Occupy Irrelevance: Movement is dying away slowly....


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Occupy Irrelevance: Is Movement Already Fizzling Out? - Investors.com

I've wondered for a week or so "What are they even accomplishing"?

I mean, they are "occupying" some space. So the f**k what? WHAT are they gonna change? Wall Street moved on anyway. In fact, the markets are booming right now!! Black Friday was a record day for sales. The capitalist machine, despite being down, is cranking right along WITHOUT them. And that is by THEIR own decision not to take part.

Now the movement is dying. Hundreds if not thousands of "occupiers" will find even more difficulty getting a job now that they have an arrest on their rap sheet. And for what? For nothing. Nothing changed.

The same reality of life exists: Get an education in college, but you will STILL be starting at the bottom, at entry level, probably in a field or career you didn't wanna be in, or doing a job you simply hate showing up to. But... tens of millions of Americans go to work everyday at jobs they wish they didn't have to go into. They earn money to pay for homes, cars, kids, vacations. Work a while. Be off a while. Eat, sleep, live, love, repeat. And the machine keeps churning....with or without the "occupiers".
Already changed the national dialogue, dittohead...

It's not Boooosh anymore, it's destructive. no compromise. "un-American" (TIME mag) GOP...Have blocked recovery since 2/2010...DUH.
Damn the country, they have to get Obama and protect the greedy rich who got us in this mess...
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Already changed the national dialogue, dittohead...

It's not Boooosh anymore, it's destructive. no compromise. "un-American" (TIME mag) GOP...Have blocked recovery since 2/2010...DUH.
Damn the country, they have to get Obama and protect the greedy rich who got us in this mess...

Oh yeah, TIME magazine said it, so it must be true right?

I used to wonder why you fucking morons refused to get a job. Now I know...one minute in an interview, and no one would hire any of you.

You do know...Dems had FULL control, 3 out of 3, from 1-20-2009 until 1-20-2011 and have NOTHING to show for it except a crippling, unConstitutional healthcare bill that most people despise. Yet, on 1-20-2010, when the Dems power changes from 3/3 to 2/3 (still majority), all of a sudden they blame the 1/3 in power.

Math wasn't you folks' strong point, was it?
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Doesn't matter that the Dems are rightly blaming the GOP and the Teabaggers for the present gridlock on getting this nation back to work. What is game changing is that a majority of the independents also blame you fellows.

Keeping millions out of work to put one man out of a job will echo this coming year.
Like any disorganized entity OWS is succumbing to entropy.

It was inevitable.
Doesn't matter that the Dems are rightly blaming the GOP and the Teabaggers for the present gridlock on getting this nation back to work. What is game changing is that a majority of the independents also blame you fellows.

Keeping millions out of work to put one man out of a job will echo this coming year.

That would be why Obama has a worse standing right now then ANY President at this point in their Presidency?

What independents learned was that with Dems in charge completely nothing but illegal crap got done.
LMAO.........#1 Headline on DRUDGE right now..............



I've said it before and I will say it again. Both TEA and OWS are reflections of a frustration at the unholy alliance between Wall Street and Washington that seems to put the interests of big corporations before the interests of average Americans.

both parties are guilty of this. TEA blames government completely, OWS blames Wall Street completely, but the real problem is the vicious circle that keeps feeding itself.

OWS is upset that Obama and HopeyChangy really didn't change anything. Obama has been bought out by the big banks, but they'll vote for him a second time anyway.

TEA is upset that the establishment isn't listening to them, but the fact is, that establishment will shove Mitt Romney down their throats (if they can get away with it) and most of them will go along with it. Unless Gingrich wins, but he won't exactly be doing a major housecleaning, either.

So no matter who wins, Wall Street will continue to move the good jobs to China, continue to drive down wages, continue to expand government...
They weren't supposed to openly admit they were the Marxist base of the Democrat Party
Mitt is 100% RINO

Gingrich is; I really don't know??

If that's all the Republicans can come up with to beat Obama.

Then we deserve and will get Obama for a second term. :evil:
Doesn't matter that the Dems are rightly blaming the GOP and the Teabaggers for the present gridlock on getting this nation back to work. What is game changing is that a majority of the independents also blame you fellows.

Keeping millions out of work to put one man out of a job will echo this coming year.

Independents are fleeing Obama and the Dems like they were toxic waste.

Oh, and your boy Obama is now a tax-cutter.

"You can't have a revolution without arms" .

We like living in the most prosperous nation on the planet and a lot of us want to keep it that way.

Thankfully, the Second Amendment lets us hold you Marxist swine in check
You guys thinking the movement is over will be singing a different tune by the end of this month, and probably back to complaining about it, prompted by your talk-radio prompters.

JoeB131 (a conservative who ISN'T a talk-radio parrot; I can always tell the difference) is right except for this statement: "OWS blames Wall Street completely." No, we blame the government primarily; focus on Wall Street was only to emphasize the fact that big business pulls the government's strings and that this was being ignored.

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