Official Presidential Debate Thread --- Round 3 --- 2016

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Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
This thread is provided as a sticky for running comments and discussion on the 3rd 2016 Presidential Debate. We will open this thread tomorrow afternoon for posts. While the debate is going on, please use only THIS thread.

Direct discussion of all events and issues pertaining to debate CONTENT and happenings belongs here. Even when the debate ends..

Once the Debate is over, please help us by making threads that are EXTREMELY specific and well fleshed out. I imagine there will topics concerning analysis, fact checking, and poll changes that deserve a separate thread. Choose WISELY, because we do not want existing threads with active discussions to be bumped off the 1st page by a flood of duplicate topics.


In addition -- Moderation will post a FLOATING thread in the Politics forum to remind people to use the sticky thread. You were all wonderful to help us out the last time by BUMPING that thread with questions or BENIGN nonsense that doesn't scare the kiddies. Just please don't abuse that thread.

Secondly, I noticed the 2nd Debate thread is still active. To avoid confusion, we are gonna CLOSE that one when this one opens. So get in your goodbyes and last digs..
The only way Trump can win tonight is by acting presidential and focusing on issues. Attacking hillary will reenforce the voters that he needs view of him that he isn't able to do the job.

He did it in a primary debate with Cruz and Rubio earlier this year where he didn't come off as a asshole.
CNN Reporter to interviewee: "You have compared Trump to Hitler and Mussoulini. Given that, how can you explain that 40% of the voters still support him?"

This is not news coverage folks.
How long before Trump starts to complain the moderator is against him?

I give it 17 minutes
What should you have done to prevent the loss of so many lives of innocent women and children in Syria? Couldn't you have taken out you wanted to do to Assange?
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