OCA!!! Who You Callin' Biker???!!!


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Had to do this to ya Bud... LOL!!!

Sir Evil said:
Hmmm, nice speakers Pale! :D

Hey... you KNOW I'm into my tunes. Those are JBL S412PII's. They have a built in 250 watt amp that powers the 12 incher in the bottom. They weigh 102 pounds a piece, and'll shake the concrete floor of my house, powered with the Sony STR-DE865 Receiver behind me.

You ought to here, (correction... ), HEAR, a MOVIE in SURROUND on this fucker Evil....
Now all you need is a BenQ projector mounted from the ceiling, a computer behind a closed door, and a large, empty wall painted in a flat gray. Project the movie images on to that, get some nice comfy leather furniture, paint the walls dark red with a black glaze and you have something similar to a higher class movie theatre. :)

**points to own basement**
Sir Evil said:

I got involved with it because I don't like the real theaters!

here is my comfort:

Sofa (not leather), table for food,drink,ash tray. Sony 32 flat, Yamaha receiver, Wharfedale/Mission speakers, JBL Sub, Yamaha DVD Player, and a huge library of flix! :thup:

Right.. BUT, the difference is this.. I'm sure you had no complaints about the size of the screen, correct? The screen is almost the size of the wall itself.

Next..this has ALL of your comforts (and an ottoman so you can put your feet up, should you choose).. Everything is controlled from the sofa via keyboard, and you don't have 8 million people sitting around you chatting up a storm.

All the benefits of a threatre with none of the pain in the ass parts.
Sir Evil said:
Close! screen size is a definite problem for me as my room is too small for the jumbo size screens. All the rest would be correct!

You're not buying the screen, tho.. You're just painting a gray box on a wall, and configuring the projector image to fit inside of said box, so you can make it any size you'd like. :) TV's are big & bulky. :tng:
Here.. big screen..takes up no room. Room itself needs some finishing touches, but you get the point.


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WTF is a boiled peanut, and why would you ruin a perfectly good peanut by boiling it anyway?
Shattered said:
Here.. big screen..takes up no room. Room itself needs some finishing touches, but you get the point.

:eek2: HOLY COW Shattered!!! What a SETUP!!! I'm jealous!
Sir Evil said:
Excellent Pale! thats one of my favorite things these days, home theater that is!

Are they powered towers? I have a few passive towers but my house is so damn small that I had to invest in a good sub and smaller sattelites but being pushed by a state of the art Yamaha receiver it sounds superb!

Yeah they're powered. Each speaker has a built in 250 watt amp that powers the twelve inch woofer in the bottom. They're a four way. They have the one inch Titanium dome tweeter, a four inch, a six and half inch, and then the twelve'r. Each speaker has it's own cavity built within the cabinet. They eliminate the need for a sub, because they have a dedicated LFE input into them, and with the built in amp in each one, these baby's put out sound you can FEEL!
Pale Rider said:
:eek2: HOLY COW Shattered!!! What a SETUP!!! I'm jealous!

It is a decent set up.. The couch is up on a 12" riser so you can see over anyone who happens to be sitting in the chairs below.. Both chairs are over-stuffed, so you can just squish down in them with a big blanket.. :D
Shattered said:
It is a decent set up.. The couch is up on a 12" riser so you can see over anyone who happens to be sitting in the chairs below.. Both chairs are over-stuffed, so you can just squish down in them with a big blanket.. :D

... and what time was I supposed to come over? :teeth:
Sir Evil said:
Sounds nice Pale! what are you using for the rear channel?

I "had" a nice little pair of Yamaha's, a three way with an eight inch woofer, but my son conned me out of them when I moved up here.

I'm kind of shopping around right now, and thinking about upgrading to a Denon receiver with 7.1 channel surround. Probably the 3805, so I get the Denon I-Link. So if I do that, I'll need four more speakers for surround.

What I'm thinking of is the JBL S38II's. They'd be timbre matched to everything else I have.
Mr. P said:
Huh, DAMN YANK! It's a Southern thang..Very Good too! :D

And what, pray tell, does one do with a soggy peanut when they're finished boiling it?
Sir Evil said:
Pale - you may wanna check out the Yamaha receivers, last time I was in the market and bought on it came down to those two (Denon/Yamaha) and for the price Yamaha was hands down the tops in all categories. Maybe not so today but worth looking into.

My room mate down in Tampa, that I was in the Air Force with, had a Yamaha receiver. A high end one too. He bought it, like a lot of others in the military, when he was over seas, because they get them over there for pennies on the dollar.

It was a damn nice receiver, that's for sure. I'll check into them Evil.
Shattered said:
And what, pray tell, does one do with a soggy peanut when they're finished boiling it?

So... I get the impression you don't think you'd like boiled peanuts.

Well never fear, I'll bring BOILED POPCORN... :laugh:
Pale Rider said:
So... I get the impression you don't think you'd like boiled peanuts.

Well never fear, I'll bring BOILED POPCORN... :laugh:

Great.. More soggy crap in a bowl..

Or...someone could just tell me WTF it is, and why it's supposedly good. :)
Sir Evil said:
Holy hell Shattered, what sytem are you pushing the sound with?

Umm. A Denon receiver, and a shit load of *really* nice Kenwood speakers tucked here & there throughout the room...

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