Occupy: Obama's endgame for America


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Obama's Occupy movement is more than a protest movement against "Wall Street Greed" Like an army of infiltrators they have taken up positions in every major city in America. And we have to ask ourselves, Why? Why is Obama prepositioning malcontents in every American city?

We've always been a prosperous nation with a fluid "top 1%", the Forbes list today has very little resemblance to the ones 10, 20 and 40 years ago. Apparently, it's not just Wall Street Obama's after, it's every 1%'er!

Obama has already got our credit downgraded once and it looks like he'll do it again. But the next really big shoe to drop will be when Obama gets the rest of the world to stop accepting US dollars to do business. Then he'll get his European gas prices, then you'll see a dozen eggs for $6 and milk $8 a gallon. It gets very ugly and given the fact that Obama's moved his troops into position means it probably happens sooner rather than later.

I feel like a Soviet solder on the German border at the beginning of June 1941. There's a lot of commotion from the other side and I think we'd better start paying close attention.
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No, it's just a bunch of people pissed off at how badly our government is handling everything.

Conspiracy theories, really?
Americans are protesting in the streets and these idiots think it is meaningless
No, it's just a bunch of people pissed off at how badly our government is handling everything.

Conspiracy theories, really?

Lightweight, it's about time for you to buy a ticket on the Clue train....

"More proof! Occupy Wall Street not ‘spontaneous’ Radical agitation groups, Soros funding seek global financial ‘solutions’

An organization that has been mobilizing online support for Occupy Wall Street is organizing the live stream of an upcoming global financial forum by the anti-Wall Street protesters.

The group coordinating the live stream, Avaaz, was founded as a joint venture of MoveOn.org and Res Publica, two organizations funded directly by George Soros as well as by the Soros-funded Tides Center.

MoveOn.org’s funding source of the Tides Foundation may be telling. Another grantee of Tides is the Adbusters magazine, which is reported to have come up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.

...Fenton Communications, a public relations firm closely partnered with Tides, represented the anti-Wall Street march past millionaires’ homes in New York two weeks ago.

Fenton also crafted the public-relations strategy of MoveOn.org, as well as a who’s who of far-left causes, organizations and activists, from Soros himself to Health Care for America Now to a litany of anti-war groups.

An email sent to MoveOn.org’s mailing list announced a “meeting for folks to come together to plan ways to Make Wall Street Pay in our own communities”

“We’ll focus on specific targeted campaigns that hold the big banks accountable,” continued the email.

Continued the email: “The Occupy Wall Street movement has put economic justice in the spotlight. The whole country is talking about how we can end the big banks’ excessive influence and Make Wall Street Pay to rebuild the economy for everyone.”

MoveOn.org is funded by Tides, which acts like a massive clearinghouse of donations to a slew of liberal groups. Critics have alleged the center acts to obscure the ultimate sources of donations by collecting significant sums of money from a few large donors and then funneling the money to thousands of liberal causes.

Soros’ Open Society Institute is a prominent Tides Center donor, giving the group $3.5 million between 2007 and 2009 alone."

More proof! Occupy Wall Street not ‘spontaneous’ Radical agitation groups, Soros funding seek global financial ‘solutions’ « Klein Online

Wise up.
Grow up.
Americans are protesting in the streets and these idiots think it is meaningless

Here ya' go, Ms. Truthie: your peeps!

Protester throws fit in McDonald's when he can't get free food

A Zuccotti Park protester threw a violent fit in a McDonald’s yesterday after employees refused to give him free food.
Fisika Bezabeh, 27, ripped a credit-card reader from a counter and threw it at workers at about 2:30 a.m. at the Mickey D’s at 160 Broadway, a bathroom spot for protesters.
Occupy Wall Street protester throws fit in McDonald’s after employees refuse to give him free food - NYPOST.com
OccupyWhatever is what Organizing is all about. A few ideologues use a bunch of clueless useful idiots as tools in a quest to hold elements of society hostage.
Obama's Occupy movement is more than a protest movement against "Wall Street Greed" Like an army of infiltrators they have taken up positions in every major city in America. And we have to ask ourselves, Why? Why is Obama prepositioning malcontents in every American city?

We've always had a prosperous nation with a fluid "top 1%" the Forbes list today has very little resemblance to the ones 10, 20 and 40 years ago. Apparently, it's not just Wall Street Obama's after, it's every 1%'er!

Obama has already got our credit downgraded once and it looks like he'll do it again. But the next really big to drop will be when Obama gets the rest of the world to stop accepting US dollars to do business. Then he'll get his European gas prices, then you'll see a dozen eggs for $6 and milk $8 a gallon. It's get very ugly and given the fact that Obama's moved his troops into position means it probably happens sooner rather than later.

I feel like a Soviet solder on the German border at the beginning of June 1941. There's a lot of commotion from the other side and I think we'd better start paying close attention.

I feel, i feel frank that you are an idiot.

Trust me on this.

He's not.

i know he is just trolling for attention, but its gone beyond simple satire.

But you are doing what I accuse the "other" side of doing all the time. Attacking the poster but not the points.

And it's simple enough to address that. I have no problem whatsoever of smacking down someone if they first attack you. And generally I leave "hurts" from other threads out of new ones.

I like debate.
Obama's Occupy movement is more than a protest movement against "Wall Street Greed" Like an army of infiltrators they have taken up positions in every major city in America. And we have to ask ourselves, Why? Why is Obama prepositioning malcontents in every American city?

We've always had a prosperous nation with a fluid "top 1%" the Forbes list today has very little resemblance to the ones 10, 20 and 40 years ago. Apparently, it's not just Wall Street Obama's after, it's every 1%'er!

Obama has already got our credit downgraded once and it looks like he'll do it again. But the next really big shoe to drop will be when Obama gets the rest of the world to stop accepting US dollars to do business. Then he'll get his European gas prices, then you'll see a dozen eggs for $6 and milk $8 a gallon. It's get very ugly and given the fact that Obama's moved his troops into position means it probably happens sooner rather than later.

I feel like a Soviet solder on the German border at the beginning of June 1941. There's a lot of commotion from the other side and I think we'd better start paying close attention.

You should feel like a Soviet soldier Frank. Because if the teapublican authoritarians ever gain control of our government, they will turn it into a carbon copy of the Soviet Union; an ultra-conservative society, corrupt capitalism, an environmental nightmare and liberal journalists being murdered.

More than 300 journalists killed in Russia since 1993
Obama's Occupy movement is more than a protest movement against "Wall Street Greed" Like an army of infiltrators they have taken up positions in every major city in America. And we have to ask ourselves, Why? Why is Obama prepositioning malcontents in every American city?

We've always had a prosperous nation with a fluid "top 1%" the Forbes list today has very little resemblance to the ones 10, 20 and 40 years ago. Apparently, it's not just Wall Street Obama's after, it's every 1%'er!

Obama has already got our credit downgraded once and it looks like he'll do it again. But the next really big shoe to drop will be when Obama gets the rest of the world to stop accepting US dollars to do business. Then he'll get his European gas prices, then you'll see a dozen eggs for $6 and milk $8 a gallon. It's get very ugly and given the fact that Obama's moved his troops into position means it probably happens sooner rather than later.

I feel like a Soviet solder on the German border at the beginning of June 1941. There's a lot of commotion from the other side and I think we'd better start paying close attention.

You should feel like a Soviet soldier Frank. Because if the teapublican authoritarians ever gain control of our government, they will turn it into a carbon copy of the Soviet Union; an ultra-conservative society, corrupt capitalism, an environmental nightmare and liberal journalists being murdered.

More than 300 journalists killed in Russia since 1993

Yea! Just like they did in 2006!
and isn't it a travesty when MSNBC is so focused on Cain's sexual drive and ignoring all of the destruction and crimes caused by the Obama Riots?
No, it's just a bunch of people pissed off at how badly our government is handling everything.

Conspiracy theories, really?

Lightweight, it's about time for you to buy a ticket on the Clue train....

"More proof! Occupy Wall Street not ‘spontaneous’ Radical agitation groups, Soros funding seek global financial ‘solutions’

An organization that has been mobilizing online support for Occupy Wall Street is organizing the live stream of an upcoming global financial forum by the anti-Wall Street protesters.

The group coordinating the live stream, Avaaz, was founded as a joint venture of MoveOn.org and Res Publica, two organizations funded directly by George Soros as well as by the Soros-funded Tides Center.

MoveOn.org’s funding source of the Tides Foundation may be telling. Another grantee of Tides is the Adbusters magazine, which is reported to have come up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.

...Fenton Communications, a public relations firm closely partnered with Tides, represented the anti-Wall Street march past millionaires’ homes in New York two weeks ago.

Fenton also crafted the public-relations strategy of MoveOn.org, as well as a who’s who of far-left causes, organizations and activists, from Soros himself to Health Care for America Now to a litany of anti-war groups.

An email sent to MoveOn.org’s mailing list announced a “meeting for folks to come together to plan ways to Make Wall Street Pay in our own communities”

“We’ll focus on specific targeted campaigns that hold the big banks accountable,” continued the email.

Continued the email: “The Occupy Wall Street movement has put economic justice in the spotlight. The whole country is talking about how we can end the big banks’ excessive influence and Make Wall Street Pay to rebuild the economy for everyone.”

MoveOn.org is funded by Tides, which acts like a massive clearinghouse of donations to a slew of liberal groups. Critics have alleged the center acts to obscure the ultimate sources of donations by collecting significant sums of money from a few large donors and then funneling the money to thousands of liberal causes.

Soros’ Open Society Institute is a prominent Tides Center donor, giving the group $3.5 million between 2007 and 2009 alone."

More proof! Occupy Wall Street not ‘spontaneous’ Radical agitation groups, Soros funding seek global financial ‘solutions’ « Klein Online

Wise up.
Grow up.

This is hilarious, you are actively perpetuating a smear campaign/conspiracy theory based on partisan views. Your stupid shit is exactly what is destroying this country.

I feel the same about the Tea Party.
It's part of the old Ayers weatherscum revolutionary movement except today's target is capitalism instead of the federal government. If the OWS drones had any sense they would understand that they are being manipulated by socialists and communists and if the revolution actually did happen they would be the first to be lined up and shot.
No, it's just a bunch of people pissed off at how badly our government is handling everything.

Conspiracy theories, really?

Lightweight, it's about time for you to buy a ticket on the Clue train....

"More proof! Occupy Wall Street not ‘spontaneous’ Radical agitation groups, Soros funding seek global financial ‘solutions’

An organization that has been mobilizing online support for Occupy Wall Street is organizing the live stream of an upcoming global financial forum by the anti-Wall Street protesters.

The group coordinating the live stream, Avaaz, was founded as a joint venture of MoveOn.org and Res Publica, two organizations funded directly by George Soros as well as by the Soros-funded Tides Center.

MoveOn.org’s funding source of the Tides Foundation may be telling. Another grantee of Tides is the Adbusters magazine, which is reported to have come up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.

...Fenton Communications, a public relations firm closely partnered with Tides, represented the anti-Wall Street march past millionaires’ homes in New York two weeks ago.

Fenton also crafted the public-relations strategy of MoveOn.org, as well as a who’s who of far-left causes, organizations and activists, from Soros himself to Health Care for America Now to a litany of anti-war groups.

An email sent to MoveOn.org’s mailing list announced a “meeting for folks to come together to plan ways to Make Wall Street Pay in our own communities”

“We’ll focus on specific targeted campaigns that hold the big banks accountable,” continued the email.

Continued the email: “The Occupy Wall Street movement has put economic justice in the spotlight. The whole country is talking about how we can end the big banks’ excessive influence and Make Wall Street Pay to rebuild the economy for everyone.”

MoveOn.org is funded by Tides, which acts like a massive clearinghouse of donations to a slew of liberal groups. Critics have alleged the center acts to obscure the ultimate sources of donations by collecting significant sums of money from a few large donors and then funneling the money to thousands of liberal causes.

Soros’ Open Society Institute is a prominent Tides Center donor, giving the group $3.5 million between 2007 and 2009 alone."

More proof! Occupy Wall Street not ‘spontaneous’ Radical agitation groups, Soros funding seek global financial ‘solutions’ « Klein Online

Wise up.
Grow up.

This is hilarious, you are actively perpetuating a smear campaign/conspiracy theory based on partisan views. Your stupid shit is exactly what is destroying this country.

I feel the same about the Tea Party.

Care to rebut any part of the post??


Enjoy being referred to an a 'useful idiot' by the Left?

Carry on.
Lightweight, it's about time for you to buy a ticket on the Clue train....

"More proof! Occupy Wall Street not ‘spontaneous’ Radical agitation groups, Soros funding seek global financial ‘solutions’

An organization that has been mobilizing online support for Occupy Wall Street is organizing the live stream of an upcoming global financial forum by the anti-Wall Street protesters.

The group coordinating the live stream, Avaaz, was founded as a joint venture of MoveOn.org and Res Publica, two organizations funded directly by George Soros as well as by the Soros-funded Tides Center.

MoveOn.org’s funding source of the Tides Foundation may be telling. Another grantee of Tides is the Adbusters magazine, which is reported to have come up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.

...Fenton Communications, a public relations firm closely partnered with Tides, represented the anti-Wall Street march past millionaires’ homes in New York two weeks ago.

Fenton also crafted the public-relations strategy of MoveOn.org, as well as a who’s who of far-left causes, organizations and activists, from Soros himself to Health Care for America Now to a litany of anti-war groups.

An email sent to MoveOn.org’s mailing list announced a “meeting for folks to come together to plan ways to Make Wall Street Pay in our own communities”

“We’ll focus on specific targeted campaigns that hold the big banks accountable,” continued the email.

Continued the email: “The Occupy Wall Street movement has put economic justice in the spotlight. The whole country is talking about how we can end the big banks’ excessive influence and Make Wall Street Pay to rebuild the economy for everyone.”

MoveOn.org is funded by Tides, which acts like a massive clearinghouse of donations to a slew of liberal groups. Critics have alleged the center acts to obscure the ultimate sources of donations by collecting significant sums of money from a few large donors and then funneling the money to thousands of liberal causes.

Soros’ Open Society Institute is a prominent Tides Center donor, giving the group $3.5 million between 2007 and 2009 alone."

More proof! Occupy Wall Street not ‘spontaneous’ Radical agitation groups, Soros funding seek global financial ‘solutions’ « Klein Online

Wise up.
Grow up.

This is hilarious, you are actively perpetuating a smear campaign/conspiracy theory based on partisan views. Your stupid shit is exactly what is destroying this country.

I feel the same about the Tea Party.

Care to rebut any part of the post??


Enjoy being referred to an a 'useful idiot' by the Left?

Carry on.

Now do the same for the Tea Party so you aren't labeled a "useful idiot" by the Right.

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