Oh No the economy is growing, hurry cons make a mess of something to stop it

"Economic growth doesn't start with spending: it starts with saving and production and ends with spending. And that is why we should not rely on GDP to measure the health of the economy."

"The lesson to take away from this is that you can't trust GDP numbers to tell you anything important about the quality of the economy. It is a fiction created by economists who believe that the formulas of econometrics is a valid way to understand our behavior. It is even worse than that because they use such data to further meddle with the economy by targeting interest rates, to set money supply goals, to formulate fiscal policy, and to pass laws they think will make the economy grow."

Why GDP Is Useless and Deceptive: There Was No Recovery | ZeroHedge

The Privately owned Federal Reserve makes cheap money cheaper so the Dow goes up for one day. (But now it's down 28 "Unexpectedly")

Only a Liberal thinks that's a sign of an Economic Recovery.
Again, what point is there with the job numbers, when this is the greatest time of year for temporary "seasonal" employment?
The official numbers are seasonally adjusted to account for that.

You do also understand the concept of 18.40% UNDERemployment don't you?

un·der·em·ployed (ndr-m-ploid)
1. Employed only part-time when one needs and desires full-time employment.
2. Inadequately employed, especially employed at a low-paying job that requires less skill or training than one possesses.
3. Not fully or adequately used or employed.

Just for you Chris, as a "market" term: A situation in which a worker is employed, but not in the desired capacity, whether in terms of compensation, hours, or level of skill and experience. While not technically unemployed, the underemployed are often competing for available jobs.

What is underemployment? definition and meaning

Apparrently you don't understand the concept. The figure you're citing (which as of today is 18.2%, not 18.4) comes from a Gallup Poll. And their measure of Underemployment is Unemployed + Part time wanting full time (30+ hours) and not the more expanded version you're using. Gallup Employment Classifications:
Employed part time, want to work full time (Underemployed)
Respondents who work either for an employer or for themselves, and do not work more than 30 hours per week at either job are categorized as employed part time. Additionally, when asked, these respondents indicated they do want to work more than 30 hours per week.
Note that they don't ask if the person is actually available for full time work or what the reason is for not working full time.

Nobody has ever come up with an objective way to measure underemployment so the best anyone can do is use the part time/full time difference as a substitute. BLS uses "part time for economic reasons" defined as worked less than 35 hours during the reference week, willing and able to work 35+ hours/week, and the reason for working less is either cut hours or inability to find full time job.
I guess I've heard and seen it all now. There is an old saying: "If it walks like a duck and if it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck." Now we have TM and her left-wing allies changing that to: "If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a dog."

What in heaven's name in this economy, do you see that even suggests that Obama's policies are working? Labor statistics are out today. 9% unemployment. New jobless claims are still at 400,000. You're right, that's NOT an increase???? And for Democrats, this is good? Yipee! 9% of the labor force is out of work. If you take into account the chronically unemployed, the rate stands at a whopping 17%. But of course, this is a complete, verifiable signal that Obama's policies are working!

The Banks have said that they will do what is necessary to pump liquidity into the money supply to avoid a world-wide recession that they see looming in the distance. The Europeans have said publicly that they will do what is necessary to make sure that their entire monetary system doesn't crash into the sea. Finch says that for "now", the US will retain their triple A rating, but 4 TRILLION dollars MUST be cut... somewhere, somehow. And the stock market goes up 400 points. Course, when you're a complete and total Democratic hack, then that immediately signals that the world understands how wonderful Barry is. In the meantime, only two US Airlines hadn't declared bankruptcy since 9/11 - American Airlines and Southwest. Now we're down to one because American just filed Chapter 11. 11,000 well paying American jobs. And according to the new CEOs some of the reasons are because... wait for it... fuel prices have soared (let's stop that danged pipeline from Canada to the Gulf!) and because their is such a question regarding health insurance (but don't they know Obamacare will SAVE them money).

Speaking of Obamacare. The CBO is revising their numbers for Obamacare... AGAIN. Naturally, we've shed the absolute LIE that it will SAVE money. Only problem is now, how much is this monstrosity going to cost American businesses? The CBO now says that it doesn't understand the impact. Why? Well, they're having a little trouble understanding the intricacies of the 2,600 page MONSTER that this idiot created and passed. Really? We passed this thing without reading it and now we're absolutely SHOCKED that we don't understand it? I mean, don't they understand that Barry was behind this thing? The list of companies, unions, and government entities asking for a waiver is growing by leaps and bounds. The highest? Why in California and New York of course. SEIU, the Teamsters and the AFL-CIO are already on the list. Boy that really surprises me.

We have borrowed 15 TRILLION dollars and there is no end in sight. Since Barry became President, he has borrowed MORE MONEY than the previous four President's combined. But of course, the reason is because everyone who is a "millionaire" is not paying their fair share. So all of you retired people who have spent your entire life scrimping and saving every dime you can get your hands on, you should be ashamed of yourself. According to OWS, you are the 1% and only have money for retirement because you screwed everyone else.

And then there is the import/export imbalance. How strong is the dollar? Really... those two words are mutually exclusive... strong and the dollar. The list of companies shutting down American factories and shipping them overseas continues to grow without abatement. The top of that list? Why General Electric of course. The last American light bulb manufacturer in New Jersey padlocked the doors and moved to Mexico.

But to TM and others who support Barry... why all this is good news? I'll bet it is when you don't run a business, have NEVER run a business, and don't have a clue what it takes to run a business.



But not fast enough to make much difference. New applications up over 400,000 for the second straight week.
they are just creaming their jeans to see failure of the American economy huh?

how very sad for the right how far they have sunk to defend historically failed ideas.

That's the sad part - all of the historically failed ideas are from the LEFT. It's not free markets that collapsed the former U.S.S.R - it's the same Communism YOUR side keeps pushing. It's not free markets that have kept Cuba in poverty for 60 years - it's the same Socialism YOUR side keeps pushing.

Why do you insist on the propaganda LiesMatters? Nobody is falling for your bullshit. They all know that unemployment NEVER hit 7% under Bush and has never been under 9% (for the most part) under Obama. The numbers don't lie - even if you do....
what will you do when the consumer confidence numbers keep going up and people keep spending?

Another debt ceiling stunt will KILL your party outright.

It was very unAmerican and one more stunt like that and your party will NEVER be forgiven by the American people.

News flash - your party has ALREADY been rejected by the American people thanks to your Communism, your GREED, your laziness, and your idiots like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid! That's why you guys were stomped on in record numbers one year ago this past November... :lol:

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