Observed Ocean Warming Greater than Shown in AR5


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
This topic has already had a thread or two but the Science article on which it is based it available to the public. It may be downloaded in its 2-page entirety at http://science.sciencemag.org/content/sci/363/6423/128.full.pdf.

The article makes use of published studies by Lijing Cheng, John Abraham, Zeke Hausfather, Kevin E. Trenberth. All the studies made use of improved error correction algorithms to improve XBT and ARGO observations.

The IPCC's AR5 contained five different datasets of ocean heat content (OHC) trends for 0-700m produced by five different data processing methods. The variance between the different sets was high, complicating interpretation. As well, the observational trends showed lower OHC increases than did the CMIP5 GCMs.

The data processing used in the OHC data shown in AR5 had been corrected for expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data used in AR4. It was differences in these correction methods that led to most of the differences in their results. In the intervening time, researchers had developed greatly improved methods for correcting XBT biases.

Other studies had developed improved methods for handling data suffering from spatial or temporal gaps. It had been found that prior methods introduced a conservative bias into results. Domingues et al introduced an improved gap-filling method using satellite altimetry data. Cheng et al used a multi-model approach to improve the accuracy of extrapolating from data-rich regions to fill nearby gaps.

The result is a much-reduced variance between datasets and between datasets and CMIP5 projections. The conclusion also displays greater warming over the 1997-2010 time span than shown in AR5. For the 2005-2017 period, where ARGO data are available, the CMIP5 ensemble results show 0.68 ± 0.02 Wm^-2. The observational results are 0.54 ± 0.02, 0.64 ± 0.02 and 0.68 ± 0.60 W m^−2, showing close agreement.

For the RCP 8.5, Business-as-Usual emissions scenario, the projected OHC warming by 2100 is 2,020 ZetaJoules. This would produce 30 cm of sea level rise purely from ocean warming (ie, ignoring concurrent ice melt)
Uh... massively increased shoreline erosion where reefs would no longer provide an energy buffer?


Hmm... millions of people dying of starvation?


OMG, that's fooking HILARIOUS
Coral goes through cycles, numbnuts. What do you know about coral, boy?

Coral bleaching is not a cyclical phenomenon. So I am forced to ask what YOU know about coral reefs that you should think (or claim) so.
Uh... massively increased shoreline erosion where reefs would no longer provide an energy buffer?


Hmm... millions of people dying of starvation?


OMG, that's fooking HILARIOUS



I never claimed the Great Barrier Reef was dead. It, like many other reefs worldwide is being afflicted by bleaching caused by increasing water temperatures.

I applaud the reef reseeding project, but I do not have confidence it can succeed when the ocean is continuing to get warmer at an accelerating pace. The reef ecosystem is not being given time to adapt, as it has in the past.

I would ask you to refrain from telling me or anyone here to "STFU". This is a discussion board.
Uh... massively increased shoreline erosion where reefs would no longer provide an energy buffer?


Hmm... millions of people dying of starvation?


OMG, that's fooking HILARIOUS

Have you ever been to a shoreline imbecile?

You do realize that for about 400 years now we have had ports and harbors all over the east coast and none of them have had to be raised or lowered right? You may have heard of a place called Venice, that was literally built above the shoreline and it has yet to find itself beneath the water. I'm sure it's been posted that companies who fund asinine MMGW agitprop also buy up coastal areas and build billion dollar resorts on them. If you had a frontal lobe you would conclude...

Being based on the work of the vast majority of scientists conducting climate research, I fully accept the conclusion of the IPCC regarding anthropogenic global warming (AGW). I do not believe the data showing rising sea level is a fraud driven by people making money from devalued coastal properties. I think the contention is unsupportable and ridiculous. I accept data such as:


Sea level is rising due to thermal expansion and ice melt from Greenland, the Antarctic and the world's disappearing glaciers.
It was obvious to me that a number of posters would see my lead post's description of the process by which this new warming rate was determined as one designed to cover (poorly) an effort to deceive. I will not deny the process can be interpreted in that manner. I could have simply left off that description and simply stated that new results showed faster warming but I did not. We will make no progress if we seek to keep information from each other, to lie, to cut off debate with ad hominem attacks, attacks such as those of which I have been guilty in the past.

I only ask that all posters take whatever time you can spare to consider the ramifications of these findings if correct. And then consider what real evidence you actually possess that these data have been falsified beyond your simple desire that it be so. Your children's future is truly at stake.
Half the posts in this thread had nothing to do with the topic. If you aren't going to address it, leave.
F_ing Hilarious... 8 ZettaJouels in a measurement that has a +/- 9 ZettaJouels MOE.. Which means it is the same as Zero... More Warming? Your a fucking idiot.. which means the temp rise is 0.00099 Deg C per year.. Now tell me how long its going to take to warm the ocean just 1 deg C....

Don't forget to include the solar cycles of warming and cooling in your estimate..
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I do not know where you are getting "8 Zettajouels" (sic). The only values mentioned in the original article were 1,037 zettajoules in the year 2100 for the RCP 2.6 scenario (+0.40K) and 2,020 zettajoules for the RCP 8.5 scenario (+0.78K).

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