OK GOP - We Need a 2012 Candidate Who Can Beat Obama's Record


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
So far, Obama is going to run on this - Since taking office:

Two million-private sector jobs have been lost

Unemployment jumped from 7.8 to 9.2 percent with a simply terrible 2011 first-quarter economic growth rate of just 0.4 percent

A record 1 in 7 Americans is on food stamps

Gasoline prices more than doubled, from $1.83 to $3.74 per gallon

National debt increased 35 percent, to $14.5 trillion, or $137,000 for each taxpayer

National unfunded liabilities increased 47 percent, to $114.9 trillion, or a cool $1 million for each taxpayer (and this does not yet include Obamacare)

America is on the verge of losing its AAA credit rating.
I actually don't think Obama is going to run on any of that.
Here's a recent accomplishment - TODAY -

Stocks plunge more than 370 points, erasing gains for the year
I bet this guy could beat Obama...

Spongebob Squarepants could beat Obama right now. What officials need to watch in 2012 is the absentee ballots, alot of fraud when it comes to those "See Murkowski in Alaska 2010 and Reid in Nevada 2010". Whenever it's a close race, the left will pump in false ballots to tip the scales.
He's a piss poor POTUS and he ain't got much to run on.

Don't think Hope and Change is gonna cut it this time round.
So far, Obama is going to run on this - Since taking office:

Two million-private sector jobs have been lost

Unemployment jumped from 7.8 to 9.2 percent with a simply terrible 2011 first-quarter economic growth rate of just 0.4 percent

A record 1 in 7 Americans is on food stamps

Gasoline prices more than doubled, from $1.83 to $3.74 per gallon

National debt increased 35 percent, to $14.5 trillion, or $137,000 for each taxpayer

National unfunded liabilities increased 47 percent, to $114.9 trillion, or a cool $1 million for each taxpayer (and this does not yet include Obamacare)

America is on the verge of losing its AAA credit rating.

All true but he'll be running and spinning like hell away from his own record.
Spongebob Squarepants could beat Obama right now. What officials need to watch in 2012 is the absentee ballots, alot of fraud when it comes to those "See Murkowski in Alaska 2010 and Reid in Nevada 2010". Whenever it's a close race, the left will pump in false ballots to tip the scales.

Well let's do our part and volunteer or donate to make damn sure the election isn't close enough for any shennanigans to occur.
Obama owns what is happening right now. If it stays like this, he is gone. If it improves hes back in. Simple as that.

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