Oh Dear! The Koran Says US Will Be Gone 2007


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Koran scholar: US will cease to exist in 2007

Khaled Abu Toameh, THE JERUSALEM POST Mar. 29, 2005

A thorough analysis of the Koran reveals that the US will cease to exist in the year 2007, according to research published by Palestinian scholar Ziad Silwadi.

The study, which has caught the attention of millions of Muslims worldwide, is based on in-depth interpretations of various verses in the Koran. It predicts that the US will be hit by a tsunami larger than that which recently struck southeast Asia.

"The tsunami waves are a minor rehearsal in comparison with what awaits the US in 2007," the researcher concluded in his study. "The Holy Koran warns against the Omnipotent Allah's force. A great sin will cause a huge flood in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans."

Silwadi, who is from the village of Silwad near Ramallah – the home of Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal – is not a world-renowned scholar. He said he decided to publish the findings of his research "out of a sense of responsibility because what is about to happen is extremely shocking and frightening."

His fear, he said, is that the world economy, which relies heavily on the US dollar, would be deeply affected by the collapse of the US.

"It would be fair to say that the world would be better off with a US that is not a superpower and that does not take advantage of weak nations than a world where this country does not exist at all," he added."The world will certainly lose a lot if and when this disaster occurs because of the great services that American society has rendered to the economy, industry and science."

Silwadi said his study of the Koran showed that the US would perish mainly because of its great sins against mankind, including the Native Americans and blacks...
Who is he kidding? The best part about the US being a superpower is we can kick anyone's ass, any time they need it :)

And really....The US was the best thing to happen to some african decendants. Nevermind the first hundred years or so...if My ancestors hadn't arrived here as slaves, I'd never have the opportunity to be where i am today :)

The Native Americans? Yeah...they got hosed.
-=d=- said:
Who is he kidding? The best part about the US being a superpower is we can kick anyone's ass, any time they need it :)

And really....The US was the best thing to happen to some african decendants. Nevermind the first hundred years or so...if My ancestors hadn't arrived here as slaves, I'd never have the opportunity to be where i am today :)

The Native Americans? Yeah...they got hosed.

Holy Mohamed---I'm packing up and moving to higher ground !!!!
just a thought - a Tsunami large enough to hit, oh, say, MONTANA would mean the rest of the world would likely be jacked up, too. :(

What about Canada or Mexico? Will the waves obey border agents and not cross boundaries?
-=d=- said:
just a thought - a Tsunami large enough to hit, oh, say, MONTANA would mean the rest of the world would likely be jacked up, too. :(

What about Canada or Mexico? Will the waves obey border agents and not cross boundaries?

There are some serious concerns that a valcano in the Canary Islands is about to "slide" into the ocean and they say that if it does, it would create a Tsunami large enough to wipe out the east coast of the USA.

Now, I'm gonna piss some off by talking about Biblical stuff, but the US is the only country (major country) that is not really represented in the End Times prophecies. There are no prophecies that point to any nation that could seriously be considered the USA. So many End Timers believe something will happen that will take us out of the world scene. Either a nuclear exchange, economic disaster or some other calamity that will make the US a non-player. Some even suggest that the rapture will affect the USA more than any other nation and that is why we seem to "disappear" from the scene.
freeandfun1 said:
There are some serious concerns that a valcano in the Canary Islands is about to "slide" into the ocean and they say that if it does, it would create a Tsunami large enough to wipe out the east coast of the USA.

Now, I'm gonna piss some off by talking about Biblical stuff, but the US is the only country (major country) that is not really represented in the End Times prophecies. There are no prophecies that point to any nation that could seriously be considered the USA. So many End Timers believe something will happen that will take us out of the world scene. Either a nuclear exchange, economic disaster or some other calamity that will make the US a non-player. Some even suggest that the rapture will affect the USA more than any other nation and that is why we seem to "disappear" from the scene.

Most Biblical scholars consider the US to be the modern day Babylon. Also the mention of the Eagle vs. the Bear is a pretty large clue as well.
freeandfun1 said:
Now, I'm gonna piss some off by talking about Biblical stuff, but the US is the only country (major country) that is not really represented in the End Times prophecies. There are no prophecies that point to any nation that could seriously be considered the USA. So many End Timers believe something will happen that will take us out of the world scene. Either a nuclear exchange, economic disaster or some other calamity that will make the US a non-player. Some even suggest that the rapture will affect the USA more than any other nation and that is why we seem to "disappear" from the scene.

I don't think the US will disappear from the scene in the last days. In fact I think the US is the only nation that really has a chance of enduring till the Second coming.

See I think the reason there is no real mention of the US in Biblical prophecies is either one of two reasons

1)We are going to be in a civil war and not involve with whats going on in Asia at the time.

2)We are going to be the place of refuge for everyone who doesnt want to be involved in that to escape.

Also i think there is some mention of the the US and the rest of the American Continents in the Bible. There is atleast one place that mentions the "Everlasting hills" There is only one chain of mountains that is Everlasting in the world. That would be the Rockies or whatever you want to call them because they go South america and into the ocean around the Ring of Fire. I don't think that reference is to the last days though. I think it is a blessing giving to Joseph of Egypt either by Jacob or Moses.
-=d=- said:
just a thought - a Tsunami large enough to hit, oh, say, MONTANA would mean the rest of the world would likely be jacked up, too. :(

What about Canada or Mexico? Will the waves obey border agents and not cross boundaries?

What the hell - nobody ELSE does! :teeth:
i completely forgot to give my thoughts on the original post. I just wanted to say I would love to know how this "researcher" came up with that date. I think it rather sounds like he pulled the date out of his butt. Either that or he is part of Al Queda and they have something big planned for 2007.

I do think its rather funny that these Earthquakes and Tsunamis are supposedly a warning to Christians. That is why they are happening in predominately Muslim Countries. I mean if you think about what they are saying that are claiming that God is killing muslims and buddhists to send a message to Christians. As a Christian, I am just not getting the message God is supposedly sending with that. If God is sending any messages with the earthquakes I think its probably alittle more global than individuals and its more of a warning to get your acts together and help your fellow man.

Regardless, I don't expect to see this happening anytime soon. And if God did want to destroy the US he wouldnt warn everyone by telling some researcher who studied the Koran to warn people. He would do through His servants the Prophets like He always has.
-=d=- said:
...assuming the rapture happens pre-trib.

How long do you consider the tribulation to be? Many say seven years, but I believe it will be 3-1/2 years. So I say that I am a pre-trib, but mid-week believer.
freeandfun1 said:
How long do you consider the tribulation to be? Many say seven years, but I believe it will be 3-1/2 years. So I say that I am a pre-trib, but mid-week believer.

If you go by what the Bible says it will be 3 1/2 years before the death and "resurrection" of the Anti-Christ, the same time as the prophets at the Temple, whereby he will have 3 1/2 years with power over the world uncontested.
no1tovote4 said:
If you go by what the Bible says it will be 3 1/2 years before the death and "resurrection" of the Anti-Christ, the same time as the prophets at the Temple, whereby he will have 3 1/2 years with power over the world uncontested.


I just read your post again. Maybe I am missing something....

You are saying that the trib will start 3-1/2 years before he declares himself G-d? No, the trib will start only after the death of the witnesses and once the AC declares himself G-d and takes a seat in the Temple Mount. That is when the seals are opened. Since the Bible says that the saints (those that follow Christ) will not endure the tribulations, I believe we will be raptured at that time. But hey, I am a novice at all this and am still learning/studying.
freeandfun1 said:

I just read your post again. Maybe I am missing something....

You are saying that the trib will start 3-1/2 years before he declares himself G-d? No, the trib will start only after the death of the witnesses and once the AC declares himself G-d and takes a seat in the Temple Mount. That is when the seals are opened. Since the Bible says that the saints (those that follow Christ) will not endure the tribulations, I believe we will be raptured at that time. But hey, I am a novice at all this and am still learning/studying.

Read the Left Behind series, the guys that wrote it are PhDs in this particular field.

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