Odds of Death by Terrorist are Astronomical, so Why is the Government Becoming God?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Terrorism and You--The Real Odds - Foreign and Defense Policy - AEI

The odds of dying in an automobile accident each year are about one in 7,000, yet we continue to drive. The odds of dying from heart disease in any given year are one in 400 and of dying from cancer one in 600, yet many of us fail to exercise or maintain a healthy diet. We have learned to live with these common threats to our health. Yet we have been afraid to return to the malls and the skies....

In another hypothetical but horrible scenario, let us assume that each week one commercial aircraft were hijacked and crashed. What are the odds that a person who goes on one trip per month would be in that plane? There are currently about 18,000 commercial flights a day, and if that person's trip has four flights associated with it, the odds against that person's being on a crashed plane are about 135,000 to 1. If there were only one hijacked plane per month, the odds would be about 540,000 to 1.

The above scenario is for a case where there is one terrorist related plane crash a month, but we havent had one in over ten years, so the odds are really more like 1 in 60 million.

And dont say these draconic powers we h ave given the TSA has had any impact since they have not caught a damned one. We get groped when we fly because our political whores want us to think they are doing something constructive.

The most constructive thing we could do is exit the Middle East and put those troops on our border.
What do you define as terrorism?

I would call a bunch of gangbangers shooting randomly an act of terrorism, I would call most violence terrorism by definition.

For some odd reason our government only defines terrorism as religious fundamentalism resulting in death or injury...
The same people who currently bitch and moan about the TSA would call Obama a terrorist if he loosened security one tiny bit.
The same people who currently bitch and moan about the TSA would call Obama a terrorist if he loosened security one tiny bit.

I dont think Obama is doing this because of fear of what Conservatives will say. His people seem as much for it as the Bush people were who originally came up with the plan.

Its just more smoke and mirrors to make us feel safer.
What do you define as terrorism?

I would call a bunch of gangbangers shooting randomly an act of terrorism, I would call most violence terrorism by definition.

For some odd reason our government only defines terrorism as religious fundamentalism resulting in death or injury...

Well the Dems want to also include rednecks, Tea Partiers and 2nd Amendment supporters so they are getting more broad minded.
Your odds of dying in either one of the Towers was pretty high on that pretty September morning in 2000. There are only two things the Founding Fathers put on paper as the duties of the federal government. #1 was to provide for the common defense. Granted the federal government has become a gigantic bureaucracy with so-called "intelligence" agencies who haven't gotten anything right since WW2 but we let it get out of hand by not paying attention or relying on the liberal media for information. The point is that we need to get the right politicians that are willing to streamline the federal government rather than use it for an employment agency
Because they can. The Sheople don't care. The Police State only grows more powerful & oppressive by the day. This march towards Big Brother Totalitarianism has been going on for a long time. It's what the Globalist Elite assholes have always wanted. As long as the Sheople keep electing Big Government Globalists, nothing will change. It is what it is.
Terrorism and You--The Real Odds - Foreign and Defense Policy - AEI

The odds of dying in an automobile accident each year are about one in 7,000, yet we continue to drive. The odds of dying from heart disease in any given year are one in 400 and of dying from cancer one in 600, yet many of us fail to exercise or maintain a healthy diet. We have learned to live with these common threats to our health. Yet we have been afraid to return to the malls and the skies....

In another hypothetical but horrible scenario, let us assume that each week one commercial aircraft were hijacked and crashed. What are the odds that a person who goes on one trip per month would be in that plane? There are currently about 18,000 commercial flights a day, and if that person's trip has four flights associated with it, the odds against that person's being on a crashed plane are about 135,000 to 1. If there were only one hijacked plane per month, the odds would be about 540,000 to 1.

The above scenario is for a case where there is one terrorist related plane crash a month, but we havent had one in over ten years, so the odds are really more like 1 in 60 million.

And dont say these draconic powers we h ave given the TSA has had any impact since they have not caught a damned one. We get groped when we fly because our political whores want us to think they are doing something constructive.

The most constructive thing we could do is exit the Middle East and put those troops on our border.

Common Sense doesn't work with the elites plans for the USA

War on Terror planned by the elites before 911 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nD7dbkkBIA]Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo - YouTube[/ame]
Big Brother's 'War on Terror' is designed to be an indefinite War. The Globalist Elites have gotten what they always wanted. It's very sad.

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