OH! The Superior French


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Such respect, such multi-culturalism, such hypocrisy:


Holocaust lessons meet Muslim rebuff in France
Thu Jan 20, 2005 03:30 AM ET

By Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor

PARIS (Reuters) - "Filthy Jew!" schoolchildren howl at a classmate. "Jews only want money and power," they tell their teachers. "Death to the Jews" graffiti appear on school walls outside Paris and other French cities.

These are not scenes from the wartime Nazi occupation or a fictional France where the far-right has taken control. Outright anti-Semitism like this is a fact of life these days in the poor suburbs where much of France's Muslim minority lives.

After a slow response when this "new anti-Semitism" flared four years ago, France has made fighting prejudice against Jews into a national priority. Holocaust education in state schools now starts with pupils as young as nine years old.

But even the best plans for teaching about the Nazi massacre of Jews can fall short when confronted with an Islamic identity spreading among a minority of France's five million Muslims.

"It works with those who are ready to listen," said Iannis Roder, a history teacher in the tough northern suburbs of Paris. "But it doesn't work with those who won't listen. They have their minds made up."

Roder is one of several history teachers who sounded an alarm in 2002 about a wave of anti-Semitism among Muslim pupils, much of it a reaction to the uprising by Palestinians against Israeli control of their lands.

Their outspoken book "The Lost Territories of the Republic" opened France's eyes to classrooms where some Muslim pupils openly denounced Jews, praised Hitler and refused to listen to any non-Muslim teacher talking about the history of Islam.

Such tension has prompted Jewish pupils in these areas to switch to private Jewish or even Catholic schools.

"Muslim pupils react less now to what happens in the Middle East," Roder said. "But the situation hasn't really changed. As soon as you talk about Jews in some historical event, there are (anti-Semitic) comments."

Dont really understand your point. Are you trying to say the entire French nation are racists because of this article.If the article wasnt edited by you the next line says that only a minority are the problem and in the next paragraph that foreign Jews praise the french in dealing with this.
In the states this week wasnt a familly butchered for being Egyptian christians.Obviously the act of a few mindless idiots and i wouldnt dream of accussing the states of being a racist country over this.I guess i need to put my steel helmet on and wait for incoming abuse about being pro french, however i am not pro french im just not so anti french that i want to read about them on every thread. It does get a bit boring.
taff said:
Dont really understand your point. Are you trying to say the entire French nation are racists because of this article.If the article wasnt edited by you the next line says that only a minority are the problem and in the next paragraph that foreign Jews praise the french in dealing with this.
In the states this week wasnt a familly butchered for being Egyptian christians.Obviously the act of a few mindless idiots and i wouldnt dream of accussing the states of being a racist country over this.I guess i need to put my steel helmet on and wait for incoming abuse about being pro french, however i am not pro french im just not so anti french that i want to read about them on every thread. It does get a bit boring.

Actually, it's not just the French, but a long time history in Europe of anti-semitism. Doubt you would find it difficult by googling to find many examples that would make you question 'the small numbers' involved in this phenomena. Sort of like there is only a 'small number of Muslim extremists.'

As for 'editing' you had no problem with the linky?
taff said:
Dont really understand your point. Are you trying to say the entire French nation are racists because of this article.If the article wasnt edited by you the next line says that only a minority are the problem and in the next paragraph that foreign Jews praise the french in dealing with this.
In the states this week wasnt a familly butchered for being Egyptian christians.Obviously the act of a few mindless idiots and i wouldnt dream of accussing the states of being a racist country over this.I guess i need to put my steel helmet on and wait for incoming abuse about being pro french, however i am not pro french im just not so anti french that i want to read about them on every thread. It does get a bit boring.

I dont know what threads you have been reading but this is about the only thread where the French are disussed. By that I mean under the "Europe" title.
taff said:
Dont really understand your point. Are you trying to say the entire French nation are racists because of this article.If the article wasnt edited by you the next line says that only a minority are the problem and in the next paragraph that foreign Jews praise the french in dealing with this.
In the states this week wasnt a familly butchered for being Egyptian christians.Obviously the act of a few mindless idiots and i wouldnt dream of accussing the states of being a racist country over this.I guess i need to put my steel helmet on and wait for incoming abuse about being pro french, however i am not pro french im just not so anti french that i want to read about them on every thread. It does get a bit boring.

In the states this week wasnt a familly butchered for being Egyptian christians.Obviously the act of a few mindless idiots and i wouldnt dream of accussing the states of being a racist country over this.

The investigation of this is ongoing, but the 'fear' is that it was muslims in the US, which may be why you are a bit queasy making such an accusation?
I know it must obviously have been muslims who commited this crime and i only used it as an example of how you cant brand a nation by individuals actions.Why would i be queasy about saying it was muslims.
taff said:
I know it must obviously have been muslims who commited this crime and i only used it as an example of how you cant brand a nation by individuals actions.Why would i be queasy about saying it was muslims.

Actually with the incidence of certain crimes one can generalize. Certainly not fair to everyone, but does speak to the 'main.' Right now the US is more conservative and cynical of the UN than in the past. The election results illustrate that.

Certain doesn't speak for Bully, Sage, Shattered, or all.
This problem is one that you find all over the world, not just in France. It's particulalry present in France because of the big muslim community but in no way like taff said speaks for the whole of France. I don't see your point, if you're trying to say there is a problem with the muslim community abusing the jewish community in France I'd say "yeah thats right, and the government is doing a lot about this", but if you're trying to make this into another Anti-French thread like Taff said it's getting boring.
Dont blame you for being critical of the UN. Seems to be out to just line its own pockets.I also cant blame you for being critical at a lot of the world.A lot of countrys owe the US a lot of favours yet in your hour of need they sit on the fence or on the other side of the fence completly.We need to get these countrys on our side of the fence pretty quick though because we need the manpower they can supply.
taff said:
a lot of countrys owe the US a lot of favours yet in your hour of need they sit on the fence or on the other side of the fence completly.We need to get these countrys on our side of the fence pretty quick though because we need the manpower they can supply.
America is not looking to collect favors. It wants allies that have the strength and determination of their belief in freedom and democracy. The French preferred to leave a mass murderer in power in Iraq. They preferred Iraq-Elf business transactions over destroying Hussein. Americans remember that the French actively worked against US efforts to get the war sanctioned by the UNSC. That was the work of an American enemy. It is French foreign policy that is boring, not the threads on this board. You need to study the history of anti-Semitism in France. It is a history of behavior far more hostile and deadly than crimes recently perpetrated by French Muslims.
So the French voted against the US in a UNSC vote.So what.Thats their right as a voter. It doesnt make them an enemy.I dont agree with them myself but i dont hate them for it. You live in a democracy yourself so you understand all about voting , right.
I also didnt realise that anti-semitism was a french thing either.
taff said:
So the French voted against the US in a UNSC vote.So what.Thats their right as a voter. It doesnt make them an enemy.I dont agree with them myself but i dont hate them for it. You live in a democracy yourself so you understand all about voting , right.
I also didnt realise that anti-semitism was a french thing either.
Your rejoinder is..."so what?" Thoughtful. Dominique de Villepin mobilizing world opinion against the US and threatening a UNSC veto does not qualify France as an enemy of America? What does? Actually shooting at us? The sale of French weapons to Iraq? Does that qualify? French foreign policy certainly does make France a political enemy of America. If you do not understand that anti-Semitism is deeply rooted in French history, then you need to do some reading, or speak to the living relatives of the 100,000 Jews that the French shipped to Nazi death camps during WW2.
onedomino said:
Your rejoinder is..."so what?" Thoughtful. Dominique de Villepin mobilizing world opinion against the US and threatening a UNSC veto does not qualify France as an enemy of America? What does? Actually shooting at us? The sale of French weapons to Iraq? Does that qualify? French foreign policy certainly does make France a political enemy of America. If you do not understand that anti-Semitism is deeply rooted in French history, then you need to do some reading, or speak to the living relatives of the 100,000 Jews that the French shipped to Nazi death camps during WW2.

I consider the French if not an enemy, certainly not an ally. While the work of police agencies re terror seems to be working fine, there are ample reasons to keep our foreign policy considerations and intel away from them. Threats to anywhere in Europe should be shared, ditto in return. Our take on other countries, regimes, plans, NO WAY.
I dont understand your logic. Agree with them or not , it was a vote. What your saying is vote USA or be branded an enemy.Thats silly.
taff said:
I dont understand your logic. Agree with them or not , it was a vote. What your saying is vote USA or be branded an enemy.Thats silly.
The idea here is that the REASON France voted as they did was to undermine the US. The vote in and of itself and the process involved in exercising that vote is not in question.
Kathianne said:
I consider the French if not an enemy, certainly not an ally. While the work of police agencies re terror seems to be working fine, there are ample reasons to keep our foreign policy considerations and intel away from them. Threats to anywhere in Europe should be shared, ditto in return. Our take on other countries, regimes, plans, NO WAY.

This one i do agree with you on.
taff said:
I dont understand your logic. Agree with them or not , it was a vote. What your saying is vote USA or be branded an enemy.Thats silly.
Not sure if you were addressing onedomino or me, but either are far from silly. Actually, France gives every appearance of being an enemy. Doesn't matter if they are right or wrong, so yes, their vote counts and should be taken seriously. I do.
I think i would have to be an American to understand how strongly you all feel over this.Perhaps if we had the same media coverage i would feel the same as you.It just suprises me how you have hung onto this one that i dont fully understand.
taff said:
I dont understand your logic. Agree with them or not , it was a vote. What your saying is vote USA or be branded an enemy.Thats silly.

You must be very young as you obviously have no sense of history. All during the cold war, China and the Soviet Union voted against us precisely because they were our enemies.

France has made decisions which are not decisions a truly ally would make. It is not a "simple vote" as you like to view it.

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