Ohio Discovers Fountain of Youth - nearly 6k Voters over 116 y.o.


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I kid thee not my friends.

But there is no voter fraud, just get that one out of your brainiac.

Expert: New Data Suggests Ohio Voter Rolls Worse Than Feared
There has been quite a bit of reporting on the fact that 170 registered voters in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District are listed in Ohio’s voter database as having have birthdates that would make them over 116 years old.
It is important to note that neither Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, nor any media outlet, have challenged the existence of the obviously flawed records. Rather, they have offered an explanation for their existence, citing a change in the law in 1974.

But the fact remains that voters with incorrect birthdates have remained on Ohio’s rolls for nearly half a century. And not just in one district: Statewide, more than 5,800 votes were cast in 2016 by Ohio voters whose age in the database is listed as older than 116 years old...​

I remember Dems tried to recount the votes in Detroit after 2016 presidential elections and stopped pretty quickly cause there were a lot more than registered voters. Can you imagine that amount of illegal votes all over the country? I guess, it is a lot more than Clinton's "popular vote" which Dems love to scream about.
A friend was working at a major corporate manufacturing plant and their contract with the Union required them to get a vote from the membership before they could change their contract. Well the corporation was wanting to move the plant to Mehiko and lay off most of their workers.

So they have this giant meeting where all the local membership attended, and the Union leadership calls for a voice vote. When they asked for thos opposed to say nay, the building shook literally the roar for the nays were so loud. Not one person said 'Aye!'

The Union leaders said the ayes had the vote! The plant was going to Mehiko!

How you might ask? Well, the leaders had proxy votes for members who had retired and the rules said that the union leaders could vote on their behalf. Some of them had not worked there for 40 years and were very likely dead, but no one bothered to cull the voting membership rolls of those that had died.

I guess that is where the Dims get this idea from; Union leaders, lol.
I kid thee not my friends.

But there is no voter fraud, just get that one out of your brainiac.

Expert: New Data Suggests Ohio Voter Rolls Worse Than Feared
There has been quite a bit of reporting on the fact that 170 registered voters in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District are listed in Ohio’s voter database as having have birthdates that would make them over 116 years old.
It is important to note that neither Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, nor any media outlet, have challenged the existence of the obviously flawed records. Rather, they have offered an explanation for their existence, citing a change in the law in 1974.

But the fact remains that voters with incorrect birthdates have remained on Ohio’s rolls for nearly half a century. And not just in one district: Statewide, more than 5,800 votes were cast in 2016 by Ohio voters whose age in the database is listed as older than 116 years old...​

The nonliving are the biggest part of the democrat Party base
View attachment 210969

I remember Dems tried to recount the votes in Detroit after 2016 presidential elections and stopped pretty quickly cause there were a lot more than registered voters. Can you imagine that amount of illegal votes all over the country? I guess, it is a lot more than Clinton's "popular vote" which Dems love to scream about.

Lol, Republicans should call for a recount in every state election to humiliate the Dims and challenge them in court after they give their excuses.

Why wont the GOP fight to expose this crap? BECAUSE THEY ARE PUNKS!
Yet Ohio is a republican state. Go figure.
I kid thee not my friends.

But there is no voter fraud, just get that one out of your brainiac.

Expert: New Data Suggests Ohio Voter Rolls Worse Than Feared
There has been quite a bit of reporting on the fact that 170 registered voters in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District are listed in Ohio’s voter database as having have birthdates that would make them over 116 years old.
It is important to note that neither Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, nor any media outlet, have challenged the existence of the obviously flawed records. Rather, they have offered an explanation for their existence, citing a change in the law in 1974.

But the fact remains that voters with incorrect birthdates have remained on Ohio’s rolls for nearly half a century. And not just in one district: Statewide, more than 5,800 votes were cast in 2016 by Ohio voters whose age in the database is listed as older than 116 years old...​

I don't see a Michael Husted as SOS in 2011 and is he related to Jon Husted??

I also do not see 16-24 million in the report they referred to.

Strange hey? I might of missed something, can you double check me??
A friend was working at a major corporate manufacturing plant and their contract with the Union required them to get a vote from the membership before they could change their contract. Well the corporation was wanting to move the plant to Mehiko and lay off most of their workers.

So they have this giant meeting where all the local membership attended, and the Union leadership calls for a voice vote. When they asked for thos opposed to say nay, the building shook literally the roar for the nays were so loud. Not one person said 'Aye!'

The Union leaders said the ayes had the vote! The plant was going to Mehiko!

How you might ask? Well, the leaders had proxy votes for members who had retired and the rules said that the union leaders could vote on their behalf. Some of them had not worked there for 40 years and were very likely dead, but no one bothered to cull the voting membership rolls of those that had died.

I guess that is where the Dims get this idea from; Union leaders, lol.

Now why would union leaders want their company to move to Mexico??
I kid thee not my friends.

But there is no voter fraud, just get that one out of your brainiac.

Expert: New Data Suggests Ohio Voter Rolls Worse Than Feared
There has been quite a bit of reporting on the fact that 170 registered voters in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District are listed in Ohio’s voter database as having have birthdates that would make them over 116 years old.
It is important to note that neither Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, nor any media outlet, have challenged the existence of the obviously flawed records. Rather, they have offered an explanation for their existence, citing a change in the law in 1974.

But the fact remains that voters with incorrect birthdates have remained on Ohio’s rolls for nearly half a century. And not just in one district: Statewide, more than 5,800 votes were cast in 2016 by Ohio voters whose age in the database is listed as older than 116 years old...​

Holy shit. They sure grow em tough in Ohio.
Just a case of soending time and money to purge your voter rolls
Many voter rolls still contain people who have moved or died

Doesn’t mean there is voter fraud, just excessively large voter rolls
I kid thee not my friends.

But there is no voter fraud, just get that one out of your brainiac.

Expert: New Data Suggests Ohio Voter Rolls Worse Than Feared
There has been quite a bit of reporting on the fact that 170 registered voters in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District are listed in Ohio’s voter database as having have birthdates that would make them over 116 years old.
It is important to note that neither Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, nor any media outlet, have challenged the existence of the obviously flawed records. Rather, they have offered an explanation for their existence, citing a change in the law in 1974.

But the fact remains that voters with incorrect birthdates have remained on Ohio’s rolls for nearly half a century. And not just in one district: Statewide, more than 5,800 votes were cast in 2016 by Ohio voters whose age in the database is listed as older than 116 years old...​
Son, you need to spend some quality time with Truthmatters, if only I knew where she’s hanging her hat these days. But if you could you’d learn all voter fraud is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Republican Party, period.
"Eggers’ suggestion that Ohio’s 12th Congressional district has an unbelieveably high preponderance of registered and voting supercentenarians, and that this phenomenon suggests significant voter fraud, doesn’t stand up to scrutiny."

Lol, no, Eggers is not suggesting that there are all these supercentenarians, roflmao.

He is suggesting that the registrations are at least invalid or are entirely fraudulent.

Yeah, Snopes is a real unbiased and objective source....NOT!
"Eggers’ suggestion that Ohio’s 12th Congressional district has an unbelieveably high preponderance of registered and voting supercentenarians, and that this phenomenon suggests significant voter fraud, doesn’t stand up to scrutiny."

Lol, no, Eggers is not suggesting that there are all these supercentenarians, roflmao.

He is suggesting that the registrations are at least invalid or are entirely fraudulent.

Yeah, Snopes is a real unbiased and objective source....NOT!
All it proves is that voter rolls have not been purged for those who died

Exactly what snopes says

It is lying conservatives that claim they are voting

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