oh boohoo more whites crying

These petitions crack me up. Obviously they're completely unserious to begin with, but if you try to look at them seriously what these people are essentially saying is, "Please master, may we be excused?" Either the right to secede exists or it doesn't. Either way, asking permission is pointless and laughable.
Blacks do seem to get upset when whites pick up the mantle of victim hood. Seems they have come to believe that it is theirs exclusively. With public education what it is, and leader like Sharpton and Jackson -small wonder.

Personally, I'd prefer that only the truly qualified tout victimization but that's never going to happen. The horrible open secret is that sometimes you fuck up and it's your fault. However, it is far easier to blame others for your failures. If you can instill guilt in them, better yet. This allows for parasitic opportunities on a receptive host.

While the above will probably be viewed as racist, it applies to anyone.
I want a peaceful separation....Is that wrong??

Yes, it's wrong, you idiotic coward. It's not going to happen, so you can get the fuck out and find another country you are more comfortable in if you don't like it. You can take the rest of these fucking idiot racists with you.
We whites will fight like hell...

YOU don't speak for anyone but your own worthless self, shitstain. And YOU will never - ever fight anyone or anything for any reason. Don't think you're kidding anyone, you fucking coward.

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