Oh NO!!! Boehner's bill will ruin Christmas!!!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Jesus' Birthday and Santa's Toy Express will be ruined by the passage of Boehner's plan to resolve the SPENDING problem that plagues the economy!

Oh no! Mister Bill!

Now the White House is trying to alarm children into a panic that drives their parents to oppose the bill.

What a bunch of conniving, lying, manipulating, disingenuous, worthless bastards we have in the White House staff!!!

Any other time, the liberals discourage the use of any reference to "the holiday season".
I heard idiot Pelosi yesterday on the news.

Damned near pissed my pants laughing at her absurd remarks.

It fairly boggles the mind to realize that woman is a member of Congress.

Good Gawd.
you people are insane.

Do you care that the tea party is about to crash the world economy?
I heard idiot Pelosi yesterday on the news.

Damned near pissed my pants laughing at her absurd remarks.

It fairly boggles the mind to realize that woman is a member of Congress.

Good Gawd.

You mean as opposed to Boehner/Cantor who their own party can't even stand?

Boehnor doesn't have a bill, he failed. It's unlikely that his non existent bill will ruin anything and yes he will reveive credit for it.
I heard idiot Pelosi yesterday on the news.

Damned near pissed my pants laughing at her absurd remarks.

It fairly boggles the mind to realize that woman is a member of Congress.

Good Gawd.

You mean as opposed to Boehner/Cantor who their own party can't even stand?

Boehnor doesn't have a bill, he failed. It's unlikely that his non existent bill will ruin anything and yes he will reveive credit for it.

The GOP had two bills there Sarah. Reid declared them DOA. He didn't debate or vote on the one. Won't debate or vote on the other if it makes to the Senate.

Tell me again about the bills the Dems have???
I heard idiot Pelosi yesterday on the news.

Damned near pissed my pants laughing at her absurd remarks.

It fairly boggles the mind to realize that woman is a member of Congress.

Good Gawd.

You mean as opposed to Boehner/Cantor who their own party can't even stand?

Boehnor doesn't have a bill, he failed. It's unlikely that his non existent bill will ruin anything and yes he will reveive credit for it.

Reid and his playmates have already said no to Boehner's bill so whether it passes the House or not is moot.

In Obama's most recent speech he said that Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times (in 8 years). That averages out to every three months. In the next breath he trounced Boehner's two part plan that would provide a temporary fix but have them right back at the debt ceiling table in six months. Does he have one mouth with two sides or two separate mouths?

He also said that "Unfortunately, for the past several weeks, Republican House members have essentially said that the only way they’ll vote to prevent America’s first-ever default is if the rest of us agree to their deep, spending cuts-only approach."

And? The Dems have had the purse strings for what . . . four years now? And look where we are. How's that working out?? And yet they want to just raise the ceiling (because you know, that's how it's always been done) and just keep on spending.

They had their chance to fix things and blew it on stimuless, omnibus, healthcare. Where the fucking hell were the Dems for the past two years when they could have and should have been addressing this shit???? Shoving healthcare down our throats. And Barry stood back and let it all happen. And now he's whining like the petulant jackass he is.
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I heard idiot Pelosi yesterday on the news.

Damned near pissed my pants laughing at her absurd remarks.

It fairly boggles the mind to realize that woman is a member of Congress.

Good Gawd.

We'll just have to pass the bill to see what's in it!

That^^^is the remark of one stupid ass! And she was Speaker of the House!

Boehner's bill threatens their ability to repay their benefactors for the campaign funds that they used to get into their positions of control over the treasury. They repay their supporters with no-bid contracts for things we DO NOT NEED! They maintain the easy paths to graft and corruption that drains the treasury without providing any useful services to the average American.

The Dems do not care about the average American...just the average American's vote! They will use lies, fear-mongering and other deceptions forever.
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