Occupy Wallstreet Protests Black Friday BestBuy Shoppers


Aug 2, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s_qexdFUCE]Occupy Wallstreet Protests Black Friday BestBuy Shoppers - YouTube[/ame]

A group of us from Occupy Wallstreet begin to protest the mindless consumerism being displayed on black friday and Bestbuy locations across the country. Join us as we engage and disrupt crony capitalism!
I'm thinking that it may be more than a few people trampled to death this holiday.

It is good news that OWS wants to get one with the people like this. Interrupt people's sale shopping, that will get them a LOT of support. Grassroots and all that.
So whats your take on what he says?

You should create a useless thread about it, dotdumbfuck....

stalker boi is here. Hey asswipe. Howzitgoin? Start your 5th thread yet?

Stop derailing the thread (seems to be the only thing you do well on this board incidentally :clap2: )

yeah I hat that. anyways we have a lot of different things planned to disrupt the disgusting consumerism going on that day. I'll post some of the vids we put together. If you have any ideas let me know.
"Mindless consumerism" is just another Mindless cliche.

I do not shop on black Friday, but that's just me...

God forbid people take advantage of bargains on things they wish to buy. :lol:
Well hey! If they really want to keep people away. maybe they can throw molotov cocktails through the glass or shoot them in the parking lot! That should be able to stop people from shopping Best Buy, and then the people earning a paltry wage can be laid off and be unemployed too!

Yeah! That's the ticket!

Stop mindless consumerism, hurt big corporations and the little people they employ or wish to purchase their goods won't be hurt at Allllllllllll... :rolleyes:
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So whats your take on what he says?

You should create a useless thread about it, dotdumbfuck....

stalker boi is here. Hey asswipe. Howzitgoin? Start your 5th thread yet?

Stop derailing the thread (seems to be the only thing you do well on this board incidentally :clap2: )

So that's a no on your 30th unreplied thread start?

Do you realize a third of your threads have less than 10 responses?

I mean, that's pitiful.... Especially for someone like yourself who puts such a high value on the number of threads started...

Well, we USMBers can't be held responsible for your failures...

Keep trying...:thup:
So whats your take on what he says?

Mine? He's spot on. The idea of 'OWS boycotting/protesting' corps on Friday? Not much, but if they went viral and did for long term? They'd be hurting major those of us that are underemployed. One day won't matter, even Black Friday, but more than that? Perhaps, though the backlash may be huge.
Well hey! If they really want to keep people away. maybe they can throw molotov cocktails through the glass or shoot them in the parking lot! That should be able to stop people from shopping Best Buy, and then the people earning a paltry wage can be laid off and be unemployed too!

Yeah! That's the ticket!

:lol: That'll show 'em, eh?

Maybe they can OCCUPY Best Buy and poop in the aisles or something... :dunno:
Occupy Wallstreet Protests Black Friday BestBuy Shoppers - YouTube

A group of us from Occupy Wallstreet begin to protest the mindless consumerism being displayed on black friday and Bestbuy locations across the country. Join us as we engage and disrupt crony capitalism!

The Best Buy Store Property Managment Co. last night said---people who want to save a few bucks can camp. But others can't?


I have boycotted Best Buy since 2001. They wouldn't take my check, because I was a women who had lots of money (I don't have money anymore). So my daughter and I went to Sears and bought the TV and DVD/VRC for less than what best buy was charging. I still have the DVD/VCR player to this day.

Best Buy has also been boycotted for checking private person packages---like Walmart when they leave the store. Back in the early 2000 Best Buy harassed a young guy so bad their personal blocked him in the parking lot and followed him home. He was in fear for his life?

Why? Best Buy had militerized their security. This poor guy paid for his purcharses and zip--Best Buy want to do a 4th amendmend check on him. He refused and a website about Best Buy abuses was formed. :)

Boycott Best Buy!! Shop local, shop thrift...make your own gifts in America.
You should create a useless thread about it, dotdumbfuck....

stalker boi is here. Hey asswipe. Howzitgoin? Start your 5th thread yet?

Stop derailing the thread (seems to be the only thing you do well on this board incidentally :clap2: )

So that's a no on your 30th unreplied thread start?

Do you realize a third of your threads have less than 10 responses?

I mean, that's pitiful.... Especially for someone like yourself who puts such a high value on the number of threads started...

Well, we USMBers can't be held responsible for your failures...

Keep trying...:thup:

...and that has ANYTHING to do w/ this thread how stalker boi? :eusa_eh: I'm done wasting my time w/ you son. Go ahead, troll through my threads to your hearts content if it gives your life some sense of purpose :up:

Back to topic: Sheeple selling their souls & jobs to Wall Street for low- priced, trinkets from China.
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Well hey! If they really want to keep people away. maybe they can throw molotov cocktails through the glass or shoot them in the parking lot! That should be able to stop people from shopping Best Buy, and then the people earning a paltry wage can be laid off and be unemployed too!

Yeah! That's the ticket!

:lol: That'll show 'em, eh?

Maybe they can OCCUPY Best Buy and poop in the aisles or something... :dunno:

Isn't that a normal shopping experience for some of them?
So whats your take on what he says?

You should create a useless thread about it, dotdumbfuck....

Shut up House! Many question your upbring. You poor soul. Why can't you ever add anything to the conversation? Are you in fear that the life you believe in will fall apart around you?

I have never in my entire life seen someone so hell bent on shutting down others without making a single point before they did so.

Gosh darn it, I am pleased to say that if you were raised with any moral or ethics...your parents or your caretaker would have intervened at some point.

Your a menice to this political board. You remind me of the degenerate on the Fox Network the Red Eye. "A Sucker Is Born Everyday." My Mom..God be with her now and always.
Well hey! If they really want to keep people away. maybe they can throw molotov cocktails through the glass or shoot them in the parking lot! That should be able to stop people from shopping Best Buy, and then the people earning a paltry wage can be laid off and be unemployed too!

Yeah! That's the ticket!

:lol: That'll show 'em, eh?

Maybe they can OCCUPY Best Buy and poop in the aisles or something... :dunno:

Isn't that a normal shopping experience for some of them?

I guess...I prefer to do my shopping on-line, so I'm not sure...
So whats your take on what he says?

You should create a useless thread about it, dotdumbfuck....

Shut up House! Many question your upbring. You poor soul. Why can't you ever add anything to the conversation? Are you in fear that the life you believe in will fall apart around you?

I have never in my entire life seen someone so hell bent on shutting down others without making a single point before they did so.

Gosh darn it, I am pleased to say that if you were raised with any moral or ethics...your parents or your caretaker would have intervened at some point.

Your a menice to this political board. You remind me of the degenerate on the Fox Network the Red Eye. "A Sucker Is Born Everyday." My Mom..God be with her now and always.
Butch up Sally Frillypants. When dumbfuck things are said like this, it is appropriate to mock the messenger too for spreading such stupidity.

So whats your take on what he says?

You should create a useless thread about it, dotdumbfuck....

Shut up House! Many question your upbring. You poor soul. Why can't you ever add anything to the conversation? Are you in fear that the life you believe in will fall apart around you?

I have never in my entire life seen someone so hell bent on shutting down others without making a single point before they did so.

Gosh darn it, I am pleased to say that if you were raised with any moral or ethics...your parents or your caretaker would have intervened at some point.

Your a menice to this political board. You remind me of the degenerate on the Fox Network the Red Eye. "A Sucker Is Born Everyday." My Mom..God be with her now and always.

You have a little spittle in the corner of your mouth, dumbass... Get yourself a tissue...

So whats your take on what he says?

You should create a useless thread about it, dotdumbfuck....

Shut up House! Many question your upbring. You poor soul. Why can't you ever add anything to the conversation? Are you in fear that the life you believe in will fall apart around you?

I have never in my entire life seen someone so hell bent on shutting down others without making a single point before they did so.

Gosh darn it, I am pleased to say that if you were raised with any moral or ethics...your parents or your caretaker would have intervened at some point.

Your a menice to this political board. You remind me of the degenerate on the Fox Network the Red Eye. "A Sucker Is Born Everyday." My Mom..God be with her now and always.

I don't know about House, but I question YOUR butchery of the English language, and your repeated demonstrations of a complete lack of rationality and critical thinking skills, you slogan-mouthing parrot! Tell me, do you ever think, or is your mental process confined to emoting?

IF you ever manage to make something resembling a discernible point here, I MIGHT consider arguing it; otherwise, I'll treat your mindless propaganda drivel like that talking doll that repeats phrases when her string is pulled-it warrants about that level of consideration.

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