Oil and gas leases, acres, and permits all down under Obama


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Oil and gas leases, acres, and permits all down under Obama
The Washington Examiner ^ | October 17, 2012 | Conn Carroll

Oil and gas leases, acres, and permits all down under Obama | WashingtonExaminer.com

During Tuesday night’s presidential debate, President Obama claimed, “Very little of what Governor Romney just said is true. We’ve opened up public lands. We’re actually drilling more on public lands than in the previous administration and the previous president was an oil man.”

But here are the facts, according to the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land management.

In 2008 under President Bush, there were a total of 55,085 oil and gas leases in effect on federal land.
In 2011 under Obama, there were just 49,174, a decrease of 11 percent.
In 2008 under Bush, there were 47.2 million acres of federal land under lease.
In 2011 under Obama, there were just 38.5 million, a decrease of 19 percent.
In 2008 under Bush, the federal government approved 6,617 oil and gas permits.
In 2011 under Obama, the federal government approved just 4,244 permits, a decrease of 36 percent.

The decrease in oil and gas leases, acres, and permits under Obama has led to a decrease in oil and gas production on federal land.

According to the Energy Information Administration

In 2010, 726 million barrels of oil were produced on federal land.
In 2011, just 626 billion barrels were produced, a decrease of 14 percent.
In 2010, 5,166 billion cubic feet of natural gas were produced on federal land.
In 2011, just 4,609 billion cubic feet were produced, a decrease of 11 percent.

Lied about this
Lied about Lybia

What the fuck did he not lie about?
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He explained that in the debate. There was many leases that were sitting dormant and not being used. Obama gave them an ultimatum....use it or lose it, so that they could pull the leases of absentee squatters and give them to companies who were going to use them.

What good are leases if they aren't being used?
He explained that in the debate. There was many leases that were sitting dormant and not being used. Obama gave them an ultimatum....use it or lose it, so that they could pull the leases of absentee squatters and give them to companies who were going to use them.

What good are leases if they aren't being used?

Right, how dare people try to make the most of their investments! That would be ----AMERICAN!

Obama wanted to (tax) or charge them to renew the lease - or risk losing it... Just another tax on small businesses --- hitting America right in the fuel belt. ...and he blamed the price of gas on a bad economy!!! LMAO! Look around, the economy is STILL bad, but yet, 4 dollar gas prices --- Just another story from Obama bin lyin'
Oil and gas leases, acres, and permits all down under Obama
The Washington Examiner ^ | October 17, 2012 | Conn Carroll

Oil and gas leases, acres, and permits all down under Obama | WashingtonExaminer.com

During Tuesday night’s presidential debate, President Obama claimed, “Very little of what Governor Romney just said is true. We’ve opened up public lands. We’re actually drilling more on public lands than in the previous administration and the previous president was an oil man.”

But here are the facts, according to the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land management.

In 2008 under President Bush, there were a total of 55,085 oil and gas leases in effect on federal land.
In 2011 under Obama, there were just 49,174, a decrease of 11 percent.
In 2008 under Bush, there were 47.2 million acres of federal land under lease.
In 2011 under Obama, there were just 38.5 million, a decrease of 19 percent.
In 2008 under Bush, the federal government approved 6,617 oil and gas permits.
In 2011 under Obama, the federal government approved just 4,244 permits, a decrease of 36 percent.

The decrease in oil and gas leases, acres, and permits under Obama has led to a decrease in oil and gas production on federal land.

According to the Energy Information Administration

In 2010, 726 million barrels of oil were produced on federal land.
In 2011, just 626 billion barrels were produced, a decrease of 14 percent.
In 2010, 5,166 billion cubic feet of natural gas were produced on federal land.
In 2011, just 4,609 billion cubic feet were produced, a decrease of 11 percent.

Lied about this
Lied about Lybia

What the fuck did he not lie about?
Notice how professionally crafted that lie is! When comparing land, permits, etc., they compare it to 2008, but when it comes to production they compare it to 2010 and not 2008. That is because production of oil on public lands is UP from 2008 because the leases that were not being used were taken away from the oil monopoly who were hoarding them and sitting on them to keep them away from any competition who would actually dig a well, and given to independents who would use them. Big Oil is presently sitting on over 7,000 PERMITS to drill!

As a result, less land and less permits produced more oil because more leases and permits were actually USED by the independents. Crude oil production from federal waters increased from 446 million barrels in 2008 and onshore public lands increased from 109 million barrels to a combined total of 626 million barrels in 2011 and 2012 will exceed pre BP Deepwater Horizon pre spill levels.
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Oil and gas leases, acres, and permits all down under Obama
The Washington Examiner ^ | October 17, 2012 | Conn Carroll

Oil and gas leases, acres, and permits all down under Obama | WashingtonExaminer.com

During Tuesday night’s presidential debate, President Obama claimed, “Very little of what Governor Romney just said is true. We’ve opened up public lands. We’re actually drilling more on public lands than in the previous administration and the previous president was an oil man.”

But here are the facts, according to the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land management.

In 2008 under President Bush, there were a total of 55,085 oil and gas leases in effect on federal land.
In 2011 under Obama, there were just 49,174, a decrease of 11 percent.
In 2008 under Bush, there were 47.2 million acres of federal land under lease.
In 2011 under Obama, there were just 38.5 million, a decrease of 19 percent.
In 2008 under Bush, the federal government approved 6,617 oil and gas permits.
In 2011 under Obama, the federal government approved just 4,244 permits, a decrease of 36 percent.

The decrease in oil and gas leases, acres, and permits under Obama has led to a decrease in oil and gas production on federal land.

According to the Energy Information Administration

In 2010, 726 million barrels of oil were produced on federal land.
In 2011, just 626 billion barrels were produced, a decrease of 14 percent.
In 2010, 5,166 billion cubic feet of natural gas were produced on federal land.
In 2011, just 4,609 billion cubic feet were produced, a decrease of 11 percent.

Lied about this
Lied about Lybia

What the fuck did he not lie about?
Notice how professionally crafted that lie is! When comparing land, permits, etc., they compare it to 2008, but when it comes to production they compare it to 2010 and not 2008. That is because production of oil on public lands is UP from 2008 because the leases that were not being used were taken away from the oil monopoly who were hoarding them and sitting on them to keep them away from any competition who would actually dig a well, and given to independents who would use them. Big Oil is presently sitting on over 7,000 PERMITS to drill!

As a result, less land and less permits produced more oil because more leases and permits were actually USED by the independents. Crude production from federal waters increased from 446 million barrels in 2008 and onshore public lands increased from 109 million barrels to a combined total of 626 million barrels in 2011 and 2012 will exceed pre BP Deepwater Horizon pre spill levels.

Yeah....I noticed that too....but it's like arguing with a wall. They are so resolute in their AM radio driven ideology that they refuse to even consider anything that strays from it.
He explained that in the debate. There was many leases that were sitting dormant and not being used. Obama gave them an ultimatum....use it or lose it, so that they could pull the leases of absentee squatters and give them to companies who were going to use them.

What good are leases if they aren't being used?

What does it matter? Overall crude and natural gas production are up in this country. Thanks to the ingenuity, investment, and risk-taking by the O&G sector - NOT Obama.

Delay rentals are paid on dormant leases, so the feds are still making money.

Competitors are always reviewing these properties, and if they appear to have potential the drilling rights are aquired from the original lessee.
just wait till the world hits peak production, even god himself wont be able to stop the onslaught of rising gas prices.

As mom use to say, you make your bed and you lay in it. Such is life if we dont heavily invest federal and public funds into alternative energy. this is not difficult to see people.
No, I am a FSU graduate and huge supporter of the University I attended for 4 years. Both my mother and father were Florida State University graduates as well, my sister is set to graduate in two years as well.

Nole is short for Seminole, the only native American tribe to not surrendered to the white man, unconquered.
Right, how dare people try to make the most of their investments! That would be ----AMERICAN!

I will never cease to be amazed at how partisan hacks can look right in the face of a horse and call it a cat. Sitting on a lease that is not being used is not "making the most out of your investment." It's an anti-competition tactic intended to prevent competitors from gaining market share.

Anyway, let's all focus on what's actually important here, can we? PRODUCTION is up. Doesn't matter if there are a million leases or ten leases. Higher production is higher production.

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