SCOTUS, if that court turns left we're in deep trouble.

I just do not believe the Dems will cut spending if they remain in the WH and have control of one or both houses of Congress. Raising taxes on the rich is fine, but it's like pissing on a forest fire.

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