Official Palestinian/Muslim Joke Thread

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Jun 29, 2011
How many Palestinians does it take to change a light bulb? None! They sit in the dark forever and blame the Jews for it! :lol:
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Did you hear about the Broadway play, The Palestinians ? It bombed:clap2:
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  • #4
Palestinians are now studying rocket science in school. They learn to make rockets and then fire them into Israel
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  • #5
A Palestinian girl says to her mommy, "After Abdul blows up, can I have his room?" :lol:
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A Palestinian father catches his son masturbating. He says, "Don't do that my son, or Allah will strike you blind." The child says, "Abu, I'm over here."
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  • #7
How can you recognise a well-balanced Palestinian? He's got chips on both shoulders:clap2:
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  • #8
What's the difference between the Palestinians and a pot of yogurt? The yogurt has a living culture.:lol:
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A man goes into a sex shop and asks for an inflatable doll. The assistant asks him whether he wants a Christian one or a Muslim one. The customer asks what's the difference. The assistant says that you need a pump for the Christian doll, but the Muslim one blows itself up.:lol:
An arab calls the startrek producer and asks why aren't there any arabs on the show? Because it's in the future. :clap2:
[ame=]Family Guy - Palestinian Alarm Clock - YouTube[/ame]
Why did the prophet Mohammed peace be his name cross the road?He was picking his wife up from the kindergarten. :lol:
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