Occupy Wall Street gets it


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The Occupy Wall Street protests are shining a national spotlight on the most powerful, dangerous and secretive economic and political force in America.

If this country is to break out of the horrendous recession and create the millions of jobs we desperately need, if we are going to create a modicum of financial stability for the future, there is no question but that the American people are going to have to take a very hard look at Wall Street and demand fundamental reforms. I hope these protests are the beginning of that process.

Let us never forget that as a result of the greed, recklessness and illegal behavior on Wall Street, this country was plunged into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, homes and life savings as the middle class underwent an unprecedented collapse. Sadly, despite all the suffering caused by Wall Street, there is no reason to believe that the major financial institutions have changed their ways, or that future financial disasters and bailouts will not happen again.

More than three years ago, Congress rewarded Wall Street with the biggest taxpayer bailout in the history of the world. Simultaneously but unknown to the American people at the time, the Federal Reserve provided an even larger bailout. The details of what the Fed did were kept secret until a provision in the Dodd-Frank Act that I sponsored required the Government Accountability Office to audit the Fed's lending programs during the financial crisis.

As a result of this audit, the American people have learned that the Federal Reserve provided more than $16 trillion in low-interest loans to every major financial institution in this country, huge foreign banks, multi-national corporations, and some of the wealthiest people in the world.

In other words, when Wall Street was on the verge of collapse, the federal government acted boldly, aggressively, and with a fierce sense of urgency to save our financial system from collapse with no strings attached.

Now that the middle class is collapsing and a record-breaking 46 million Americans are living in poverty, the Federal Reserve has failed to act with the same sense of urgency to make sure that small businesses receive the affordable loans needed to put millions of Americans back to work and prevent millions of Americans from losing their homes.

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Wall Street Protests
The Tea Party has been protesting this for the past 3 years. You've called them countless names for doing so.

Now these guys get it? nonsense. They can't figure out that they are in the 1% and not the 99%
Wait till the first good storm.... and watch the little rats scatter.
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Yeah -- NOBODY on Wall Street took a financial whooping, lost their jobs, dented their portfolios..

All that money belonged to the street people.. And Bernie Sanders is our saviour.

This is Goerbels propaganda machine at it's best.. Distract from the acute causation of the housing bubble by GOVT and the GOVT officials that chastized the regulators and sent them home.. Don't look over there. It's those nasty Jews who are forcing you to buy your bread with wheelbarrows full of cash..

TIme for another KristalNacht? Is that the plan to re-elect the Prez?? It's all a bit familiar ain't it Chris?
Yeah, and they don't need any teabagger Viagra.

Whatever this is supposed to mean. (Don't quit yer day job...you suck at jokes ).

OWS youth vs. Tea Party Medicare scooters... Do ya get it yet...?

Um yea I get it. A bunch of morons that are perpetual students that owe thousands in student loans, never worked a real job and still live at home with mom and dad vs. people that have worked all their lives, saved and wanted to retire.

You see the retirees are the only ones available to spend a lot of time out there, the rest have jobs or are actively looking for one.
Whatever this is supposed to mean. (Don't quit yer day job...you suck at jokes ).

OWS youth vs. Tea Party Medicare scooters... Do ya get it yet...?

Um yea I get it. A bunch of morons that are perpetual students that owe thousands in student loans, never worked a real job and still live at home with mom and dad vs. people that have worked all their lives, saved and wanted to retire.

You see the retirees are the only ones available to spend a lot of time out there, the rest have jobs or are actively looking for one.

They are just going to keep growing.

If its too cold for the streets there are other things to do.

Like fight the party that does the banksters bidding in an election year
Let's see.
Flat wages for over thirty years-Check
Record low for the working class share of the National Income-Check
Several steps back for the working class throught the Great Recession and recovery-Check
Great leaps in wealth for the upper percentile during the recovery-Check
Corporations sitting on trillions of dollars of capital-Check
Capital Gains Tax rates at historical lows-CheckLittle growth in jobs-Check
Record Wealth Gap-Check
A consumer driven economy stalling-Check
Most of the working class getting getting discouraged-Check
The Right calling the unemployed lazy and leeches-Check
The EPI saying that for four of the unemployed that there are no jobs-Check
Companies hiring offshore-Check
Companies holding down wages-Check
Corporate America holding out for more breaks than they have ever had before-Check

I just can't figure out why people are pissed!
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Let's see.
Flat wages for over thirty years-Check
Record low for the working class share of the National Income-Check
Several steps back for the working class throught the Great Recession and recovery-Check
Great leaps in wealth for the upper percentile during the recovery-Check
Corporations sitting on trillions of dollars of capital-Check
Capital Gains Tax rates at historical lows-CheckLittle growth in jobs-Check
Record Wealth Gap-Check
A consumer driven economy stalling-Check
Most of the working class getting getting discouraged-Check
The Right calling the unemployed lazy and leeches-Check
The EPI saying that for four of the unemployed that there are no jobs-Check
Companies hiring offshore-Check
Companies holding down wages-Check
Corporate America holding out for more breaks than they have ever had before-Check

I just can't figure out why people are pissed!

There are plenty of clues in there.. You've just jumped to conclusions not in evidence.

The world has changed. There has been that welcomed Redistribution of Wealth. You know the Redistribution that Chomsky and Progressives were hoping for. Remember the OLD SLOGANS Kiwi??

"America only has 5% of the population but controls 30% of the world's wealth"

"America only has 5% of the population but uses 40% of the world's energy"


The rest of the world is growing up despite leftist attempts to deprive them of transportation, energy and infrastructure that THEY now demand.

So what's the NEW TACTIC? Change the fight for Redistribution to a domestic theatre of action. Replace those awful Noam Chomsky percentages with our rich vs poor.

No sir -- The Solution is to do what we were told NEEDED to be done while the "World was getting flatter". And that is to use our lead in technology to advance the US worker skill set. To create NEW industries and methods. And do the HARD STUFF that the rest of the world still can't do.. But instead, you guys want to villify the creators and innovators. You want to riot. You want to literally PILLAGE the remains of what's left.

Don't have time to pillage. Our leaders are NOT recognizing the obvious change. MOST Leftists still think that all we have to do is mimic FDR. Wrong, wrong, wrong. We don't have a lot of time to waste staging a class war catfight.

We have HIGH TECH JOBS going to foreigners more often than not. THere is a JOB SURPLUS in Science and Engineering.
We've got to get started shifting our industries to 21st century jobs. Everyone doesn't have to be a physicist. But we NEED enough of those to structure a new economy HERE on our soil...
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They are just going to keep growing.

If its too cold for the streets there are other things to do.

Like fight the party that does the banksters bidding in an election year

I thought you wanted these guys to support Democrats. You want to fight them now?
Unlike most of us. Most of those idiots don't have a clue, other than what they are told, be it truth or not.

Dream on,

They are far more informed than the tea party people with their "keep your government hands off my medicare".

Yes. The people who don't know why they are there are more informed.

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