Occupy Austin Expected To Cost Taxpayers Over $1,000,000...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Yes you can be proud Tea Partiers. You did not rape the American Taxpayers this way.

Mid-size city Austin, Texas is expecting to spend $1,000,000 of taxpayer money on the Occupy Austin movement, effectively eating away at claimed reductions in the city’s police overtime budget only two months into their fiscal year.

To put the $1 million figure in perspective, you need look no further than the city of Austin’s own budget for 2011-2012 – that’s what the city was hoping to save on police overtime this year. Austin’s fiscal year starts on October 1st. The city budget made the following assumption…

The Police Department is generating savings by delaying the start of the next cadet academy by six months and reducing its overtime budget by $1.0 million, from $9.3 million to $8.3 million, to be more in-line with actual overtime costs experienced over the last few years. In the past three fiscal years, actual overtime expenditures have averaged $7.5 million.

What are Austinites getting for their money? In a pattern that’s been followed all over the country, the ‘Occupy Camp’ in Ausitn has become largely a homeless camp.

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» OccupyAustin Expected to Cost Taxpayers Over $1,000,000 - Big Government
Like I said MANY times before... cite and ticket these fuckers for every piece of litter, and every public violation... make them pay for their 'activities' one way or another
Yes you can be proud Tea Partiers. You did not rape the American Taxpayers this way.

Mid-size city Austin, Texas is expecting to spend $1,000,000 of taxpayer money on the Occupy Austin movement, effectively eating away at claimed reductions in the city’s police overtime budget only two months into their fiscal year.

To put the $1 million figure in perspective, you need look no further than the city of Austin’s own budget for 2011-2012 – that’s what the city was hoping to save on police overtime this year. Austin’s fiscal year starts on October 1st. The city budget made the following assumption…

The Police Department is generating savings by delaying the start of the next cadet academy by six months and reducing its overtime budget by $1.0 million, from $9.3 million to $8.3 million, to be more in-line with actual overtime costs experienced over the last few years. In the past three fiscal years, actual overtime expenditures have averaged $7.5 million.

What are Austinites getting for their money? In a pattern that’s been followed all over the country, the ‘Occupy Camp’ in Ausitn has become largely a homeless camp.

Read More:
» OccupyAustin Expected to Cost Taxpayers Over $1,000,000 - Big Government

And for what, Paul? A bunch of demands that they themselves can't agree on or so far fetched as to be laughable? The longer this charade persists the more the average American taxpayer,who will be picking up the tab for the associated costs, is going to be alienated by the OWS movement.
Yes you can be proud Tea Partiers. You did not rape the American Taxpayers this way.

Mid-size city Austin, Texas is expecting to spend $1,000,000 of taxpayer money on the Occupy Austin movement, effectively eating away at claimed reductions in the city’s police overtime budget only two months into their fiscal year.

To put the $1 million figure in perspective, you need look no further than the city of Austin’s own budget for 2011-2012 – that’s what the city was hoping to save on police overtime this year. Austin’s fiscal year starts on October 1st. The city budget made the following assumption…

The Police Department is generating savings by delaying the start of the next cadet academy by six months and reducing its overtime budget by $1.0 million, from $9.3 million to $8.3 million, to be more in-line with actual overtime costs experienced over the last few years. In the past three fiscal years, actual overtime expenditures have averaged $7.5 million.

What are Austinites getting for their money? In a pattern that’s been followed all over the country, the ‘Occupy Camp’ in Ausitn has become largely a homeless camp.

Read More:
» OccupyAustin Expected to Cost Taxpayers Over $1,000,000 - Big Government

And for what, Paul? A bunch of demands that they themselves can't agree on or so far fetched as to be laughable? The longer this charade persists the more the average American taxpayer,who will be picking up the tab for the associated costs, is going to be alienated by the OWS movement.

Yea that's why i respect the Tea Partiers so much. They protested respectfully and didn't stick the Taxpayers will all the bills. Some of these cities will be paying for what OWS did for a very long time. Police and other Emergency workers will likely be laid off as a result. Austin is already considering this. They were already in serious financial trouble. Everyone's gonna have to pay now.
Yes you can be proud Tea Partiers. You did not rape the American Taxpayers this way.

Mid-size city Austin, Texas is expecting to spend $1,000,000 of taxpayer money on the Occupy Austin movement, effectively eating away at claimed reductions in the city’s police overtime budget only two months into their fiscal year.

To put the $1 million figure in perspective, you need look no further than the city of Austin’s own budget for 2011-2012 – that’s what the city was hoping to save on police overtime this year. Austin’s fiscal year starts on October 1st. The city budget made the following assumption…

The Police Department is generating savings by delaying the start of the next cadet academy by six months and reducing its overtime budget by $1.0 million, from $9.3 million to $8.3 million, to be more in-line with actual overtime costs experienced over the last few years. In the past three fiscal years, actual overtime expenditures have averaged $7.5 million.

What are Austinites getting for their money? In a pattern that’s been followed all over the country, the ‘Occupy Camp’ in Ausitn has become largely a homeless camp.

Read More:
» OccupyAustin Expected to Cost Taxpayers Over $1,000,000 - Big Government

And for what, Paul? A bunch of demands that they themselves can't agree on or so far fetched as to be laughable? The longer this charade persists the more the average American taxpayer,who will be picking up the tab for the associated costs, is going to be alienated by the OWS movement.

Yea that's why i respect the Tea Partiers so much. They protested respectfully and didn't stick the Taxpayers will all the bills. Some of these cities will be paying for what OWS did for a very long time. Police and other Emergency workers will likely be laid off as a result. Austin is already considering this. They were already in serious financial trouble. Everyone's gonna have to pay now.

So why doesn't someone from the Left political establishment step up and do the responsible thing and tell these people that they need to change their methods? Look, I've got ZERO problem with protests. That's what makes America...America. But you don't need to shut down things and bankrupt the city you live in to make a political point. If your position is a good one then people will listen to you. If they aren't? Then you might want to look at your position... Bottom line is the OWS protests seem to be more about a "show" than about coming up with substantive solutions to problems.
All they are doing is hurting the little guys...the corporations could care less! Why don't these moron's realize what they're doing? Oh that's right, they're moron's...guess i answered my own question!
Yes you can be proud Tea Partiers. You did not rape the American Taxpayers this way.

Mid-size city Austin, Texas is expecting to spend $1,000,000 of taxpayer money on the Occupy Austin movement, effectively eating away at claimed reductions in the city’s police overtime budget only two months into their fiscal year.

To put the $1 million figure in perspective, you need look no further than the city of Austin’s own budget for 2011-2012 – that’s what the city was hoping to save on police overtime this year. Austin’s fiscal year starts on October 1st. The city budget made the following assumption…

The Police Department is generating savings by delaying the start of the next cadet academy by six months and reducing its overtime budget by $1.0 million, from $9.3 million to $8.3 million, to be more in-line with actual overtime costs experienced over the last few years. In the past three fiscal years, actual overtime expenditures have averaged $7.5 million.

What are Austinites getting for their money? In a pattern that’s been followed all over the country, the ‘Occupy Camp’ in Ausitn has become largely a homeless camp.

Read More:
» OccupyAustin Expected to Cost Taxpayers Over $1,000,000 - Big Government
How long have you lived in Austin?
These local Governments were already skating on thin ice. And now they've fallen through the ice. OWS has broken them. OWS is going to cost Taxpayers a lot of money for a very long time. Essential emergency workers will have to be laid off as a result. What a disaster.
All they are doing is hurting the little guys...the corporations could care less! Why don't these moron's realize what they're doing? Oh that's right, they're moron's...guess i answered my own question!

These protests has been a huge drain on Taxpayer resources. Time for them to go away.
How much did Wall Street's $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme cost?
How much did Wall Street's $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme cost?

So are you honestly suggesting that in order to fight the evils of wall street, OWS has to steal from the public too?
How much did Wall Street's $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme cost?

Head to Washington then. I'm certainly not defending Wall Street. OWS is killing so many of these local Governments who are skating on thin ice. These local Governments will now likely have to make some cuts & layoffs as a result. OWS has done a lot of damage...to everyone but Wall Street.
How much did Wall Street's $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme cost?

So are you honestly suggesting that in order to fight the evils of wall street, OWS has to steal from the public too?

No one is stealing from the public except the banks.

How does it feel to be on the wrong side of the barricade?

You certainly are stealing from the Public when you expect them to pay the bills for your riots, vandalism, squating, and other degenerate behavior.

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