Oh My: Naval Commander Asks Why Obama Has Been and Still Is Committing SSN Fraud


May 29, 2010
This is something. Puntative President Obama is still committing social security fraud according to a United States Naval Commander named Charles Kerchner, who I commend profusely for putting his reputation on the line with these facts he presents. All of the sudden the liberal left the past two days are going after Marco Rubio's social security numbers and other documents along with his parents documents. The same should be done to Obama since he wasn't vetted in 08. A lot of questions need to be answered about how and why he is using a SSN from a state he never lived in this time around.

The facts laid out by U.S. Navy CDR Charles Kerchner

Linda Jordan: Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number Failed E-Verify - PART 1 - YouTube!

A must see video of a White House press conference where his Connecticut SSN is brought up by a reporter. Watch the press secretary dodge the issue.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8Aahw3NT6E]Robert Gibbs Is Asked About Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number.flv - YouTube[/ame]
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Navy CDR Charles Kerchner


Private Investigator: Obama's Fraudulent Social Security Number & Selective Service Registration
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This guy needs to be cashiered out of the Navy tomorrow.

He is clearly in violation of numerous regulations about participating in political activity while in uniform.

As a officer, he took a oath to protect the Constitution which is what Obama has violated by usurping Article 2 Section 1. He is a American devoted patriot.
YOu know, there a whole lot of good reasons to want to vote Obama out of office.

Where he was born isn't one of them.

If he was vetted in the first place, he never would have become president.


He meets all the LEGAL requirements, which I'll admit are pretty thin. He's a natural born US Citizen over the age of 35. That's actually all that is really required.

His mother was a citizen, he's a citizen. He was born in Hawaii, but even if he wasn't, he'd still be a citizen.

Now, I think the man is an awful president, but clearly, 67 million voters had a different opinion than I had, so that is that.
YOu know, there a whole lot of good reasons to want to vote Obama out of office.

Where he was born isn't one of them.

If he was vetted in the first place, he never would have become president.


He meets all the LEGAL requirements, which I'll admit are pretty thin. He's a natural born US Citizen over the age of 35. That's actually all that is really required.

His mother was a citizen, he's a citizen. He was born in Hawaii, but even if he wasn't, he'd still be a citizen.

Now, I think the man is an awful president, but clearly, 67 million voters had a different opinion than I had, so that is that.
You blatant idiot. He is a citizen but not a natural born citizen born to two U.S. citizen parents like all post grandfather clause presidents. Obama's birth was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948. It says it on his own campain website Fight The Smears. He wasn't legal and the DNC omitted the Constitutional provisional wording from their Official Certification of Nomination Forms that was to verify that he met Article 2 Section 1. Those forms were uncovered after the election was over.
YOu know, there a whole lot of good reasons to want to vote Obama out of office.

Where he was born isn't one of them.

If he was vetted in the first place, he never would have become president.
Fuckin'-A. How long do you want to be considered a fucking retard?

Obama WAS vetted. ALL nominated candidates fill out the SF-86. The SF-86 is a standard form for application for National Security Clearance and all federal employees (elected or otherwise) MUST fill one out. It is also used to determine suitability for the position.

In this case, the form is used to determine suitability because he didn't have the job yet. The persons determining the suitability (from the OPM and called investigators and adjudicators) are ONLY allowed to investigate the information pertinent to suitability for the position (more in depth investigation beyond what the suitability calls for is disallowed per the Privacy Act).

The ONLY requirements for the job are natural born US citizen (and age). If he didn't meet that he would have been DQed immediately.

He passed.

He was vetted.

(Now, for a clearance, he likely wold not have cut the mustard, but that is what we do - we give our elected employees a pass on clearances.)

Give it a fucking rest. He IS a natural born citizen.
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And, these investigators and adjudicators have access to any and all documents, irrespective of whether the applicant releases them or not. They have a carte blanche federal subpoena (duces tecum).

In reality, these guys are the among scariest persons in the federal government (in my book).
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YOu know, there a whole lot of good reasons to want to vote Obama out of office.

Where he was born isn't one of them.

If he was vetted in the first place, he never would have become president.
Fuckin'-A. How long do you want to be considered a fucking retard?

Obama WAS vetted. ALL nominated candidates fill out the SF-86. The SF-86 is a standard form for application for National Security Clearance and all federal employees (elected or otherwise) MUST fill one out. It is also used to determine suitability for the position.

In this case, the form is used to determine suitability because he didn't have the job yet. The persons determining the suitability (from the OPM and called investigators and adjudicators) are ONLY allowed to investigate the information pertinent to suitability for the position (more in depth investigation beyond what the suitability calls for is disallowed per the Privacy Act).

The ONLY requirements for the job are natural born US citizen (and age). If he didn't meet that he would have been DQed immediately.

He passed.

He was vetted.

(Now, for a clearance, he likely wold not have cut the mustard, but that is what we do - we give our elected employees a pass on clearances.)

Give it a fucking rest. He IS a natural born citizen.
No, Obama wasn't vetted. He is not a natural born citizen. If he was a natural born citizen then why did he state on his website that his birth was governed by the British Act of 1948 instead of the 14th Amendment?
You blatant idiot. He is a citizen but not a natural born citizen born to two U.S. citizen parents like all post grandfather clause presidents.
Please cite the US law that states that "Natural Born Citizen" means born to 2 US citizen parents. And Chester A. Arthur was born to British citizen father and became President in 1881.

The US recognizes 2 basic categories: Citizen and National. US Nationals are residents of American Samoa and Swains Island. US citizenship is gained by birth, either through parentage, being born on US soil (as of Ammendment XIV) or through Naturlization. The only differentiation ever made in US law is between Naturalized and Native.

Obama's birth was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948.
Irrelevant. US law does not recognize dual citizenship and never has. Under US law, Obama was born a US citizen.
If he was vetted in the first place, he never would have become president.
Fuckin'-A. How long do you want to be considered a fucking retard?

Obama WAS vetted. ALL nominated candidates fill out the SF-86. The SF-86 is a standard form for application for National Security Clearance and all federal employees (elected or otherwise) MUST fill one out. It is also used to determine suitability for the position.

In this case, the form is used to determine suitability because he didn't have the job yet. The persons determining the suitability (from the OPM and called investigators and adjudicators) are ONLY allowed to investigate the information pertinent to suitability for the position (more in depth investigation beyond what the suitability calls for is disallowed per the Privacy Act).

The ONLY requirements for the job are natural born US citizen (and age). If he didn't meet that he would have been DQed immediately.

He passed.

He was vetted.

(Now, for a clearance, he likely wold not have cut the mustard, but that is what we do - we give our elected employees a pass on clearances.)

Give it a fucking rest. He IS a natural born citizen.
No, Obama wasn't vetted. He is not a natural born citizen. If he was a natural born citizen then why did he state on his website that his birth was governed by the British Act of 1948 instead of the 14th Amendment?
You know shit about this. Really.

How the fuck could you EVER have been in the military and not know about the SF-86?
I swear, if someone had a time machine, put you in it back to the day Obama was born, and you watched the birth with someone next to you assuring you constantly that you were still in Hawaii, you STILL would deny reality.
Oh, and one other thing. It doesn't matter a damn what nationality either of his parent were. Anyone who claims to the contrary is a legal ignoramus. The pertinent legal language comes from the U.S. Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land and definitely trumps the supposed British Nationality Act of 1948, which by the way was never even U.S. law; it was an act of Parliament, not of Congress.

And here is what the Constitution says: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." (Amendment XIV.)

Got that? Nothing about where the parents came from. No if, ands or buts. ALL PERSONS BORN in the U.S. are citizens. And native-born citizens, too. A native-born citizen is not someone who has two citizen parents, or even one citizen parent. A native-born citizen is someone who was born in the U.S. That's all. If both Obama's parents had been foreign citizens, instead of just one of them, he would still be a native-born citizen and qualified legally to be president.
Fuckin'-A. How long do you want to be considered a fucking retard?

Obama WAS vetted. ALL nominated candidates fill out the SF-86. The SF-86 is a standard form for application for National Security Clearance and all federal employees (elected or otherwise) MUST fill one out. It is also used to determine suitability for the position.

In this case, the form is used to determine suitability because he didn't have the job yet. The persons determining the suitability (from the OPM and called investigators and adjudicators) are ONLY allowed to investigate the information pertinent to suitability for the position (more in depth investigation beyond what the suitability calls for is disallowed per the Privacy Act).

The ONLY requirements for the job are natural born US citizen (and age). If he didn't meet that he would have been DQed immediately.

He passed.

He was vetted.

(Now, for a clearance, he likely wold not have cut the mustard, but that is what we do - we give our elected employees a pass on clearances.)

Give it a fucking rest. He IS a natural born citizen.
No, Obama wasn't vetted. He is not a natural born citizen. If he was a natural born citizen then why did he state on his website that his birth was governed by the British Act of 1948 instead of the 14th Amendment?
You know shit about this. Really.

How the fuck could you EVER have been in the military and not know about the SF-86?
Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted
Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted

Steele: Obama 'Was Not Vetted Because The Press Fell In Love With The Black Man Running For The Office' | ThinkProgress

Congressional Research Service - Obama never vetted for eligibility
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuGRMdCWyTU]Congressional Research Service - Obama never vetted for eligibility.flv - YouTube[/ame]
No, Obama wasn't vetted. He is not a natural born citizen. If he was a natural born citizen then why did he state on his website that his birth was governed by the British Act of 1948 instead of the 14th Amendment?
You know shit about this. Really.

How the fuck could you EVER have been in the military and not know about the SF-86?
Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted
Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted

Steele: Obama 'Was Not Vetted Because The Press Fell In Love With The Black Man Running For The Office' | ThinkProgress

Congressional Research Service - Obama never vetted for eligibility
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuGRMdCWyTU]Congressional Research Service - Obama never vetted for eligibility.flv - YouTube[/ame]
And, those guys are either retards, too, or making money off of retards like you.

The ONLY requirements for president are natural born citizen and age. To investigate any more than that IS AGAINST THE LAW.

Those are the facts.

And, you know shit about them and refuse to know shit about them.
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